Chapter 209: first test my tits as sample

Chapter 209: first test my tits as sample

Mohini did not make any moves other than letting Revy sit on her lap and hugging her tightly.

The ride is not that bumpy as the car is being driven by rock that is going like an old snail.

"Rock at least put in some bumps on the road so that I can fully utilize the opportunity of playing with Revy.

You see I have wasted a chance to make her sit on my lap.

Cooperate with me and I will let you have a steamy night with me

Well if Revy accepted we can even have a gang bang

What do you think rock?"

Revy immediately became irritated.

"What do you think you are talking about Mohini?"

Mohini looked at Revy and replied.

"Well I am planning a steamy threesome night with our pretty boy rock here.

You see after a few years we will become old woman.

At that time even if you want to show no one would look at us.

Any way we are criminals.

So why bother with those stupid rules.

Also don't you see that rock is still a virgin?

We can have some good fun and teach him how fun it is to fuck a woman.

That would be great right…"

Revy rolled her eyes directly throwing fire from them and said.

"What did you say Mohini"

Rock on the driver's seat trembled a little and did not dare to raise the speed of the car.

"You betrayed me rock.

I am really disappointed by your spinelessness.

Well since it is like that I have to take thing into my own hands then."

Mohini said this and directly hugged Revy.

Revy struggled for some time but unable to break free from Mohini's grip.

Strangely she felt comfortable by the touch and hug of Mohini.

Mohini did not take advantage of Revy or molest her.

Instead she hugged her tightly making her comfortable.

Both rock and Revy are speechless by Mohini's words and actions.

They don't know what to say.

So they became silent.

Revy even stopped to struggle completely and enjoyed the strange comfortable feeling from Mohini's hug.

Rock that was driving the car looked to the side where a strange peacefully scene is going on.

Revy who should be annoyed has a peaceful smile and she looked like she is sleeping in Mohini's arms

It was really a strange scene.

This made rock almost crash into the divider on the road.

When they came to their first destination they finally stopped and Revy was brought back from that comfortable feeling.

Rowan "Jackpot" Pigeon's place,

There a tall man with an afro that asked Revy if she wants she can join his place.

Revy got into business while rock is blushing on the side.

Mohini moved around looking at the beauties and said to rowan.

"Man you really got some good chicks."

Rowan looked at Revy and asked.

"Revy who is this woman?

She seems to be appreciating my work very much?

Also she has some good curves.

She can become a top model in place within no time you know."

Revy looked at Mohini with a glare and said.

"She is a new member at our place that begged us to let her join in the company."



"Revy, how can you be so cold and say things like that about me."

"Hey mister Rowan, I am Mohini.

I have got an opportunity to work with the lagoon company and liked these funny guys.

So I decided to join their group to have some fun.

By the way I like your work.

Unlike other cheap places your woman doesn't seem to hate their work.

Instead they looked like they are enjoying it.

That is really a great managing skill that you got there man…

I am thinking of coming here to work part time if you don't dislike my body…."

Mohini praised rowan with her sweet tongue making even rowan blush.

"Hey lady Mohini,

You are my best buddy from now on.

Come on lets have some drinks and I will introduce you to my best beauties….

I really like your curves and if you want to work here I don't mind giving you full time work here."

How can you just accept like that you should first test the quality of the goods right.

For sample you can taste my nipples.

As for the main test I will come here at night to get a through testing and checking out the place.

If we both are satisfied then we can talk about the work…."

Mohini said that as she pulled the sides of her shirt revealing the 'X' symbol stickers on her nipples with her nipples coming out from the center of the stickers.

She bent down forward and let rowan have a taste of her nipples.

He simply liked them first then he sucked on them and finally he bit them.

The change in his expressions is great.

At first he liked the taste then the texture and finally the firmness of her nipples and the bountiful tits.

He immediately gave her a thumb saying that she has great potential.

Mohini don't want to work here straight so she simply said that she would come in the evening to take a look for full course test.

Then they can talk.

Rowan offered to do the full course test right now and let Mohini acquitted with the girls here.

Mohini politely refused as she said that they still have some errands to take care off.

"Oh, well it is bad,

If you are free come here to have some drinks and play with the beauties and brothers….."

"By the way Revy who is the other guy that is blushing so much?"

Rock also got some on screen time but he was unable to refute like Mohini did can only swallow his grievances.

All of these actions are registering in the minds of Revy and rock right on the top of....


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