Chapter 254: Mohini has to save Evelyn while Rick and candy are free to play

Chapter 254: Mohini has to save Evelyn while Rick and candy are free to play

She doesn't know what she wanted to kill another woman.

While speaking because of her excitement she stood up and walked towards Mohini while speaking about the book of the living.

Right at that moment two important things activated first is Mohini's lucky pervert skill and the other is the klutz nature of Evelyn.

So in the next moment Evelyn slipped and fell straight on to Mohini for her to catch Evelyn.

But their faces met first and their lips are locked directly.

Well they did not separate as they started to share a passionate kiss.

Evelyn closed her eyes while Mohini looked at her as she kissed her.

Only after 5 minutes did they parted because Evelyn is out of breath.

She doesn't know when but she is currently sitting on Mohini's lap with her hands tightly wrapped around her, hugging her closely.

Her favorability has improved to 60 points reaching primary love state.

Well she did not fully fell for Mohini but there is room for improvement.

"Evelyn, did you like it just now…?

Do you want to continue…?"

Mohini asked tenderly.

Evelyn blushed as she doesn't know what to say.

Also she doesn't want to go out of the comfortable hug of Mohini.

The feeling of being with Mohini was intoxicating and she really wants to share another kiss with Mohini.

But good things will not last long in unfavorable situations.

There is a rat nearby that is sneaking around the area.

It seems like he just saw rick on the top deck and trying to run away.

This is none other than Beni,

Former friend of rick,

But he is also the one that trapped rick to escape from the soldiers before.

So his current status is the enemy of rick.

Mohini pulled Evelyn for another kiss but at the same time she threw a cup on the table that hit the head of Beni.

He lost consciousness.

Well Evelyn did not notice this and she took the initiative to kiss Mohini.

Even though she took the initiative she did not last long and let go because she is out of breath.

Mohini held Evelyn in her hands and stood up.

She carried her towards the location where Beni was.

Looking at the rat like man that lost consciousness, Evelyn doesn't know what is happening.

With her puzzled eyes Mohini called Rick that was on the top deck.

Well this is the entrance to the stairs that leads to the top deck.

Also there are not many people on the top of the deck except for candy and rick.

So Rick immediately came down because of Mohini's call.

When he came down, Mohini pointed at Beni and said.

"I seem to have caught your friend."

Mohini's group and candy's group are in a cooperative relationship.

So it is normal to help each other like this when necessary.

Rick came down immediately.

Mohini can see that rick was currently kissing candy on the top deck too.

Candy came down wiping her mouth.

She also knows the plot so she immediately went inside to change her dress that can help her with swimming…

Mohini told Evelyn to go back to her room first.

Well Evelyn doesn't want to stay here and look at them talking.

She reluctantly left Mohini with blushing face.

Beni woke up after Rick shook him up a little.

The story followed the plot.

On this ship other than Mohini and candy there are a few players that came to try their luck.

Most of them stayed back at Cairo they don't want to face the mummy when it awakens and become its food.

So they did not come here.

Some of them even went to buy cats for protection.

The players on the ship are also carrying cats with them.

Mohini can directly point out most of the players just because of the cats they are carrying.

Mohini did not fear about the mummy as she has already simulated and solved the puzzle on how to act.

Even though rick seems to be the hero of the story, most of the plot revolves around Evelyn as she is the principal object that Imhotep wanted to capture.

Because of this the burden of protecting Evelyn will fall on Mohini's shoulders.

On the other hand candy and rick are free to do what they want.

Even if they abandon Mohini and Evelyn they will be safe for the time being.

For this very reason Mohini has to plan things as carefully as she can.

Evelyn is her woman now so she has to protect her.

So Mohini went to the simulations during the afternoon and planned the things carefully.

Also this story did not end with the death of Imhotep instead the return part and the dragon king part was also active in this story.

But Mohini did not go through the entire simulation process as there are many plot holes that she cannot solve without the help of the protagonist rick.

So things are complicated with candy.

She is here to take away half of the wealth that Mohini discovers.

Also it is problematic for Mohini to go on the hunt for other artifacts….

  But she cannot solve all the things at the same time.

So she only cared about the simulation till the time when she kills Imhotep for the first time for now.

As for his return is a different thing to be taken care of later.

The time line of the story will become shorter based on the actions that Mohini takes.

As long as she interferes with the excavation of Hamunaptra after its destruction the plot will be accelerated immediately.

Also the wealth here is valuable and Mohini wanted to take it all without giving candy a chance to get them.

The thing that facilitated this plan is all thanks to buzz for his previous contribution.

There is a set of artifacts that looked like playing cards.

All of them are actually...…..


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