Chapter 304: meeting Mildo the wild rabbit

Chapter 304: meeting Mildo the wild rabbit

Malka was clever enough to avoid eating that.

Also she moved out of the table and stood 5 feet away when everyone was about to eat.

All of them thought that the meal cooked by Jonah would be as good as the meal cooked by Malka.

But the result that they sprayed out the food that they just ate and fell on the table on their food plates.

Malka helped Jonah change the food on his plate with her cooking instead of the one that Jonah cooked.

With that incident all the people present made a special rule that Jonathan must never cook.

Even if he were to cook, that food should be given to the enemy instead of eating themselves.


Few days after that they got another weapons deal with the people that are fighting for an oil pipeline.

Malka knows what is going to happen so she was peacefully sitting on the top of a truck just like Jonathan.

Well there is a blast and surrounded by the soldiers with guns.

They are the clients that Koko came here for.

Malka was silent, sitting next to Jonathan while listening to the conversation of Koko with the client the talk of other soldiers.

Malka is good at many languages so she can understand their words.

At that time another woman with brown hair and brown eyes appeared.

She is called Mildo a body guard from another arms dealing company called CCAT.

Other than here there should be another body guard Lu with them.

Well that is if this is just the main plot.

But other than these two people there are more people.

In number there are another 3 people in the body guard appearance.

All of them are players that came into this fantasy world.

They have already hinted Mister Curry about Koko would double cross them.

Players can change the plot but they cannot tell the plot directly.

So they can only hint their employer.

They observed Koko's group to see if there are any players.

It is extremely hard to get into Koko's group or Kasper's group.

This time Malka is the only extra member that appeared extra in Koko's group.

They all know that Malka should die in the plot.

If she is alive and well then this means that she is a player.

Also a player that can take on such a dangerous role is hard to find and dangerous themselves.

They all know that Malka should die in the mine field.

Crossing a mine field safely is extremely hard thing for even players.

They can understand that Malka should possess strong background to get the current role.

So they don't want to do anything to Malka.

If they spoil Malka's plan then they might incur some strong retaliation.

They don't want to risk their lives over simple benefits.

So they slipped away from Malka's smiling face.

Well those people left but Mildo came to Malka and Jonathan to look at them.

Other players that escaped don't know what Malka would do.

Some rich people have strange habits so they are a little tensed.

Well the meeting between the boss people did not end well.

So they were pointed with guns from all directions.

Malka did not show any change as she sat there peacefully.

Lutz was the first to get tensed while the other players are also in the same situation.

Even at that time Mildo is still chatting with Malka and Jonah about them being little body guards or something like that.

Instead of chatting it can be called teasing them.

But none of them gave out any reply to her.

Mildo left with her group after pinching Malka and Jonathan's cheek and said.

"They are so young and tenderness…"

Well after the comedy show of Koko they moved on.

Koko gave an excuse about contacting head quarters to leave just like that in the plot.

Malka knows how things would move so she did not make any moves.

In the car there are Malka and Jonathan sitting on the back seat while Koko is driving.

There is a guard dog from the client sitting on the co-pilot seat.

When talking smack Malka got to hand it to Koko.

She is really good at pissing off people.

Jonathan is ready with his gun if something happens.

While Malka is sitting there smiling.

It is not time to attack yet.

Also she doesn't have to put on the threatening gesture as Jonathan can do that for her.

The plot moved on as Jonah got a heart to heart talk with Koko.

Well Malka picked off some words but not much.

She really doesn't care about these things.

Soon they plan to be ambushed by Velmet and Tojo with the two guard dogs captured.

No change in things after that.

CCAT people appeared and then Mildo want to fight Velmet everything happened as it should be.

The three players are still alive but they only stood on the side silently.

They tried to stop Mildo from killing those guard dogs before but they are unsuccessfully.

Also for stopping Mildo they got panda eyes and blue noses with the punches from Mildo.

Malka felt strange that in this fantasy world women are scarier than men.

Being a woman she is actually proud about this fact.

Also they are stronger and more twisted than men.

Malka really likes this bunch but unfortunately she cannot hit on them with her current self.

It needs a little more time to get into some good action.

If she shows her fangs now she will lose more interests from those people.

She cannot do that and have to slowly make do with the things.

Well there is still plenty of time to play.

Also she has analyzed the women before and can easily pull them into her love.


The soldiers appeared and the Koko's group was about to leave.

The three players in the CCAT group were anxious.....


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