Chapter 232: Sawyer fell for Mohini instead of rock

Chapter 232: Sawyer fell for Mohini instead of rock

Then Shenhua pulled sawyer along with her and came to the back door.

This is where Revy and Eda are waiting and planning the next move.

After some explanation Mohini was able to integrate Shenhua and sawyer in the plan.

Rock is also there in the front driving while sawyer was told to sit beside rock in co pilot seat.

On the back Revy, Eda, Shenhua and Mohini are squeezed tightly.

Well Revy directly say on her lap without saying a word as she was sure to fall into her lap again.

Looking at her like this both Eda and Shenhua were having their own thoughts.

Each of them encountered Mohini before and they both want to become close to Mohini.

While they are waiting Mohini asked them some series of questions leading them step by step looking at their favorability.

When their favorability rose to 40 points he asked Eda, sawyer and Shenhua the question of trust.

Immediately they had this blue screen in front of them.

Sawyer was new but she knows the reputation of Mohini.

Also Shenhua trusts Mohini and brought her along with her here so she decided to trust Mohini too.

With that the deal is sealed.

As for rock, Mohini did not intentionally ask the question but rock also had a blue screen with a question of trust.

Mohini sighed and gave out the warning to all the people in the car.

The people here all saw her capabilities so they would at least trust Mohini.

The previous conversation is all for pulling Eda and the new member sawyer.

She waited till their favorability reached 40 points and asked the question of trust.

After her warning they thought for a few moments but finally chose to go with Mohini for various reasons each had their own.

The result is good and Mohini smiled.

She did not say anything now as the target has arrived so the situation returned back to the plot.

Eda started the haggling with Jane till the price is negotiated to a good amount.

The girls in the car started to giggle with excitement.

Immediately after that the door of the car was opened and Eda and Shenhua pulled Jane into the car.

Well there is a shoot out from the group behind that just arrived into her back alley.

After going to the docks they went to the office room of the lagoon company.

Since it takes time for the boat to arrive Mohini is going to talk to these people.

But there is still Jane that is not in the group but she is not in a situation to listen to the talk of Mohini.

She is in a different room trying to log back into her account.

Her mind should be in a mess right now.

Based on her words in the plot there is at least 1 hour of time before they group of thugs arrive.

This time was enough so Mohini started to speak to the group in low voice.

Any way if Jane were to caught wind of what she was saying the system will warn her.

Penalty will be 1000 chaos points.

She doesn't mind paying a little with her wealth right now.

When she started explaining the things they other people were shocked.

Some did not see the special handlings of Mohini.

So Mohini did not some things to prove her point and made them believe.

After explaining to them till the point where Yolanda stopped Mohini stopped too.

She specifically warned them that they cannot reveal this to anyone without her consent.

If they did, then first this information would not pass to the other party but also erase the very existence of the betrayer.

This gave them a shiver.

It is especially so for Eda that is thinking of passing this information to CIA.

Well no one wants to die fruitlessly.

Also if what Mohini said is true then she can really escape from this shit hole.

Mohini is a strong woman even though she is a little perverted.

So it is not bad to be with her and go on an exciting adventure.

So she calmed down.

There is more to tell but Mohini did not have time right now.

The power went off.

This means that the gangsters have come to get Jane.

So the remaining story is for later date when they get in the ship and are sailing on the open sea.

Mohini doesn't know how long this fantasy world lasts.

So she has to get all the things quickly before it is too late.

She doesn't like having regrets.

So she will do everything clearly and perfectly to the best she possible could.

Since sawyer and Shenhua was with her the power on the other side reduced considerably.

Also rock was unlucky again.

Even thought Mohini wanted to set up sawyer to rock,

Sawyer became connected to Mohini this time after her story about the real world and adventures.

Who would have thought that sawyer is like a girl that met her prince charming listening to the story about the real world.

She seems to have the wish of adventuring and doing magic in her childhood but fell into a place like Roanapur right now.

After losing her voice she thought of the story of little mermaid and wanted to find her prince charming to restore her voice.

She even owed herself that the one that restores her voice would be her husband.

She did not have any specifics on preference that it should be a man.

For this very reason she can be so cruel to dismantle anyone without any fear or disgust.

As an adventurer she has to face the cruel world…..

Finally because of Mohini's power and words she fell for her.

Mohini sighed and thought of finding another girl for rock.

Also she cannot just say no to the girl that wants to be with her.

So she has decided to accept it...


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