Chapter 301: making a deal with Kasper

Chapter 301: making a deal with Kasper

Kasper was able to speak his words to completely break down Jonathan saying that he is the one that killed their parents.

Or at least he might be the one that sold the weapons that destroyed their village

But the same words were said to Malka got a different reply.

"You have just supplied the weapons for the war but not killed them in person.

If I have to hate you then I should hate the person that made those weapons and the person that invented them.

Kasper don't play mind games with me.

Tell me how Jonah…is."

Malka said in a slight hoarse voice.

Malka and Jonathan were place in separate containers.

Kasper wanted to play the final trick of his mind game and said.

"Oh, your lover, he was starved to death."

Mohini knows that Kasper is lying, but Malka still have to show emotions to this situation.

Even with the weak body Malka moved like a ghost and caught the neck of Kasper,

"Kasper, I have already said that you should not lie to me about these things.

Come straight to the point instead of playing these mind games.

Your pulse is wrong, so you are lying.

Be careful, next time I might not look at your pulse to tell if Jonah is alive or dead.

If what I know about your character, you should have given a choice to my brother saying that either to kill you or use you.

Jonah should have chosen an option to use you for the sake of those orphans and saving me right…

In return he would work for you as a body guard right.

Then what is the offer that you are going to give me Kasper?"

Malka said as her finger nail pricked into the skin of Kasper drawing out a drop of blood from his pale skin.

Malka let him go and went back to sit in her place facing Kasper with straight eyes without any emotions.

Chiquita was behind him but did not act through the entire time because she was sure that Malka would not kill Kasper.

Being in the field of a body guard and dancing at the edge of life and death for so long she has appropriate grasp of what people like Malka would do.

She can always act if necessary.

Also she did not expect that Malka would still have enough strength to move like that.

Kasper sighed as Malka guessed everything right to the point.

Because of his previous plan would not work and has to change his offer.

While he is thinking on what to offer Malka, Malka spoke back.

"Send me on the same mission as you send Jonah.

I would protect him and protect whomever that you wanted me to protect.

The money that comes out of the service is stored for the future of me and Jonah if we ever wanted to quit this job.

Those orphans would already receive something and there is no need to send more.

I prefer that the money to be invested in a chocolate company or something that had a good future.

Being a big man, these things should be easy for you right Kasper.

As long you pay properly and did not pit me and Jonah, I will work for you.

Don't make any mistakes like the one you did just now…"

Malka said with her peaceful tone.

Kasper immediately smiled and accepted the deal.

Well it is better than what he thought off before.

He understood that Malka only cares about Jonah unlike Jonathan that cares about Malka and those orphans.

With the deal set he mentioned about his sister that needs body guards and does the same business as he is doing in a different area.

Malka nodded her head.

Kasper wanted to ask Malka her name just like he did to Jonathan like treating a pet or something.

But Malka did not answer this question and said.

"Since I am going to work for your sister then I will only answer to her but not you Kasper.

Well if you treat me like a normal person instead of a pet, I don't mind telling you my name and form friendship.

You can choose…"

Malka said this and stayed silent.

Chiquita behind Kasper chuckled by the words of Mohini and Kasper acted like a spoiled child.


I am Kasper Hekmatyar; it is nice to meet you…"

Kasper extended his hand towards Malka.

Mohini stood up and extended her hand to shake the hand of Kasper and said.

"I am Malka; it is nice to meet you too…"

Then things moved on naturally as Malka got food to eat and met with his brother.

They changed clothes and freshened up.

Then they were sent to meet with Koko.

Jonathan looked lifeless while Malka still has light in her eyes.

Malka tried to cheer Jonathan but it did not change much.

They finally met with Koko.

She spoke and Malka replied to her in place of Jonathan.

Jonathan was silent with a frosty glare throughout the entire thing.

Malka did not say much as she felt that she should maintain the cold appearance too.

All she did was to respond slightly which is a little better than Jonathan.

After that she took Jonathan and Malka back to the hotel where her group of body guards is staying right now.

Instead of 9 body guards there are 10 now including Malka.

She gave them each a gun.

Malka checked the gun and its working condition.

Then she put it in her pocket.

Jonah did the same.

She introduced Malka and Jonathan to the group.

Because of the smooth door opening of Koko, Lehm got a hit and then Koko introduced Malka and Jonathan to the group.

Plot moved on smoothly.

Malka got the notification on successfully joining one of the main groups successfully.

For that she got 1000 chaos points.

On the other hand for joining this group Malka spends over...….


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