Chapter 211: balalaika was jealous

Chapter 211: balalaika was jealous

But she forgot one thing that is she still has to go to another place and return back to the lagoon company.

All this time she will be in the hands of Mohini without any place to run away.

She only escaped momentarily.

Mohini did not ask her with full heart so the question of trust did not appear in front of Revy.

She wants to take her time to slowly catch Revy and pull her along with her heart.

When they went into meet balalaika she is actually editing an adult video.

Revy quickly explained the details while balalaika answered with a dead fish face.

Mohini came from behind to hug balalaika startling her a little but she calmed down as the one that hugged is another woman.

Revy did not notice this before but balalaika did not have a single scratch on her face and looked hot if she showed a sweet expression.

Revy looked at Mohini few times as she know that balalaika because beautiful without scars is because of Mohini's mysterious scar remover.

On the other had Mohini greeted balalaika attracting her attention with a hug from behind.

Her eyes even lit up a little.

"Hey balalaika,

Why are you doing the editing instead of giving this job to others?"

"Hey Mohini,

I did entrust this job to others but they all started to masturbate looking at the video instead of editing it.

So I have to do the work now.

Also thank you for the gift Mohini.

The dress you bough before is very nice."

Rock doesn't know about that but Revy knows that balalaika also received a gift just like her and it is a dress.

But she doesn't know what kind of dress that Mohini gave her.

"Big Sis, what kind of dress that Mohini gave you?"

Revy asked with her naive self.

Balalaika looked at Revy with a sweet smile and said.

"Revy are you jealous.

I heard that she gave you a dress too right.

Why are you still jealous?"

Revy's face turned red and she started to get irritated like a brat again.

Balalaika shook her head and then said.

"It is a party dress black shining one piece dress with low neckline.

There is also matching silver earrings and high heels along with that.

You know she is very through when picking up the dress as it matches perfectly with my hair and skin…."

Balalaika spoke more and more teasing Revy while Mohini watched the show and Rock don't know what to say.

"By the way Revy what dress did you get from Mohini?"

Balalaika asked with some curiosity.

She already found out about that but she still want to ask Revy so that she can tease her more.

Revy spoke proudly this time saying that she received female version of cow boy dress with short jeans and knee length leather boots...

Looking at Revy's proud appearance balalaika has a moment of jealousy flashed in her eyes but it was hidden away.

But Mohini found that and thought for a moment.

After some small chit chat the group left with balalaika editing the adult video…

This time Revy did not get in the car first but waited for Mohini to enter and silently sat on her lap.

She did not struggle much either.

But still Mohini did not let her go and hugged her tightly fondling her tits slowly like some stress releasing balls.

Rock on the side became numb to this and directly drove the car to the next destination on the list which is rip-off church.

Here Mohini is going to meet an acquaintance that should have arrived few days ago.

That is none other than Veena.

After their close relationship in the high school of the dead fantasy world they did not meet.

Well they chatted with each other in the magic cipher but that is all there is to it.

There is no skin contact.

Veena really misses Mohini and the deep skin touches.


Revy got off the car and became her usual self again.

It almost looked like she is suffering from split personality problem.

The story moved on just like that in the plot.

The area and location of the church is scenic and Mohini really liked the model and appearance of the church and the sea side location.

Veena was there when Eda is making those people arrange the cleaning supplies.

But Veena could not recognize Mohini because of the face mask that she is wearing.

No player can recognize her face.

Revy went to hit the doors of the church attracting the attention of Eda as she came to greet.

Eda took the group to the back of the church where the living quarters is and there Mohini met Yolanda.

She never knew that she looks so old even after watching it in the anime.

Veena came to deliver tea and left right after as she knows how to do the duty.

She still took a look at the extra person present in the protagonist group.

Right at that time Mohini introduced himself causing her to take a look again.

But she was unable to recognize Mohini's face because of the mask.

So she thought that Mohini is not the Mohini that she knew.

Mohini cannot attract her attention right now as she did not pull Eda into her group yet.

So she cannot expose the contact with Veena and alert the CIA.

Mohini will not let rock show off his findings as that would be the great opportunity to attract the attentions of Eda and even Yolanda.

Revy directly jumped out with her annoying brat personality that she thinks as a cool appearance but not.

The situation became tense as Revy and Eda confronted with guns while rock was thinking of the solution Mohini took the lead to steal the lines of rock.

Mohini never used the words sister and called Miss Yolanda instead.

This would give a different...….


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