Chapter 256: Mohini stole all the treasures in the tomb

Chapter 256: Mohini stole all the treasures in the tomb

Mohini is not only a bitch but she wants her woman to be bitches to.

Also there is this exhibitionist tendency to all women of Mohini making things easy for Mohini to make Evelyn show more skin.

She looked so perfect...….

Just looking at her can spend the life peacefully.

Fortunately the people here did not go attack them to fuck them.


They moved towards Hamunaptra after they arranged their things.

The vast desert is very beautiful and then nights is even more with the clear sky and a beautiful moon.

Evelyn is very sleep as they are both riding camels.

Mohini pulled the leash to right alongside her so that she can lean gently on her shoulder while she sleeps.

Candy being a player, she was strong and not sleepy.

But she was still envious of Evelyn looking at Mohini's care.

Because of all the delays Mohini's group met with the group of Beni right before reaching Hamunaptra early before sun rise.

There is a bet between Rick and those American treasure hunters.

That is who would reach Hamunaptra first.

Before their eyes, with the early raising sun, the city of dead appeared just like a mirage in the empty desert.

The race begins with both Beni and Rick fights each other.

While they are at that Mohini, candy and Evelyn took the lead on the camels.

The horses were already sold before so there are only camels with them on this journey.

Just like in the plot Evelyn took the lead to enter the city.

While on the ride her body has this small shakes that shook the heart of Mohini.

That is the same with candy.

Three beauties that went ahead of the guys showed a new type of pleasure and feast to their eyes.

Sharp eyes of Mohini can see those small movements of Evelyn's and candy's body that made her heart pound harder.

Mohini has made a decision to buy some camels and other things for her girls back on Ark Island along with this dresses and veils.

Mohini wanted to make a small competition for her women….

That should be great.


Finally they arrived at the place and started their excavation.

While those Americans are doing the excavation on the other side Mohini's group followed the words of Evelyn.

This time the other players followed those Americans.

They know that everyone meets at the same place.

Also they know that being with the protagonist would not be that good.

As long as they are with these Americans they can find an opportunity to steal some things and leave here silently before the mummy awakens.

They are not here to contribute to the plot.

Instead they are here to earn some cash and turn them into chaos points.

Like the low class adventurers in the world that would think of benefits instead of making big achievements.

But they never know that only dancing at the edge of a blade can give them rapid improvement in the life of a hunter or adventurer.

Well Mohini doesn't care what they are up to or what they want to do.

She has her own things to do.

They soon entered the underground passage and the confrontation with those Americans.

Evelyn led the way to a new place underground to dig from the bottom to the top.

On the other hand Mohini knows that the jailor would die soon.

Well Mohini did not care about that.

Saving him might give Mohini some chaos points but it is useless to her.

Candy also did not care about that.

Mohini went to the side to look for the spot on the wall that might be the key to pull the sarcophagus of Imhotep down from under the feet of the statue of Anubis.

Well it should be accidentally hit by a rock when Jonathan was playing.

But Mohini doesn't want to take so much time.

Also she separated two reality clones with 10 points in its stats to go around and take everything that can be taken.

She already knows where the things in this tomb are hidden from the simulation memories.

Her first target is to get the treasure in the tomb.

Then the second is to check on the Americans and other players that follow them on what they are planning to do.

So the two clones went to do that while Mohini is helping with Evelyn's things continuing the plot.

Soon after the sarcophagus of Imhotep fell after Mohini touched a protrusion on the wall.


Before they open the box there is a scream from the jailer.

Mohini knows that he is dead.

So she went to take a look.


After his death they no longer want to dig anything and left this place.

The plot continued and there is a raid from the pharaoh's guards in the night.

Rick made a big move to stop the fight while Mohini went to help Evelyn.

Later Mohini helped Evelyn that was drunk and heard all of her rambling.

Candy and Rick were nearby as they are doing their own things.

The two clones of Mohini have completely cleaned out the treasure in the tomb and hid it all in a single disposable storage card.

These storage cards have over 100 cubic meters of storage space.

But they did not touch the vases that store the body parts of the mummy.

That is the Canopic jars.

These things are useless to Mohini and they are cursed.

Mohini died in some simulations because she touched these cursed jars.

Mohini in the middle of the night went close to the excavated area and squatted down near the big hole.

Her clones crawled up the rope and touched her finger to integrate back into the main body.

Mohini observed that candy was following her.

So she made it look like she took the wrong direction and left to another place to pee.

Mohini is an utterly shameless person that can do...…


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