Chapter 229: Yolanda becomes young again

Chapter 229: Yolanda becomes young again

Compared to them Yolanda was just aged naturally.

Mohini was sure that within a year she will be able to improve her tier to tier 3 so that her youth would become permanent.

These are her thoughts.

This world is very suitable for her to recruit many talented people.

These people are not arrogant and know the two sides of a coin so having them is much better than having some green characters from other fantasy world.

Trained people are much better than those impulsive characters.

Mohini nodded her head in happiness for her planning.

After a simulation she has already prepared the way to do things.

As for visiting South America it will be when the Diego would face a disaster.

Saving him would be the key to stop blackening Roberta and really pull Roberta into her group.

Revy went to drink with Eda that day which signified the event that Jane would arrive.

Mohini did not go with Revy instead she came to the rip off church separately to speak with Miss Yolanda.

When Mohini came Yolanda spoke to her warmly with tea and they chatted for some time.

Then Mohini took out a special pill that looked green all over like a jade ball instead of a pill.

"Miss Yolanda, this is a precious pill that I bought specifically for you.

Previously I asked you that if I turned you into a young woman again would you be willing to follow me.

This is the pill that can turn you young again you can try it.

I know it is hard to believe but first try the pill and then give me your reply."

Mohini said with a smile.

Yolanda did not believe what Mohini said but she clearly saw that the bottle holding the pill came out of thin air as Mohini is wearing short sleeved shirt today.

There is nowhere to hide the things there.

She hesitated for some time but finally accepted.

No girl, no matter how old she becomes would always want to be youthful again.

She took out the pill and the room has the fragrance of flowers.

She hesitated for a moment before eating the pill.

Nothing happened for a few seconds making her doubt if what Mohini gave her is a fake pill to tease her.

But then her entire body started to ache.

She could not help but scream.

This made both Revy and Eda who are drinking panicked by the scream of Yolanda and came to check on her.

Even Veena also came in panic.

Right when they arrived they saw that Yolanda is in pain and twisting her body around.

Eda directly pulled out her gun and pointed at Mohini asking her.

"What did you do to her, Mohini?"

"Don't worry Eda, I just gave her a pill and you will see a wonder in a few minutes.

It is a surprise so stand down and wait."

Mohini said leisurely.

On the side Veena looked at Mohini and Yolanda.

Then she asked Mohini.

"Mohini did you gave her that pill…."

Mohini has previously told her plans to Veena and this meeting was arranged by her too.

So she knows what is going to happen next.


Veena, don't spoil the surprise."

Eda knows that she cannot do anything to Mohini because as soon as she pointed her gun at Mohini, Revy already pointed two guns at Eda.

At the same time Veena seems to be on the side of Mohini too.

She doesn't know if Mohini mesmerized Veena or the quality of candidates that were chosen by the CIA has dropped to this level.

Since she cannot do anything she will not act and wait patiently.

After few minutes she saw that Yolanda became taller as her hunch back is gone.

Then her body started to become full again forming the curves.

At the same time the wrinkles on her face receded revealing her milky while skin which is smooth and rosy.

Her hair turned back platinum blond…..

Soon the young Yolanda appeared in front of the eyes of the people.

Her nun dress is short for her to wear as her body became young,

But there is a black sticky substance that came along which is smelly.

So she first went to take a bath immediately.

Mohini, Revy, Eda and Veena were stunned by the young appearance of Yolanda.

Then Mohini called them out for some fresh air.

They followed Mohini with blank faces.

Mohini is a woman of her words.

She really did turn Miss Yolanda young again.

They went to another hall to drink while speaking with Mohini with excited voices.

Revy already demanded Mohini to give her a share of these special pills so that she would look young forever.

She has already forgotten about the concept of the real world that Mohini told her before.

While they are talking about some things Yolanda came back dressed up the same hot dress that she put on the anime younger version.

Mohini looked at her with a smile like a big bad wolf in heat female version.

Yolanda actually blushed even though she is a strong woman this is a new experience to her.

On the other hand Revy, Eda and Veena were shocked the most.

They opened their mouth till they fit the chicken eggs.

Yolanda said.

Eda is the first to ask a question to Yolanda.

"Why are you wearing that dress instead of the nun's dress during the works hours…?"

Yolanda looked at Eda and said.

"I am taking a day off today.

There is a good woman here that invited me to her group.

If negotiations went well I will quit this job and jump ships.

This job is peaceful but there is adventurer on the other side.

Since I am young again I am going to go wild hehe…"

Then she looked at Mohini and said

"Mohini, you really did keep your word.

For your previous question to follow...…..


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