Chapter 255: storage cards, wet beauties

Chapter 255: storage cards, wet beauties

There is a set of artifacts that looked like playing cards.

All of them are actually one time use storage devices.

It seems like Buzz has the same thought as Mohini had.

These storage artifacts can store all the things within 1 hour of activation of the storage card.

After that it will seal itself.

When the seal is broken all the things stored inside will spray out of the storage device.

At the same time the storage device will be destroyed.

This is a costly artifact which costs 10 million chaos points outside and in the system it costs around 30 million chaos points.

Also outside market will sometimes sell the damaged storage devices to cheat the customers.

Most probably these storage cards were specifically made or brought in bulk by the family of buzz.

Some of the movies have many special treasures and technology that cannot be brought back with the support of personal storages.

So they should have prepared a bunch of storage cards to improve their family wealth and power quickly using the things from the fantasy world.

The treasure of the pharaoh is very valuable and they contain many artifacts, clues, or other things.

The value that system gives is very low.

That should be around 30 percent of the original value of the treasure.

So those rich families will use this trick of storage cards to bring the treasures out of the fantasy world.

They will study the treasures and clues first and keep the useful ones.

Then they sell the useless ones at exaggerated prices through their personal auctions or some other ways….

Well their preparations are now helping Mohini do her things.

Mohini thought for a while and decided to think of a way to get few more cards like this in the future from those young masters that would enter the fantasy world with her.

This should be the case till Mohini gains some power to support her in the society of the real world.

After thinking this Mohini looked at the direction where Evelyn left.

Mohini knows that those people from the secret guards of pharaoh would appear here and target Evelyn to get the half burnt map and the key.

Well it is time to abandon the ship as it will burn down soon.

Mohini went to the room where Evelyn is and took the position of Evelyn to help her free.

Mohini doesn't care about this map as she has a spar copy with her which is more complete.

As for the key, that is the puzzle box will be left to Jonathan to get it back.

Mohini was very sure that Jonathan would follow the route of the plot to get the puzzle box.

Mohini cannot use her modern gun because of the restriction.

So she bought a gun of the latest model of this time and changed the magazine of infinite bullets to this gun to form as a bullet clip.

Well this infinite bullet magazine has the special function of changing its shape for any form of gun that Mohini wanted.

So it did change its shape giving Mohini an infinite amount of fire power.

She still has two of these magazines.

One from the silencer gun that she bought while the other is the magazine she bought for her customized gun.

The ship is burning and Evelyn is only wearing her night dress now.

Mohini is even more exaggerated as she is only wearing laced bra and panties that would become transparent when they touched water.

The water is cold and Mohini jumped off the ship with Evelyn, followed by candy and rick, along with the jailor.

Finally Jonathan came while carrying the key box.

Mohini did not only carry the heroine but also some horses along for a smooth ride.

When rick is shouting at Beni, Mohini got some horses along with heroine and Jonathan.

Mohini doesn't want to waste her time on small things.

She has many things to do.

Unfortunately there are only two horses.

So she gave one to candy and one to ride with Evelyn to ride while the men walk.

Also Mohini took out a trench coat from the personal space and put it on covering her and Evelyn together.

Evelyn is only wearing wet night dress right now while Mohini only had wet bra and panties.

She removed them too so that it is not cold and directly came into contact with Evelyn with her bare tits and pussy.

She hugged Evelyn tightly with her tits pressing on the back of Evelyn.

After that they followed the plot and arrived at a small settlement.

Well they have horses but they are not enough for all of them.

They still need more.

So just like that in the plot rick and Jonathan went to buy some camels.

Right at that time rick joked about candy but not Evelyn.

But the words of Rick stuck at his throat looking at the three beauties in the Arabian belly dancer dresses.

One is the heroine Evelyn, second is Mohini and other is candy.

Three exotic beauties are walking towards them with their dreamy eyes, bouncy tits and shaking hips.

The scene made the hearts of both Jonathan and Rick stop for a moment.

It is very hard to resist their beauty and Mohini has to say they are very beautiful walking together.

Evelyn fit perfectly in that dress making Mohini wants to taste those lips behind transparent veil she is wearing.

Candy and Mohini are also beautiful but because of the plot armor, the charm of heroine would raise right now while the charm of other women will be suppressed.


Mohini is not idle as she arranged her dress and the dress of Evelyn to reveal as much as possible to attract the men.

Mohini is not only a bitch but she wants her woman to be bitches to.

Also there is this exhibitionist tendency to all women of Mohini...….


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