Chapter 248: key and the map

Chapter 248: key and the map

She doesn't know who Mohini is and she did not get any chance to ask Mohini about that.

Also Mohini saved her three times in a row making her even more embarrassed.

Well she finally got the introduction she needed.


Thank you for saving me.

Can you tell me who you are…?"

Evelyn asked with her soft voice with blushing face.

Jonathan on the side has a smile understanding what happened with his klutz and skittish sister.

Mohini also smiled and introduced about her.

"You are welcome miss,

My name is Mohini,

I am here for some archeological findings of the ancient Egypt.

I want to check some things in the library of this museum….

On the way I happened to find Miss Evelyn's predicament and helped her."

Mohini did not mention anything about her origin.

Evelyn and Jonathan did not ask too much about it.

There are many people that came here from many places.

Some cannot reveal their origins because of special reasons.

After which the siblings thanked Mohini again and asked if they can help Mohini in anything important.

Mohini said that she wants to find a way to go Hamunaptra- the city of the dead…

The expression of the siblings changed a little.

At the same time Jonathan took out the key and Mohini's eyes lit up.

This key is required in order to use the book of dead or the book of the living.

Other than that this is the key that seal the lost ark from the information pieces she has.

Mohini was searching to see if she can get the last information piece related to the lost ark in this fantasy world.

If she could obtain it then Mohini was sure to hit a jackpot and get the lost ark and integrate it into her own ark.

While the two people are fiddling with the key box Mohini suddenly spoke...

"Fucking hell,

I know what this is…

Mister Jonathan, do you know this is the key to the great books of dead and living…."

As soon as Mohini said this the eyes of both Jonathan and Evelyn widened.

Right at that moment Evelyn accidentally pressed at the right place making the box to open revealing the map of ancient Egypt.

Evelyn took out the parchment instead of paper that appeared in the movie.

Well the thing in the movie is a lie and this is the reality.

It is an animal skin map and Mohini took a good look at the map along with Evelyn.

Mohini has a strong memory and while she was studying Mohini took out a sketching chart and other things right on the spot out of thin air.

Jonathan was shocked for a moment because of the magical trick.

Mohini directly asked Evelyn if she could borrow the map so that she can make a copy of the map.

Evelyn was also astounded by the magical thing and wanted to ask Mohini what is happening.

But the things Mohini wanted come first.

So she handed her the map to look.

Under their astounded gazes Mohini made an exact replica of the map within 20 minutes and it was perfectly identical except for the colorless drawing of the sketch and paper.

At the same time under their watchful eyes Mohini stored the sketched map into the storage space immediately.

Evelyn was still in the shocked state while the eyes of Jonathan lit up.

Being a thief he liked the ability that Mohini showed him very much.

So he immediately asked.

"Miss, how did you do that…?"

Mohini looked at Jonathan and said.

"Well it is magic.

In the future if you trust me completely then I will share this secret with you siblings.

But for now it is a secret.


Well don't you want to show this map to your curator?

This map should point towards the Hamunaptra right.

There are many places marked on this map so let's move.

Fortunately my destination is also Hamunaptra too.

We can go there together and I can be your guard in return you can take me there.

How is the deal?

I heard that this is the place where all the Egyptian kings hid their treasures.

There will be a mountain of gold there.

Jonathan don't you want to get some good gold for your family future hehe…"

Mohini asked in the astounded eyes of Evelyn and Jonathan.

But as soon as Jonathan heard the words gold and treasure his eyes shone like torches.

Evelyn knows that Mohini has hit right on the soft spot of Jonathan.

She can only sigh and go along to protect her brother.

But even she was interested in that gold and treasures along with the ancient archeological discoveries just like her parents did.

So they directly accepted to the deal of Mohini.

They immediately went to the curator to show the map and the key box.

But before going into the room of the curator, Mohini asked Evelyn and Jonathan to not to disclose that she has a sketched copy of the map.

They don't know why Mohini asked this, but they don't mind this and accepted Mohini's request.

The plot continued and the map in the hands of the curator burnt.

Well to be more precise he burnt it being one of the pharaoh's guards.

Losing the direction of the journey both Evelyn and Jonathan were distressed for a moment but they remembered that Mohini still has the sketched map.

They even thought that Mohini can see through the future and specifically made this sketched copy of the knowing that the original map would be damaged.

But there is no proof or words and actions.

Mohini has already stated that if they truly trusted her then he will tell them her secrets.

So they have to show Mohini their trust to know the strange magic that Mohini has.

After they left the room of the curator, Jonathan was questioned by Mohini about the...…


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