Chapter 300: in a container for a week

Chapter 300: in a container for a week

Then she slowly played with them for full 5 minutes.

After that she made them walk on the mine field outside the military post.

This is her revenge.

Yusuf was able to survive unluckily while the deputy general was blasted like a water melon.

Yusuf suffered a lot before he finally died in the hands of Jonathan.

Malka did not interfere with Jonathan.

Currently Malka has more aura than that of Jonathan that it can even confuse the plot life characters about who the protagonist is.

Right after Jonathan killed Yusuf, Malka felt the presence of other people in the area and Jonathan felt the same.

Well their life experiences are not much different so their senses are also similar.

It was Kasper and his group that came to get Yusuf.

Unlike in the normal plot it took longer for Chiquita to capture Jonathan and Malka.

Well Malka let Chiquita capture her because she wants to let the plot move on.

If Malka fought back then Kasper's group would have died.

But along with them Jonathan would also die.

So Malka let things go.

Then they were questioned about their names as Jonathan is still sulking Malka was calm like water.

When Jonathan mentioned Malka was sent to walk on the mine field by Yusuf and deputy general they got the point.

But Malka was still silent.

Kasper started to speak his mind confusing words shaking Jonathan's convictions on what he did just now.

Only now Malka spoke.

"Mister, you are very good with words and confusing others with your words.

If we killed so many people for getting revenge means that is how much I hate those people and their means.

Why don't you walk on a mind field once to know how it feels like?

I would see what you would want to do then.

Jonah, do not listen to his words.

All of what he said might be true or false but what we did is what we wanted to do.

Be firm in your actions and firm in your beliefs…"

Both Kasper and Chiquita widened their eyes listening to Malka's words.

Kasper still spoke trying to confuse Malka and Jonathan and manipulate their thoughts.

The light colored eyes of Malka were as calm as a clear lake while Jonathan was in an entirely opposite state.

Malka looked at Jonathan and spoke to calm him down but Jonathan did not listen.

Malka sighed and did not speak any longer.

Chiquita looked at Malka and asked.

"Why are you not speaking to control your little lover?"

Malka looked at her and said calmly.

"He was hit by too many things and already lost his reasoning to some extent.

Speaking to him right now is no better than pouring oil into fire or playing flute for a deaf person….."

Kasper was amused and said.

"If you like this then tell me how you will feel about the deaths of other orphans…

Will you show fear?"

He turned around and started to walk.

Jonathan panicked but Malka is still silent.

Kasper was amused again by Malka's response and said.

"Then, What if I killed your lover…"

Malka's eyes showed a ripple and this is what he wanted to see.

So Malka showed them, this and then he calmed down again.

"Kasper I know you have some plan in your mind.

Just say it instead of playing mind games.

I can assure you that as long as you killed Jonah, you would regret it for life.

I will make sure of that even if I have to die in the process.

As a successful weapon's dealer you should know the value of people like us and also the consequences of provoking desperados.

It appears that there is nothing interesting in this world any way.

The only bond, I have on this earth is Jonah and beware of your choices and their consequences."

Malka's eyes have a strong unrestrained killing intent towards Kasper making him shrugged a little.

But the results are the same as they were both locked in separate containers for a week.

There is nothing in the container except for water.

Malka did not move nor did anything out of the ordinary.

She only sat there conserving her strength and using water as the source of survival.

The thoughts on Malka's mind sublimated reaching to a point of enlightenment and a strange sense of peace of mind has formed.

Tian Meng in the mind can still communicate with Malka.

The spirits can be brought along but their usage depends on the restrictions of the fantasy world.

Here Malka cannot summon the spirit or use any magical things in reality of the fantasy world.

But things like her spirit vision can still be used.


Malka is like that but Jonathan reached the same side as he reached in the plot with a little difference that he believed Malka's words.

He fears if something happens to Malka or those orphans.

But he did not come to a conclusion where the world hates him.

This is because he still has Malka that loves him and willing to give her life to protect him.

So he came to the conclusion that there is still something in the world that is worth living for…

I love the world and Malka and other things don't really matter even if the entire world really hates him.

When Kasper arrived after a week Jonathan was in a break down state, but Malka is actually sitting in the middle of the container with her eyes closed like a lady sage.

It is really strange for a person that killed the people like flies to sit like a sage and appear so peaceful.

Kasper was able to speak his words to completely break down Jonathan saying that he is the one that killed their parents or at least he might be the one that sold the weapons that destroyed their village

But the same words were said to Malka got a different reply.


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