Chapter 208: a steamy bath with Revy

Chapter 208: a steamy bath with Revy

When Dutch shoot his final big load into Mohini they kissed again.

After they parted Mohini asked Dutch if he is going to send Revy and rock on some errands to cool them off.

Dutch nodded his head.

Mohini asked him to specifically send her along with them so that she can cool them off completely.

If normal way is not possible she doesn't mind giving them a steamy night just like they are having right now.

Dutch smiled with the enthusiasm of Mohini and helped her wash her holes for her support to the company as bonus.


In the morning that day Dutch gave Mohini a piece of paper and said.

"Mohini take rock and Revy with you to complete the errands on the list."

Then he winked at her pulling down his glasses indicating that they can move on with her plan.

Rock on the side looked at Dutch and asked if Revy would accept it or not.

Mohini covered it with her words and went to wake up Revy that is sleeping.

Her room reeked with the smell of alcohol and cigarettes.

Mohini opened the window to release this murky air and let the fresh air flow in.

"Revy, we got a job to do so move your ass."


As if it was normal Mohini spanked her ass causing Revy to annoyed and fiery again as soon as she woke up.

This was all mixed with her hangover and a strong headache making her completely irritated.

If it was rock here then he would have gotten a human sized cut out on the wall from the bullets that Revy shoot.

But Mohini moved and pulled her guns away from her so that she cannot do anything.

Also as long as she did not move and wash up she received extra slaps for every minute and her vulgar words also received slaps from Mohini.

Since she cannot fight back with Mohini she can only succumb to her wishes and get ready quickly.

While Revy is taking a bath Mohini entered along and directly kissed Revy making her shocked.

Mohini even said that if she refuses or bites Mohini's tongue then she would get a slap on her pussy this time.

Because of this Revy cooperated with Mohini as they did some good girls play.

Mohini made Revy have an orgasm making her relieve some of her pent up stress.

Then they kissed under the shower while hugging tightly with their tits squashed between them.

Before parting Mohini did give a slap on the sensitive pussy of Revy,

This caused her to have another strong orgasm.

The legs trembled and slumped down with her face right in front of Mohini's pussy.

Mohini then said with a grin.

"Kiss my pussy you bitch"

Revy was in a messed up condition so she directly kissed the pussy of Mohini as if she is kissing her mouth.

After some time they are finally done with the bath.

Mohini prepared as special lemon water for Revy to remove her hang over.

But she was unable to sit comfortably because of the stinging pain that came from her ass and pussy every time she sits down.

Rock only looked at the scene without any words.

The words that Mohini spoke yesterday were ringing in his ears even now.

"Everything I achieved is with my own power.

I can support my ideals with my own power.

Rock if you want to talk about morals then first obtain enough strength to back them up instead of preaching nonsense."

Rock though about Mohini's point of view and found that what Mohini said is right.

He is an academic.

He knows the results of all the fights throughout the history of mankind.

Whatever the person that wins the war said is the truth and the loser is the sinner.

No matter how much people say equality and peace it was all from the strength behind them that supported their words.

If there is no strength then you are not just unequal but you are not even a being but a pet or object of use.

Rock experienced this personally when his company and even his country abandoned him directly and even publicized his death.

Knowing all this he became more inclined to what Mohini said and wanted to change in that direction.

But he cannot change overnight and he needs help.

So he wanted to ask Mohini for help becoming strong.

He doesn't have to kill others, but at least he has to have enough strength to protect himself and his loved ones if any in the future.


They soon got on the car where rock was driving the car while Revy was sitting on the lap of Mohini in the front seat.

Mohini has two chances of asking Revy do something he asks her to do.

So she asked Revy to sit on her lap for the entire journey today for all errands.

Revy was reluctant but when Mohini moved her arm again in the slapping pose she directly accepted it.

She is a woman that would not admit her true feeling because of the strong hatred that was created through her childhood.

The ice has to be melted slowly to bring back her original self.

But before that Mohini has to make Revy rely on her or at least burrow her way towards Revy's heart.

Since she would not listen to reason she has to make the contact with her through body.

So she awakened Revy's masochistic nature which she guessed through the simulation and used it to make the contact.

Sitting on her lap made Revy feel comfortable in her heart, but she doesn't want to show that out because of her cold nature.

Mohini did not make any moves other than letting Revy sit on her lap and hugging her tightly.

The ride is not that bumpy as the car is being driven by rock that is going like an old snail...…


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