Chapter 303: always be prepared for everything (Happy New Year)

Chapter 303: always be prepared for everything

They had their guns but Malka knows her plan.

Koko has good foresight and much better at strategizing things when dealing with enemies.

If she works with Kazuki then they would have made the best team for planning.

Sherlock Holmes is very good at analyzing things and good at locating the core points of an incident but he is not so good at planning things.

They arrived at the place of another arms dealer.

She called Jonah and Malka as little siblings.

She is 22 and compared to the age of Jonah and Malka they can be called her little siblings.

Well they are at least 5 years apart.

Most people would not doubt this.

Jonah maintained a dead pan face while Malka only put on her poker face without any expressions.

They are as silent as they came to a library.

Koko did all the talking while they sat on either sides of Koko.

With the help of Tian Meng in her head Malka can see the snipers of the weapon's dealer pointing gun at their heads.

If needed, Malka can shoot the sniper out with a flick of her hand.

But Malka was restrained from doing anything like that right now so as to not to spoil the plot.

Deviating from the plot is not a good idea.

Unless she can anticipate the future perfectly she don't want to change the plot.

With the simulation skill she always maintains her watch on the future plot because of her changes.

He will change everything unfavorable and increase the good things as much as she possible can.

Other than that she was unwilling to change the plot completely because it would be a devastating blow to her.

While they are talking Koko hit the nerve of the man with her words and got a hit on her head with a glass astray.

Koko started to bleed from her heat.

Fortunately she has a big strong head.

If not she would be in a dangerous situation.

Jonah immediately pulled out his new gun to point at the weapons dealer but Malka was moved to help Koko.

Koko shouted to stop Jonah while Malka used a kerchief to wipe the blood flowing out of Koko's head.

"Jonah you should pay more attentions to the open spaces and snipers before point your guns at anyone.

Remember this well in the future."

Malka said to Jonah while helping Koko put on a band aid that he prepared in advance which even shocked Koko.

Malka was really prepared for everything.

"Your little sister seems to understand the situation better than you little boy."

The weapons dealer mockingly said to Jonah looking at Malka lewdly.

Malka only looked at him with a soft smile which looked like that of a devil than a sweet girl with her appearance.

This is the premonition that the weapons dealer had looking at the smile on Malka's face.

He immediately shook off his head from being mesmerized by her.

Malka noticed that the snipers of the weapons dealer are gone now.

So she looked at Koko with a smile and looked at the time.

The signs of Malka are like saying it is time to play the cards Koko.

Also Malka's every touch makes Koko feel comfortable and close to Malka.

For some reason the pervert's luck did not activate yet.

But it will activate soon.

Koko spoke about the snipers of the weapon's dealer and told him to check on them.

He was curious and shocked at the same time because of the strong confidence in the eyes of Koko.

He called but the response came from the voice that he did not recognize.

After he heard that his contract is canceled, Malka took a glass wear on the side and hit the head of the weapons dealer.

During this time she still had the sweet smile on her face which made her look like she is a little twisted.

Jonathan on the other side pulled out the second gun to shoot at the weapons dealer.

The bleeding on Koko's head was stopped and patched up by Malka already.

So they left this place and Koko jumped on the back of Malka instead of Jonathan.

She did not go for Jonathan because she felt a strange attraction for Malka.

A strange comfortable feeling appeared in the mind of Koko that made her stuck to Malka like a koala.

Jonathan on the side did not have much opinion about that as he feels that Malka acted like she normally does.

It became like this after the incident of her walking on the land mines.

After that he felt like she has changed somehow and she became more or less twisted to some extent.

She only gets angry when Jonathan's life is threatened.

That night Koko asked Jonathan to cook the meal for them to get their bonds deeper.

Malka would also cook along with Jonah.

Their dishes would be compared like a competition between the two.

Malka looked at Jonathan and then at Koko to ask if she is sure that she wants to eat what Jonathan cooks.

Koko and none of the other people took the words of Malka seriously.

So they started to cook meals for the night separately.

Malka was done quickly and the smell is very good.

She served the people and waited for Jonathan to complete his cooking.

Malka was sure that none of the people here would forget the taste of the meal that Jonathan made tonight.

Soon after that Jonathan was also done with the cooking and brought over the yellow substance that he made out mixing some ingredients.

It was served separately in another plate.

Everyone first ate the cooking of Malka and they appreciated it very much.

Then it came for the substance that Jonathan cooked for them.

Malka was clever enough to avoid eating that.

Also she moved out of the table and stood 5 feet away when everyone was about to eat...…


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