Chapter 250: A deal with candy

Chapter 250: A deal with candy

Saying these words she followed the jailer to the back area of the prison.

Mohini followed along and told to Evelyn.

"She is from the same place, that I came from.

Well we did not know each other before but I investigated her.

I cannot tell you about these details for your own good.

So follow me silently for now…."

Evelyn and Jonathan looked at each other and followed silently.

The woman candy gave out a creepy feeling to them.

For some reason they thought that Mohini can protect them.

Mohini did not say anything and let candy do her business with the jailer.

The entire thing is same as that of in the plot except that candy is sitting in the position of Evelyn in the plot.

Even the bargain is the same as that of in the plot.

Only thing was that the jailer would not have deceptive thoughts.

After she is done with the entire thing and Rick was released, she came to Mohini to speak.

"Are these two trusted people?"

She asked pointing at Evelyn and Jonathan.

Mohini looked at them and said.

"Not right now, we still need time to make them trust me.

We can speak in a different place so that the rules were not violated."

After saying that candy and Mohini wanted to go out and talk.

So Mohini came to Jonathan that is eying candy's figure and Evelyn that is pouting at Mohini.

"As I said before,

I can tell my secrets as long as you trust me.

I cannot tell you without the test of trust.

If I speak the secrets without the trust then there are some sever punishments.

So please don't think about that.

After I negotiate with her I will tell you some important things.

Till then wait back at the hotel room that I arranged for you…"

Mohini said these words to the two siblings and followed candy.

The hotel room that Mohini arranged is the room that was the very next room where she hid the unconscious buzz.

Mohini still has to take care of buzz that is sleeping in the hotel room.

Well he will not wake up any time soon.

The strong sleeping medicine would put him in the sleeping state till it is late at night.

Unless Mohini wakes him up with an antidote, he will not wake up suddenly.

Mohini followed candy to a restaurant where they sat at one corner to speak about their plan.

It was her that took the initiative to speak.

"You seem to have got the heroine. 

What are your plans?

Which side did you chose….?"

She started to shoot of the questions while Mohini waited her blabbering to complete and said.

"Miss candy, I have my own agenda and chose the third option.

As for the heroine, I am interested in her and am going to take her with me.

If you want you can try to get the protagonist but I will still try may hand.

As for the antagonist we will talk about that later.

Whoever gets him will be based on our effort right.

Since we each have our own thoughts why not cooperate till we complete this fantasy world.

Also please don't make any moves on me.

I don't want to be a part of your harem….

As for the treasures and other things we can share them based on our contributions.

Right if you are okay with that we can move on to Hamunaptra tomorrow.

I forgot to tell you but I saved the map from damaging so even if you did not accept I can still go to Hamunaptra and start the main plot.

Please make your choice wisely…."

Mohini said with a calm face and gentle smile.

It is like a calm lake with gentle ripples that came because of the gentle wind.

But Mohini gave out a feeling that there is monster under the lake that was waiting for her to step into the lake to capture her.

It is like a mermaid that is singing an enticing song to attract the men and suddenly turn into a monster to pull them into the deep waters.

Well Candy is not discouraged instead she really wanted to see what monster is hiding in the lake behind the façade that Mohini is showing.

Right now it is impossible to look.

Since they are mutually benefitting they have decided to cooperate after speaking of some things.

Any way Mohini might not be able to get the villain and the hero at the same time.

One of them would be lost in the plot.

So she can only choose one person.

Mohini decided to go with Imhotep instead of Rick.

With the cooperation finalized Mohini directly left the place back to the hotel.

She has some explaining to do.

She did not go to the room where Evelyn and Jonathan are waiting.

Instead she went to take care of buzz.

With Mohini's authority of military and civilian rank she tried to check the details of buzz.

But she did not get any results.

Most probably they are on the same level or something.

Well Mohini was not discouraged instead she checked the joints of buzz that are still in dislocated state.

Mohini not only dislocated the main joints but also the sub joints.

So buzz has a hard time moving even his finger.

Currently the only working part of buzz is his dick.

With that Mohini relaxed a little and woke up buzz with a special medicine.

Being in a different environment buzz knows that he was captured by the enemy.

(Who the fuck are you?)

(Do you know who I am?)

(Do you know my background?)


After he shot out three sentences he realized something is wrong.

Only at that moment did he realize that his vocal cards are not working.

It is not just that.

No joint in his body is in its right position.

It is not an injury that......


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