Chapter 302: joined the Koko’s group

Chapter 302: joined the Koko's group

For that she got 1000 chaos points.

On the other hand for joining this group Malka spend over a million chaos points.

As soon as Tojo explained about the container stuck at the port Malka received a notification about the quest.


Quest: guard the life of Koko and Jonathan

Description: Koko is going to be in danger and it is your duty to protect them.

Restriction: the health of either Koko or Jonah should not be less than 80 percent 

Rewards: 20 thousand chaos points.


Koko explained the situation to Malka and Jonah.

Jonah's response is more like a robot than a human.

Malka gave him a hard punch on his shoulder and told him to be normal.

"Jonah, past life is over and you don't have to act like a robot.

So be normal okay…"

Jonah looked at Malka as if she has changed somehow.

Well she usually acts like she is a weak girl that needs protection.

Now she is acting like a big woman that can even lift the sky.

This difference in Malka is hard for Jonah to digest.

Then Malka looked at Koko and asked.

"What are we doing, Koko?"

Koko smiled and immediately distributed the work.

Later Koko is driving while Malka and Jonathan were sitting behind.

Koko started to speak in the same way Kasper spoke trying to play mind games.

For her words neither Malka nor Jonah answered.

Koko should already know that Malka is different from Jonah.

So after a moment she said.

"Koko, you don't have to play the mind games with us.

Well if you can make Jonah like weapons I would really appreciate it.

I have been trying to do that too.

But he is too stubborn to let go of his past and live peacefully with weapons.

Sometimes we have to accept the darkness to find peace and it is all for the world peace.

Isn't it right Koko…?"

Malka said with a smile while Jonah is loading bullets with a blank face.

As Malka finished speaking she felt the people coming to attack.

"Koko we can talk about it later but we seem to have some company with good fireworks…"

Jonathan spoke at that moment

"Koko does this unit have SOP for a tail…"

"Finally you are willing to speak Jonah.

If you stay silent for so long then other might think you are dumb you know…"

Koko laughed listening to Malka and Jonathan's conversation and said that they can shoot at will.

Malka became serious and said.

"Jonah take the left, I take the right…"

Jonah nodded and the sun roof of the car opened.

Malka felt like she is Phineas and Jonathan is Ferb.

Well Phineas is a man but still Jonah is acting like Ferb.

Well even their talking and doing things are same.

They stood out of the sun roof at the same time.

Fortunately the sun roof is wide enough for the two of them to fit in at the same time.

Malka's shots hit precisely at the single spot breaking the tempered glass of the hostile cars and hit the driver.

Jonah spent more bullets to achieve the same thing as Malka.

There are people coming wave after wave attacking Koko's car.

Jonah was out of bullets and went down to load some while Malka covers them on both sides.

Velmet wanted to enter the armored van to deal the damage directly.

But she did not get the chance as Malka with her seventh bullet breaking a hole at the front wind sheet of the van.

The next bullet went straight into the head of the driver directly disabling the armored van.

But in the next second an armored jeep appeared on the side.

Putting a hole through this vehicle is hard so Malka let Jonathan shoot out while she loading the bullets.

 The other party is shooting an anti tank missile.

Jonathan wanted to drop a grenade but Malka pushed him to the side and shot at the person that was about to shoot the missile.

The result is early stopping of the fight.

The armored vehicle was blasted because of launching the missile inside.

With that the opposition finally quit their pestering.

Koko gave out a speech for Malka and Jonathan and finished with her classic line.

"I am doing weapons trade, for world peace of course…"

Koko said this and the curtain for this matter have ended.

That night Malka and Jonathan took turns to guard Koko along with other guards.

Malka let Jonathan sleep while she went out on rounds with Lehm.

Also Malka became close to Velmet quickly because they are both girls.

This is the same for Koko too.

Jonathan wanted to follow but Malka knocked him out directly.

Jonathan only woke up early in the morning with a slight head ache of course.

He went to fight with Malka because Malka knocked him out at night.

But still he cannot win against Malka so he gave up.

Well this was a normal quarrel and for others it looked like a lover's quarrel.

He smile and looked normal when he is fighting with Malka.

Today Koko started to get tensed because some competitors arrived to share a pie in their profits.

Koko don't like that and they are going to get into action.

Malka has already simulated and knows where other players would appear in the future.

So Malka was already on guard of taking care of the things.

While Malka is thinking Koko is rolling on the table shouting something indicating how important the matter is.


Malka can only smile looking at the incident while Jonathan still has his frost stiff smile face.

This time she took both Malka and Jonathan with her after arranging the tasks to other people.

She gave a gun to Jonah and then another to Malka.

They had their guns but Malka knows her plan.

Koko has good foresight and much better at strategizing things when dealing with enemies.....


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