Chapter 230: Miss Yolanda joins the group

Chapter 230: Miss Yolanda joins the group

Then she looked at Mohini and said

"Mohini, you really did keep your word.

For your previous question to follow you can you explain more so that I can make a choice?

I am already inclined to going with you but with the years come experience.

So I want to know what I am going to get myself into by following you…"

She said with an expectation on her face.

Before Mohini speaks to Revy got the words out of her mouth.

"You old ha…..Yolanda you really want to follow Mohini.

Then you will be her concubine and I am the main wife.

So you have to listen to me….."



"Revy how many time have I told you to not to jump in like that.

You always forget your punishment and jumps over the pit like this.

Tell are you having masochistic tendencies.

If you have them I will fulfill them for you…

So be more open in the future okay…"

Mohini directly slapped Revy on the ass as she was jumping around and then pulled her into Mohini's arms with her tits in Mohini's hands hugging Revy tightly on her lap.

Eda opened her mouth again while Veena was giggling silently.

Veena likes the domineering people like Mohini.

Eda thought that she and Revy were always on the same level.

If she were caught by Mohini how would her life be?

She knows about the details of Mohini she was more fearful.

She was sure that if Mohini comes to their country to play they will definitely sacrifice her to Mohini just to keep themselves save.

Well they are capitalists to the core right.


Mohini then cooled off Revy and spoke to Yolanda.

"Miss Yolanda, I cannot say much about my secrets.

If you want to know my secrets then you have to trust me first.

Also don't believe in the words of Revy.

All my women have equal standing and equal say.

Well what I say is always the final….

So if you truly trust me I can tell you something important and my secrets."

Miss Yolanda looked at Mohini for a moment and then at Revy in Mohini's arms.

She blushed and thought in her heart to trust Mohini.

Immediately after that there is a blue screen with the question of trust in front of her.

"Mohini, what is this?"

Mohini looked at her with a smile and said to her about the warning.

After listening to Mohini she directly pressed yes option and then she belongs to Mohini now.

Mohini looked at Eda that was still looking at them to know about the matters.

Well those are the orders from CIA.

They want her to gather information related to Mohini and her superhuman fighting style.

They even thought Mohini as super woman as she walks in the field of bullets flying around like she is walking in a park.

So they gave her the assignment to find the details of Mohini and her origins.

But what can she do.

Mohini is like an old monkey that is shaking her foothold in Roanapur.

She cannot even retaliate against the demon like Mohini.

So she was helpless.

After Yolanda pressed yes option the message vanished and Mohini saw her favorability is around 50 points.

Not that high but not that low either.

Since she became her woman Mohini is going to tell her about the real world but Eda was here so she cannot listen.

So Mohini took Yolanda to go out for a small trip.

She will speak to her about the details on the way.

The best way to talk is to take her to balalaika's hotel.

So she took her there along with Revy.

Eda was left behind to take care of the church.

She can vaguely feel that there is pattern here and only if she completes the pattern and wins Mohini's trust can she know her secrets.

Mohini knows that Jane would be here soon so she has to complete the task quickly.

She did not take Yolanda that far but just to the side of the hill.

After coming here she asked if she wanted to sit on his lap like Revy.

Well she doesn't mind and directly jumped into her lap pushing Revy to the side.

Revy pouted but stopped her annoyance after being coaxed by Mohini.

Yolanda felt the touch of the comfortable hug from Mohini and finally understand why Revy and even balalaika were subdued so easily by Mohini.

It is really comfortable to be hugged by Mohini.

After that Mohini started to tell her about various things of the real world.

Also she told her why she needed her consent before telling her secrets.

After half an hour Mohini was done with explaining the outline and she was much moved understanding Mohini.

The other things can be explained later.

So Mohini took her back and told her the basic details of the next plot.

Listening to Mohini she can move on to the next plot just like in the story and deal with Jane.

There is one factor that is missing with Yolanda.

That is her right eye is missing and the eye patch is still there.

Mohini told her that she would replace help her fix her eye when entering the real world.

At that time Mohini will take the help of the system to heal her injury.

With that all the problems will be solved.

As they came back so quickly Eda was dumbfounded.

She has just missed an opportunity to listen to the secrets of Mohini.

No much brain power is needed to tell that Mohini did not take her to a long distance but just outside her reach.

Even a kid can deduce that Mohini already know her intentions and has prepared counter measures.

While she is thinking, several cars arrived outside the church.

One belongs to Jane that she used to escape while then other is the mafia that is....


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