Chapter 233: Eda was successfully captured

Chapter 233: Eda was successfully captured

Also she cannot just say no to the girl that wants to be with her.

So she has decided to accept it.

Shenhua said that she is a Taoist.

After Mohini said that there are really things like technique and cultivation…..

She was moved and decided to be with Mohini.

Since Mohini was so strong and can become a leading cultivator or the emperor then she was sure to become a good cultivator wife.

Her eyes were sparkling as her beliefs were true and her weapons might be stronger than guns.

She might even get an artifact like flying sword if everything goes properly.

So she fell for Mohini after learning the truth.

On the other hand it is Eda that fell in a dilemma.

Originally she did not have any love towards Mohini and she was trying to find Mohini secrets for her country.

But now she fell into a trap where she cannot tell the truth to her people or she cannot do anything to Mohini and betray her.

No matter what she chooses she will die without a corpse.

Well it is a like to say that she did not like Mohini as she was beauty, strong, humorous, and witty and many more.

But she is still a woman and Eda prefers men with thick cock very much instead of having girls love.

But she never expected that Mohini would show them a magic trick of dick growing and the dick is so thick that Eda became wet instantly.

Can she find another woman with all these qualities that every girl looks for?

This kind of people would appear only in movies and fairytales.

Also Mohini was so strong that even their people don't know what to do to Mohini to stop her.

Thinking about their home country she became angry for their orders to sacrifice her for those pot bellied capitalists.

Things are complicated in her mind.

After knowing the truth their favorability improved but it stopped at a certain limits because of the bonds that they are holding them back towards this world.

For example Mohini has to solve the people that caused the deep scars on the heart of Revy to let her completely free like Mohini.

To become a perfect bitch.

Her favorability only reached 80 points and stopped there.

Similarly everyone has their own things that are holding them back.

Rock on the other hand thought of the things with much calmer personality in the current situation.

He has already died once in his heart and now he is a new person.

Mohini asked him if he would like to work for her in the future in the real world.

Rock still needed to think about that.

He has already decided to not to stand on any side or dark or light but to stand on the twilight.

Well Mohini is also in the same place but even the twilight or the gray zone is not as simple as the people say.

This place is also divided.

There is no such thing as perfect harmony.

Even the nature would sometimes be peacefully and sometimes becomes a disaster based on its mood.

It is not as simple as choosing sides.

Well Mohini let rock slowly thing of his choice.

In the bridged space as long as that person doesn't want to follow Mohini, he or she can be simply sent back to the fantasy world.

With the insurance Mohini was very peaceful.


The fight started Mohini started to shoot too but she did not specifically target anyone.

She shot the people they tried to enter into the building.

Especially the man that is shooting fire was killed first with the gas tank behind him blowing up.

Mohini shot bullets like throwing peanuts at those people.

They died in the rain of bullets.

Because Shenhua and sawyer were on Mohini's side the problem was solved quickly.

But Mohini was unable to solve the problem of fire that is spreading after the blast of the cylinder of the fire throwing man.

The entire building burnt down by the time Dutch arrived with his boat.

Unfortunately during the fight sawyer lost her voice transmitter and she became gloomy.

Mohini consoled her and told her that she would try to give her voice when they got out to the real world later.

She was very happy listening to Mohini that she can get her voice back.

She was bold enough to move forward and kiss Mohini on her lips directly.

After that kiss she cheered up and no longer gloomy.

She started to follow behind Mohini like a ghost from that moment on.


Still some of them got on the ship and started to make the big show with their guns.

While this is happening Jane and Benny got along forming a small love couple.

Benny with his smooth talk was able to get Jane while Mohini and other girls take care of the ruffians that entered the ship.

There are shouts form inside the ship as Jane started to scold rock for not bringing her laptop from the previous fight.

While they are having a quarrel with Benny about the computer, Mohini has cleared most of the guys and the rest were given to Revy to play on the deck.

Because of the rapid movements from Dutch the ship was going around like a spinning top on the water.

It is great that the computers of Benny did not fall off with all the movements.

When Eda was about to kill the cow uncle, Mohini was also there hiding on the side to listen to what is happening there.

Mohini waited till Eda ended the life of the cow uncle and then she came to her front.

She was suddenly shocked with the appearance of Mohini and wanted to shoot immediately.

But Mohini caught her hands holding the gun and took it.

Then she took off her glasses.

She did not make any hard.....


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