Chapter 274: love at first sight

Chapter 274: love at first sight

If she wants treasure then she has to find it by herself or by fighting Mohini.

She doesn't want to do either of the things.

Also this is the first time she encountered this situation.

Previously most of the men would drool over her beauty and hand over most of the treasures.

But Mohini is different. 

Even though she is a woman she would flirt with her.

But she would not give her any benefits.

This made her question her beauty.

Mohini knows that the heroine of this Lin would appear soon.

Mohini wanted to capture her first but she decided to let her go this time so that the plot has no sudden surprises.

Mohini went to the night club Jonathan has with Evelyn and her group.

Candy showed up here as Rick met with his old acquaintance.

Actually this old acquaintance of Rick is fucking Mohini in the back room when they accidentally came inside.

Well Rick is still young with a chick like candy while his old acquaintance became old.

Rick is not actually free as he and brought back the eye of Shangri-La with them in the last visit to England.

Then the group has decided to go the museum to see the plot move on.

Well this is where the plot should start and they should not obstruct the start of the plot and awakening of the dragon king.

Mohini let the process go on and the blood of Evelyn opened the eye of Shangri-La as there is a gun pointing at the head of Mohini.

Well Evelyn already knows about the plot from Mohini.

So she helped them open the eye of Shangri-La.

Even though she acts like a bitch she is still pure of heart without any malice.

She loves Mohini with all of her heart.

For her she would kill anyone.

Mohini was eying the female that followed the general yang called Choi.

When Lin took the opportunity to kick Wilson, and the eye of Shangri-La hit the back of the emperor, Mohini moved into action.

First she knocked the female general assistant.

Then she told lock-nah to take her to a secret place, strip her completely and tie her up for her to return.

Also Mohini told lock- nah to not to touch her nor let other men get in touch with her.

Then she jumped in to help the heroine Lin.

This time Mohini is playing the role of Alex.

This way she can get the heroine Lin.

 On the other hand she has already told Evelyn about this.

Evelyn will go with lock-nah to help take care of this Choi.

Mohini made Imhotep follow along just in case.

It is easy with the power of Imhotep to follow along with Mohini.

Mohini went on the chase with the heroine Lin.

The story went on just like that in that of the plot.

Rick and candy are driving the fireworks truck.

Jonathan was pulled in on the way….

Finally the emperor and general got away while the fireworks truck blasted hitting the sarcophagus.

Mohini held the heroine Lin on her lap as they had a good ride.

Finally they returned like fire wood that is still releasing smoke in a taxi.

Candy wanted to snatch the eye of Shangri-La but it did not work.

Well Mohini was still fine but Rick and Jonathan got some good beating.

Imhotep did not receive any damage from the start to the end.

It is because of him that candy, Rick and Jonathan was safe after the big blast

Evelyn and lock-nah were also at the night club of Jonathan.

This is where they took an empty room to tie up the Choi.

Rick and Jonathan started to use the ice cubes to cool off their injuries.

Candy looked at Rick that put the ice cubes on his dick with some distress.

Right now Rick is the only one that is helping her relieve her lust.

Now that he is out of order she wanted to look for someone else.

She doesn't like Jonathan.

Imhotep would not betray Mohini.

At that time she looked at Mohini with some expectations and Mohini smiled at her.

She was happy.

Mohini might not accept her to become her woman but she can still relieve of her lust…cough…cough…stress.

Well she has to do that in secret later.

For now there are other things to worry about.

Lin got a little excited as she spoke about the Shangri-La and other things about the emperor.

She even blushed once looking at Mohini.

The reason is actually three things.

First is Mohini is very beautiful and charming because of her off the charts charm.

Second are her titles and skills that created accidental touches when they are fighting and gave her a strong inexplicable feeling towards Mohini.

Third is that she has never been so close to a woman in her entire life except for her mother and she has awakened the love towards girls instead of men.

Also she lacks the love of the father that died early making her lean towards Mohini more as a woman.

So the inexplicable feeling that she got has made her feel close to Mohini.

So in a way it is love at first sight for her.

Evelyn and lock-nah noticed this clearly.

The little heroine is good at the appearance and Mohini has to think about the things with Evelyn.

Well being recognized as her women earlier Evelyn also got some dibs on the decision about this matter and they pulled Lin for a talk.

Imhotep smiled looking at the scene.

While they are away Mohini smiled bitterly.

Rick said that he will speak to mad dog about the plane and left.

Jonathan doesn't have anything to do, so he went to patch up his injuries.

Lock-nah went to help Jonathan patch up his injuries.

Imhotep took a bottle of rum and went with Rick to help with the talk.

Mohini has given him some......


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