Chapter 212: chief Watsup frightened

Chapter 212: chief Watsup frightened

Mohini never used the words sister and called Miss Yolanda instead.

This would give a different opinion towards her and helps in changing the mood of the opposite person.

Well she did not follow the conventional likes of rock and changed them to her own language.

"Miss Yolanda,

We are all thieves and criminals in our own way and we have to follow certain rules of the thieves and criminals.

If the rules are broken then the punishments would be on their way.

You know recently the big factions of Roanapur are searching for some missing goods.

They searched everywhere but left one place.

If someone were to leak the information about the location of these missing goods are stored in some recently cleaned supplies that are stored in a dusty store room what would happen.

Miss Eda, why are you carrying those things to a barn if they are just cleaned?

When the profits are involved and when people becomes desperate they would search every where even if that was a nongovernmental religious group as long as they got the hint.

For example just like your rip off church....."

Yolanda cut off the words of Mohini as she spoke.

"Don't climb into conclusions Miss,

You seem to know everything eh?"

But Mohini continued with her words.

"It is all a theory miss Yolanda.

We lagoon would work with the clients that are searching for these missing goods.

But that doesn't mean that we will inform them all the things.

We all works based on benefits right…."

Mohini has successfully stole the thunder from rock and got on the good books of Yolanda as a capable Woman.

Well rock on the side did not get to make a performance but still he was silent and surprised that Mohini found all these things just like he did.

Revy got a word from Yolanda as she called her old bat.

At that time Mohini said.

"Revy you know Miss Yolanda was a great beauty back in her days.

If she was young I would have definitely pursue her.

She is a beauty that both men and woman would die for."

"Miss Yolanda I want to ask you something.

If I turn you young again will you join me leaving all of this?"

Yolanda looked at Mohini from top to bottom a few times and laughed it off.

"Miss Yolanda I am serious in this matter.

Well I know you would not believe me so before making a choice you can have a look at miss balalaika and her scars that no longer exist.

If you like my offer, just call me.

I will leave my information to this blue eyed Blondie over here."

"Miss Eda, note down my number or you can get that from your subordinate Veena.

I did not think that the intelligence of people from Uncle Sam would be so low.

Today I won the deal because of your mistake you know.

Thank you for your support.

Hey Veena.

I will contact you later…"

Mohini said as they moved.

Veena was shocked because Mohini that came here is the same person that she had fun before.

She immediately guessed the change in the appearance of Mohini and understood that she should keep this matter secret.


The group got the things and left the place.

Eda and Veena was shocked to see Revy sitting on the lap of Mohini and they gazes has made Revy blush which was girlish.

Rock drove the care and they came back to the city.

Just like in the plot they came here to eat some seaweed noodles.

Since they are free now, Revy diverted her attention towards rock just like in the plot.

Well the anger she has on Mohini for what he did till now was also diverted towards rock.

They started to have a quarrel.

During the entire time Mohini was sitting right there and looked at the drama without making any move.

Even with all the effort she made, there is some slight change of words but the end result is the same where they compromise.

But love did not bloom between them.

The cops arrived and surrounded them.

When the things became silent there is only a sound of Mohini eating the noodles.

Since the silence arrived it was Mohini's turn to speak.

She stood up and gave a straight slap with both of her hands on the cheeks of rock and Revy right on the spot.

With the hit they spun around on the spot and fell on the ground.

Then Mohini looked at the chief Watsup with the icy cold eyes that actually dropped the temperature by a degree.

"Chief Watsup, I apologize for the quarrel between these brats so you can leave right now.

I have some words to put in their minds.

As for the paperwork you can manage it right.

You are a busy man so get going."

For a moment the temperament of Mohini is like that of an old king or a demon to the surrounding people.

As for the chief his forehead was covered with cold sweat listening to Mohini's tone.

He felt that if he did not accept what Mohini said he would die right on the spot.

That is the same for the other cops that are pointing their guns.

One of them has even fainted on the spot because of the pressure.

Chief Watsup smiled twice to ease the atmosphere a little and said.

"Sorry to trouble you Miss I will leave.

My subordinates don't know the situation and called me like that.

I will personally deal with the paper work Miss.

Sorry to disturb you…."

He quickly left the place and on the way he instructed his subordinates to find out the details about Mohini.

He really felt that he just escaped a horrible death.

Only after drinking a good load of alcohol a pack of cigarette did he cool off.

He never felt so close to death.....


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