Chapter 273: happy time in china

Chapter 273: happy time in china 

That is except for Alex and the marriage between Evelyn and Rick most of the things happened in the same way.

Well they did not age during this time too.

Evelyn has her books published and the memory of that is also in her mind.

Imhotep and lock- nah should be dead so they did not have any memories except for some normal information.


Mohini took all the people to china directly and went to the digging site.

Well Mohini would not stay here to supervise these things.

She has her own things to do.

Even thought she cannot go to other countries to get their secret societies, she can still hit the secret society in china.

She did not fear the mummy of the Qin emperor because Mohini's fighting capabilities has already crossed his level.

If it is the first Xia emperor that learned the way of the demon in the fighting style then Mohini really has to run for her money with her current practice.

Demons are not always bad, deities are not always good.

There are changes in everything.

There was a story where the descendent of a demon ruled a country once, 

It became the most prosperous country in the world.

There are even rumors that this country is made out of gold.

Golden Lanka of Ravana,

Ravana is an Ashura which is one of the highest bloodlines in demon race.

This is the same with china when the demons first arrived there.

But later generations got the greed and other natures of demons corrupting them slowly.

Well this is the case with most of the world.

While those people are digging the site Mohini told lock-nah to guard Evelyn and help her scratch her pussy whenever she needed.

Lock-nah was very happy to do that and even Evelyn is happy.

Then they left to take care of her money making business and getting some good things from this country.

It will take few months to complete the excavation.

Mohini's group would come here from time to time to see how things are.

She cannot leave Evelyn unattended so she would come and take her out some times.

During this time Mohini got few more information pieces from this country and loads of gold from this country's reserves.

It was not stolen as Mohini was able to get a special contract from the current leaders with her efforts both physical and mental.

In the contract Mohini mentioned few billion chaos points as a small appreciation for her.

They don't know what they are and Mohini's methods made them unable to get a clear answer about this chaos points.

Since they need Mohini's services they accepted her contract.

With the contract signed Mohini went there at night to directly collect the equivalent gold.

Normally if the contract is of low grade and system has to intervene with the payment then she would only receive a portion of the mentioned amount.

But if Mohini got the stipulated amount of materials of things that is equivalent to the chaos points mentioned in the contract,

Then the amount would be transferred without any losses.

This is the loop hole that Mohini found out by using the simulation memories.

Mohini completed her work quickly and returned to the excavation site.

She gave some cash to Imhotep so that they can go around enjoying this new place.

Jonathan doesn't need cash as he has business here and can make more money on his own.

Well Mohini and Evelyn when they went out together would make a special strip show at the underground bar that Jonathan made for them after coming here.

When Mohini returned she wanted to call lock-nah out for her to have some fun too.

When she returned back to her works her ass is all red with the hand prints of lock-nah.

Well it will give stinging pain but it also gave Mohini a lewd sweet smile on her face.

Mohini really wanted for him to go around and enjoy.

But unfortunately he cannot speak local language or English properly.

This caused some problems.

So he stayed behind for a little while.

Then Mohini got an idea and sent him to work for Jonathan.

This way he can get some change of air and settle in this new place.

While accompanying Evelyn, Mohini is not idle as there are shaking and sweating all the time when they are alone.

Mohini would call in some construction workers to have gang bangs.

At the same time Mohini and Evelyn would put on some hot dresses from time to time to show off in front of those excavation workers.

Candy did not join in the fun and went around with Rick.

Even though Rick was also invited here, he is not here for excavation.

He went with candy and rarely come here to check the progress.

After few days there is a letter from Professor Roger Wilson that he is coming here.

Mohini knows that the day the Professor Roger Wilson arrives here, would be the day the tomb is opened.

Soon they found the entrance of the tomb on the day Professor Roger Wilson.

Mohini has already called her people to come over as the time for the start of the plot has arrived.

They all followed Mohini to enter the underground tomb of the dragon emperor.

Here Imhotep is more interested to see the tomb of another nation.

They were excited.

Mohini has already told Imhotep to keep an eye out for treasure and as long they find it they will take it all.

Imhotep understands the importance of treasures and wealth for their future.

So he smiled back nodding his bald head.

They looked like old foxes planning something behind the backs of the people.

Candy knows what is happening but she cannot do anything.

If she wants treasure then she has to find it by herself or by fighting Mohini.

She doesn't want to do either of the things.....


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