Chapter 249: rival called candy

Chapter 249: rival called candy

So they have to show Mohini their trust to know the strange magic that Mohini has.

After they left the room of the curator, Jonathan was questioned by Mohini about the origins of the box and how he got it. 

Then Jonathan reveals that he stole this box from an American adventurer Rick O'Connell, who discovered the city while in the French Foreign Legion.

Evelyn rolled her eyes at Jonathan for his habit of stealing from other people.

But Mohini appreciates it very much.

So she praised Jonathan instead of despising him and then asked him to take them to rick.

Even though they had the map it is best to follow the guide just in case to not to spoil the plot.

Evelyn has become close to Mohini because of her curiosity in her mysteriousness.

So Mohini did not fear that she would jump ships towards rick when they met him in the prison.

Just like love at first sight.

Mohini's charm is already off the charts and it is not possible for any woman or men in the tier 1 fantasy worlds to not to notice Mohini.

She has 186 points in her charm and along with the 10 percent increase in charm from the blessing of the god.

Other than that her lucky pervert title will all act in Mohini's favor.

Also with the title of hero, Mohini is already on par with the protagonist or even higher the protagonist of the tier 1 fantasy worlds.


But something unexpected happened just when the group of three came to the prison to meet with rick.

There is another woman here with her tight fit dress that is currently kissing rick across the bars.

Even Mohini was taken aback looking at the scene.

Which lady actually came to snatch the protagonist?

It looked more like she did not reject being kissed by rick.

The lady looked hot and Mohini was sure that she is a player.

She has wavy brown long hair that falls like water fall on her.

Her body has perfect 'S' curves and the facial features are excellent.

It is hard to identify her nationality as she looked like a mixed breed between European and Arabian family.

But Mohini felt like she has met someone similar to her in mentality.

Mohini doesn't know her true nature or character but her senses are telling her to be carefully with this woman.

It is like she met a rival that is very similar to her in nature and actions.

Mohini immediately became cautious and even warned Evelyn and Jonathan to be careful.

While moving closure to them Mohini finally recognized who this woman is.

Her name is Candy and she is from the free country.

Also she is a female tyrant.

Not much information is known about her but one thing is certain that she seems to like to collect the protagonist and antagonists from the fantasy world to form a male harem.

That is right she is forming a harem filled the protagonists and antagonists of the fantasy world.

Think about the power and luck of the protagonist and the antagonist.

How powerful her harem of men should be.

Mohini cannot even imagine about that.

She felt like she is looking at someone with her own set of mind.

Fortunately she is still in the tier 1 and did not develop fully.

Well working with her could be beneficial to her too.

If she wants to get the female protagonist or female villain, she can work with her to share the plot and divide the work.

But the thing is Mohini wants all.

She likes heroes, heroines, villains and some side characters.

After thinking of some things Mohini made a plan in her mind.

She did not use her simulation skill after coming to this world.

So there are too many surprises.

She sighed and decided to run a simulation after the meeting is over and get a glimpse of the future changes before making big moves.

Right at that time candy was done kissing and she looked at Rick playfully as he asked her to get him out of this place.

She nodded her head as the jailer came to her saying the same words that he would say to the heroine in the plot.

Jonathan pointed towards rick saying that he got the puzzle box from rick.

But the expression on Mohini's face is a little different than being astounded.

Candy looked back at that moment and when she looked at Mohini she has the eyes of intoxication and wanting to possess Mohini.

This is the first time she felt something like that towards a woman.

She ignored the jailer and came to Mohini and her group.

Looking at her expression Evelyn standing by the side of Mohini subconsciously clenched her teeth and caught Mohini's arm's tightly claiming ownership over her.

Mohini smile happily inside with the actions of Evelyn.

This means that she has successfully pulled Evelyn over to her group.

But she cannot show anything right now in front of candy.

She did investigate this peculiar character but she was unable to find the background and support of candy.

It is not possible to stand firm in the free country without any support from other places.

This means that this candy has deep background and power that Mohini doesn't know about.

Because of this she silently waited for her to speak first.

Candy also did not speak and looked at Mohini straight in the eye with her intoxicated smile and sultry appearance.

Because of the urging from the jailer that he would hang rick right now the tug of war between Mohini and candy stopped.

Candy spoke first.

"We should talk later about our thing and rescue Rick first right.

We cannot go on with the plot without the protagonist right…."

Saying these words she followed the jailer to the back area of the prison.

Mohini followed along and told to Evelyn...….


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