Chapter 283: entering the fruit of Garcia

Chapter 283: entering the fruit of Garcia 

"Before answering your question,

As a sign of trust I am going to release you out of the cage.

The people around here are my family and my only treasure.

This is the proof that I trust you and you should trust me.

I will explain to you everything with proofs for you to understand…."

Mohini said this and opened the cage.

Immediately the cage was destroyed because it is also a onetime use thing.

After the monster in the cage is out then it will be the end of the cage.

The big worm with colorful lights appeared in front of Mohini.

Mohini did not show any actions of fighting.

Tian Meng has the capabilities of spirit.

It can perceive the surrounding area.

It is a big island of 20 square kilometers.

There are many people but all of them are working on some buildings helping each other.

The atmosphere is harmonious.

Also the entire island appeared to be inside a big box like structure and there is machinery like things around.

It felt like it was inside another cage.

Then it looked at Mohini that was sitting peacefully beside it without any fear.

It felt a strong energy from Mohini and has good compatibility with it.

After Tian Meng calmed down Mohini started to explain about the story of the fantasy world related to Tian Meng, real world, Mohini's life story.....

Listening to Mohini's explanation Tian Meng caught up quickly.

Tian Meng has his main specialization in its brain.

He can think faster than a super computer and has a strong spirit.

Because of these reasons many magicians wanted to get Tian Meng.

Well with this super thinking Tian Meng understands the current situation and many things about the real world.

With the promise from Mohini to get his lover ice empress, he immediately connected to Mohini.

As for the credibility he knows that he can form a conditional contract with Mohini to fulfill her promise to him.

Since the trust needs time to form they formed this conditional contract.

Of course the payment is done by Mohini.

This did not cost much as it is only a nominal contract in name only.

After the contract is formed Tian Meng became the spirit of Mohini just like how he did with the protagonist in the story.

The body of the big worm vanished along with the spirit ring and Mohini has an extra connection in her mind.

She can speak to Tian Meng.

Mohini did not gave a new name instead called Tian Meng as dream brother just like in the plot of the soul land.

As soon as they are connected they started to speak and the thoughts of Mohini flowed between them.

Mohini checked if their cooperation is proper.

With everything done they decided to move on with the next step.

Mohini helped in some construction plans and then she took back the ark island and released the ark ship to set sail to the resource islands with high level chaos monsters.

Mohini then moved to the safe island first for safety reasons then rented a dock there on the direction that she wanted to set sail.

After checking the ark ship is ready, the people in her group that has the experience in water travel were called out.

They will help Mohini in controlling the ship.

This is not a ship with engines but a sail boat.

But the speed is no less than a tier 3 high grade boat.

It moved so quickly that it vanished into the horizon within the minutes.

There are many boats go along every day so no one thought about it when the boat set sail.

They only thought it was strange when the boat left so quickly.

But the news soon faded without much interest in the people.

If a ship can move so quickly then it belongs to some high level person.

They cannot investigate high level people unless they want to die.

After crossing a certain range Mohini sighed of relief.

There is no one following their ship.

Mohini now has a strong spiritual perception after integrating with Tian Meng. 

So she can look through the horizon to see if there is anyone following her in another ship.

There is no one and the journey is smooth sailing.

Mohini's target is the farthest one and takes at least 5 days of journey to reach that resource island.

Mohini doesn't want to waste time as she wanted to enter the fantasy world using the free choice fantasy world entry card right now.

She doesn't want to waste time and wanted to develop quickly.

Since there is no threat right now she can spend few seconds in the fantasy world as 1 second in the real world is 1 year in the fantasy world.

With that Mohini called her men to take control of the ship and sat at one corner of the ship near the main mast.

Then she took out the free choice fantasy world entry card and activated it.

It can be used 3 times.

First time usage was started and immediately her surroundings changed to that of a familiar white room before entering the fantasy world.

Mohini directly chose the fantasy world of the fruit of Grisaia.

Then she took out the protagonist card and checked her compatibility to the protagonist of this story.


Compatibility checking with the protagonist…

Physical traits….92 percent

Mental traits….95 percent

Skills...…100 percent

Background…..80 percent


Overall compatibility …..90 percent

Protagonist character entry card successful…."

Difficulty of the fantasy world doomsday mode 200 percent difficulty…

Other changes none.

Point of entry…

Protagonist was saved by Asako Kusakabe….

All the prior memories of the protagonist would be given to the player....."

After some series of checks and options Mohini has finally entered the fantasy world in the place of the protagonist.

Her appearance has changed that of the protagonist of this fantasy world.

Mohini appearance is the same as the.....


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