Chapter 282: plans to attack the high grade chaos monsters

Chapter 282: plans to attack the high grade chaos monsters

They can be of great help to Titia in construction and designing works.

But the three entry choices of the fantasy world are already been decided by Mohini.

Well she will think of another way to get them later if she got another free choice fantasy world card.

Not all things would go according to the plan.

Sometimes patience is needed.

After choosing the choices another notification appeared.


Checking the special contract settings related to ark contracts and personal storage contracts formed by the player.

9 arks contracts detected….

Legendary lost ark detected…

Does player want to integrate the arks into the player's ark?





Mohini nodded her head and these arks immediately integrated into her ark.

Immediately the ark directly increased twice as big as it was before.

Now the ark island is around 20 square kilometers.

Also her ark ship has all of its specifications doubled.

That means the speed, capacity, strength and everything has been doubled after the integration of the ark.

This is a buff instead of direct improvement.

That means in the current condition if the ship can hold 100 people with buff it can hold 200.

In the future if the ship was upgraded to hold 150 people then because of the buff the total number of people it can hold increases to 300 people.

Finally the most important thing related to the ship.

The sturdiness of the ship has become absolute.

This means it is as stable as a mountain when it is sailing on the water.

No matter how big of a way it encounters it will not sink or even sway.

Well if the person attacking the ship is a god level person then it will sink.

That is the true ability of the ark.

Originally ark was made to save the people from the great flood.

This is the buff that Mohini's ark ship received after integration.

Mohini was so happy that she wanted to call out her woman to have a gang bang.

Well she is the only man that is rolling around on the woman.

Everything is a good thing.

Mohini has arranged for her people to enter the ark island.

After they entered Mohini went to buy some equity stocks of companies that are going to boom in a year based on the information from her simulations.

Everything is perfectly registered by the system contract. 

This will become her continuous income in the future.

With that the arrangements that she wanted to make are complete.

Now she is going to set out to hunt the peak level chaos monsters of the tier 1.

That is epic grade, legendary grade and mythical grade.

Naturally the resource islands of mythical grade would not be disturbed until they reach the safe island.

The country that is faced with the safe island would react and solve the mythical grade monster.

Solving the mythical grade monster can give great benefits to a country but it is also a national level disaster that would kill many hunters of the country.

So till the final moments of the resource island with mythical grade monster appearing people would not attack the island on their own initiative.

Mohini is going to get those islands that did not have much monitoring after being discovered.

The people from the country are not stupid enough to fight the mythical grade monsters.

The hunters at the top of the food chain are heirs from the big families that are away many valuable resources for the strong improvement.

Only a moron would go and fight with the mythical grade monsters which have over 90 percent mortality rate even for them.

Even at the time when the mythical grade chaos monster attacks the safe island, 

The corresponding country would react with some strong weapons or other technology while the cannon fodder sacrifices their lives.

In the end the dead hunters would receive some compensation while the meat and genetic essence of the mythical grade monsters will be collected by the rich.

Other than that the resource island of the mythical grade monster would be auctioned off to the highest bidder for collecting resources by the government.

This is how things are.

Right now Mohini has already obtained the weapons and people to fight.

Her target is to hunt those Resource Island and mythical grade monsters.

But before going there Mohini has to first integrate with the Skydream Ice Worm Tian Meng.

Mohini has already obtained the basic qualification for the integration process.

After integration she can hunt down, those mythical grade chaos monsters to fill up her genetic essence of mythical grade.

This is her plan.

For that she first collected the information from Veena about the locations of mythical grade chaos monsters resource islands.

Then she went to rent a dock with changed appearance.

After that she opened her ark ship and ark island one by one and met up with her people.

While they are taking care of the arrangements Mohini went to check on the cage that is holding down Tian Meng.

Mohini knows that she big worm can speak.

So Mohini started to speak with Tian Meng.

"I know that you are angry but I have something to say to you and show to you.

If you can listen to me then we can be buddies.

Also when I enter the fantasy world of soul land, I will help you find the ice empress…"

When Mohini spoke till here Tian Meng started to speak.

"Why should I believe your words…?"

Mohini knows that the people that brought back Tian Meng did not gave it any information related to the real world or anything else.

Also the cage completely isolates Tian Meng from the world outside.

So Tian Meng doesn't know what is happening outside.

"Before answering your question,

As a sign of trust I am going to release you out of the cage.

The people around here are my family and my only treasure..."


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