Chapter 234: complicated feelings of Eda

Chapter 234: complicated feelings of Eda

But Mohini caught her hands holding the gun and took it.

Then she took off her glasses.

She did not make any hard movements as she already know that Mohini was very strong and struggling is useless.

She said with a cold voice.

"Since you know where I am from just end my life.

I don't want to be with you...….."

Her thoughts are complicated at that moment.

Mohini directly pulled Eda into her embrace and started to kiss her lips.

She struggled for a moment but still gave in.

After 10 minutes Mohini and Eda parted.

Her eyes were a little misty, breathing ragged, and her face has a tint of red blush.

"You are my Bitch now,

My bitches will not have nationality, caste or creed.

They only have one thing that is me their husband.

It is the same to you too.

If I want to kill you then you would not live for this long.

Also the country you are backing may be true or illusion will soon fall into my hands.

When the time comes they will send you to me willingly.

I can even make them consider you as their next president and I will be the husband of the president.

Don't underestimate me or my means.

Remove all those useless thoughts in your mind and your notions.

Look at the results I made…."

Mohini opened her status screen and showed the filling number beside the hero title.

There is a few hundred million in number there.

"These are the number of people I saved from this world except for the first 1501.

This is the good I caused to this world.

If you want your country to receive my good deeds and really work for your job ethics, then become my woman and do well to your country.

Even if you did not be with me I will still do that same and remove the scourges that are sucking the blood of the people over there.

Not only that country but the entire world will be reformed before I leave this world.

You can choose where to stand then.

If you really don't want to go with me I will leave you here.

It is not free to take people out of this world...…."

Mohini said and left her there and went to meet Revy.

With that thing solved Mohini has the time to do things for a month.

After going back to the shore Mohini arrange the women to help balalaika to coordinate to earn more money and transfer them to her dummy company.

All this money will be used to bring the girls and army that Mohini built up here out to her ark island into the real world.

Mohini also asked Benny and Dutch the question of trust.

This includes Jane that is showing stars looking at Benny.

They simply accepted and all the people here got a run down about the real world and other things.

Their expression on the face of the new people has changed to shock.

The expression on Eda's face is complicated as she doesn't know how to choose.

Also she knows that Mohini's next target is going to be her country.

But she also knows how much good Mohini did and it is not necessarily bad for Mohini to go to her country to play.

Well she has trusted Mohini and finding her thoughts and plans was a hard thing.

But still she was anxious.

Unfortunately for her Mohini is not going to her country right now.

She is going to take South America first.

Soon there is going to be the event about Roberta making her loose her mind.

There is still a month before these events.

Mohini goes there early and pesters the people for a month to get Roberta back with her.

The life saving grace of Diego can give her enough support to take Roberta with her.

As for the destruction of the entire event is not that of a problem.

Any way other players would not be able to do anything.

Most of the veterans tried to enter Roanapur were caught by balalaika's people and they were taken care of by Mohini.

They all lost their arks and other things without a chance to do anything to Mohini.

As for the hidden people Mohini asked her people to look for the information on them.

As soon as they were found Mohini would visit them.

Based on what kind of person they are the treatment Mohini gives them differs.

She has already got over 100 tier-1 Arks from them along with that there is also a good amount of chaos points.

Based on her estimate Mohini would go out of this world with full harvest along with many exotic beauties with her.

After arranging for her girls Mohini moved to the other side of the world.

Her first target is not to get in touch with the Lovelace family instead clear out the secret societies in South America.

As long as she cleared them she can concentrate completely on Roberta.

Roberta is like a trained assassin.

Gaining her loyalty is very important for Mohini.

She was sure that this type of blackened heroine has more potential than other strong women.

Also she is a beauty that Mohini doesn't want to lose and regret.

The secret society of South America is a little different.

The artifacts and information pieces were guarded by beast magic that is hard to break.....

The small insects and poisonous bugs can attack from any side without giving prior warning.

Fortunately the sense stats of Mohini were over 120.

She was able to avoid many traps.

The traps here are on the same level of South Africa.

There are also people that guard this place with summoned beast souls into their bodies.

That is they fight like ferocious beasts.

It took her an entire week to break the game and get all the secret societies in this place...…


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