Chapter 284: just follow the plot

Chapter 284: just follow the plot

Her appearance has changed that of the protagonist of this fantasy world.

Mohini appearance is the same as the protagonist but the body did not belong to the protagonist Yuuji.

Mohini's body entered removing the body of protagonist Yuuji and directly integrated into Mohini's body along with memories.

At the same time her appearance changed to that of protagonist Yuuji.

Essentially it is like Mohini has reborn in this fantasy world as Yuuji and she just got his memories back.

So technically, Yuuji is Mohini that just awakened his past life memories.


(Since Mohini is a man now I will refer to her as him)

Right now Asako saved him but she was also wounded.

Mohini did not act anything out of ordinary and just acted like in the main plot.

The age of Yuuji in the plot should be lower but the system changed the age to over 15 years old directly.

This is to facilitate the future changes.

Also the time that Asako can live was also extended.

Mohini has the advantage of the medical knowledge and can cure Asako.

On his eighteenth birthday Asako let him have his first drink of alcohol at the same time his first taste of woman of this world.

Mohini was very good at this so she went on a little rampage with Asako

After few days JB also got her virginity taken by Mohini.

Well she is a big girl and she did not have her pussy opened till now.

Mohini helped her do the process.

Mohini posed the question to trust to Asako on one night when they are in passionately playing with each other.

Asako did not hesitate and directly trust Mohini.

Immediately a blue light screen appeared in front of her face.

Mohini gave her a warning in a mysterious way but Asako did not back away.

She directly jumped on Mohini's dick and accepted yes option.

While they are fucking Mohini started to speak.

It is about him awakening the memories of his past life and he will leave here soon.

He wants to take her along with him...…

She don't mind going along with Mohini as she has already done many things for her country.

Then Mohini talked about her current internal wound and her life span.

She was quite for a while but still talked about the truth without any hesitation.

Mohini then told her that he can cure her but she will be in coma for a while before completely recovery.

She was shocked to know this but since she has a loving man she accepted Mohini's proposal and decided to give it a try.

Mohini made her tell JB for the arrangements for the operation.

JB did not believe anything and she did not go with the question of trust so she doubted Mohini's capabilities.

All Asako said is that Mohini got some training from that organization that captured Mohini before.

After some thinking Mohini got a chance to operate on Asako.


The operation is success but Asako needs a long time to heal completely.

Mohini told JB about that and the plot continued as Mohini joined the Mihama academy to meet with the girls.

Here once again the system did the trick to change the age of the girls.

The ones that are already 18 years old is not changed instead all the other girls that should be younger have their age changed.

All of them are 18 years old but the back stories are still the same.

Mohini followed the plot and helped the girls with their difficulties solving them one by one.

Based on the plot they will fall in love with Mohini so it is not a problem to think.

Soon after solving their problems the main event started.

There is body double to Yuuji that attacked some officials and secret facilities.

This caused Yuuji to be made into a terrorist.

Well Yuuji is Mohini so Mohini followed the plot and moved on.

This is very natural to her as her life is like this back on earth.

In a way Mohini is more intelligent than that of those people.

The Thantos system that Kazuki is has been shipped to Japan.

Mohini in the form of Yuuji went to meet his sister.

The plot continued normally without much variation.

Well this time the girls are working and not Mohini.

But it is not a problem as there is no risk for them with the planning of Kazuki.

Mohini was already taken into custody voluntarily.

He has to wait till the woman rescued him from the cops and gangsters.

When Mohini was saved by the girls he is still wearing the bracelet with the bomb.

Mohini knows that this is along with the plot so he let it be and continued.

When Mohini got on the submarine and had his confrontation with the Zoey Graham.

Robert Wallson was also on this ship… 

Then he called all the people on the ship to assemble once so that he can speak to them about something important.

Milliela Stanfield has arrived after landing the helicopter.

Well she got a punch and the concern of Mohini.

Asako was also brought here and she is awake now.

Well she woke up just a month ago and can talk and speak but cannot move much.

Chiara Farrell was also here because Mohini played some small strings during their meetings blooming love in her towards him.

She is the one that was tasked with transferring Asako to this submarine.

When everyone were on the ship Mohini looked at their favorability 

Almost all of them have the favorability over 60 points.

So Mohini directly asked the question of trust.

Immediately every single one of them has the blue screen with the question of trust appear in front of them causing them to panic a little.

Well Asako has already gone through the question of trust so she did not receive any.

Other than Asako there is another woman…...


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