Chapter 310: Amalia Torohovsky, Schokolade

Chapter 310: Amalia Torohovsky, Schokolade

Everyone paid the money on their own free will.

Because most of the transactions in this world are online, Malka was able to get more money than she got in any other world.

This world is advanced compared to many of the previous fantasy worlds.


The fight between Velmet and Karen went on. 

Well in the middle Lutz got his ass shot, it is just a scrape but still it was funny.

Malka changed angles and positioned people on the opposite side.

Soon the shell shock appeared on the opposing party and this gave Malka a chance to completely clear them within minutes.

Malka silently spoke in the communicator about her thoughts that were backed by Jonah and Lehm.

They stopped firing and the other party popped their heads out to take a look.

When their number reached the expected enemy number Malka started to pick them off with Lehm using a sniper.

At the same time Malka sneaked past the area to pick off the players and get their loot drop boxes.

Right around that time the fight between Velmet and Karen was also over.

Velmet started to get worked up when Lehm stopped her.

It almost looked like a father speaking to a daughter.

Well Malka did not care about that.

They moved on to get Minami.

Malka took the place of Jonah to scare Minami when she was catch the butterflies.

Malka called the other people and said that she found Minami.

Then she started to chat with her about butterflies.

Malka stockpiled about this information before and now she spoke.

With her knowledge she was immediately able to connect with Minami.


On the next morning Koko went to Minami's house but she was ditched again making her depressed.

The acts she put on when she was depressed are so funny that looking at them first hand is more comical.

Malka on the side amused with Lehm laughing together.

Koko got letter from Minami.

She looked at the letter and calmed down.

They went to airport to go to England an incident happened when they are changing planes on the way.

As usual Jonah was stopped at the metal detector because of the bullet that was stuck in his ass.

Malka spoke, Koko spoke and even Lutz spoke for Jonah to clear the problem at the check.

Someone made Koko apologize and Velmet started to play hard on him.

The funny show went on and the group found that Jonathan has fear of needles.

Actually this fear of needles is caused by the stories that Malka told him to scar him when they are still children.

This memory suddenly surfaced in Malka's mind and she couldn't help but laugh thinking about it.

Even though all these memories were created by the system Malka really cherished these memories.


England, east Sussex country,

Lutz and Jonah had their mock mountain combat practice.

Well Jonah is motivated by food and he doesn't know that Malka already hoarded millions of dollars.

The laptop she borrowed has already returned as she got a new one with higher performance to use.

Malka also got some things for Jonah with the money.

No one asked where the money came from as they can understand things easily.

At least it is not stolen money.

They all saw that Malka writing some novel and put books on for sale.

Then she used the hacking software to make sure that every book in the site that was bought out would buy out her book along.

This will give her a constant flow of money.

The amount is less so it would not get into the notice of either customer or the seller.

So the money piled up quickly.

Everyday hundreds of books would be sold or payments happen.

The accumulated money is in hundreds of dollars every day.


Well it is no surprise for Malka that Jonah capture Lutz and most of his ass was painted with paint bullets.

The final winner is Jonah and got some good amount of food tickets.

His face was so happy.

They came to country B to deal about the Arial weapons.

Well that is what Koko came here to sell.

The competition is actually actress turned into an arms dealer Amalia Torohovsky.

Malka did not have much interest in her.

At the end if Koko wanted to bring her in then Malka would take her if not leave her here.

That is all there is to it.

Malka, Koko and Jonah went to a park to meet with Schokolade to make Koko's plan work.

Jonah was sitting on a bench near the lake with ducks to feed them with bread pieces while eating an ice cream cone.

On the other hand Koko and Malka are moving around as she tells Malka about her current rival by clinging on to her back.

Malka doesn't mind as she listened while licking the ice cream cone on her hand.

It looked so hot that many young men in the park are looking at Koko and Malka.

Schokolade is really hot and she looked like a bimbo.

Malka has already decided to bring her back.

Malka sat on the side while Koko and Schokolade started to speak about business.

Malka did not see anything but only looked at them admiring their beauty.

Each of them had their own good points.

Malka did not see any bad points though.

In her imagination taking these two beauties at the same time would be great also taking Velmet and Karen at the same time would be greater.

Mohini really wanted to fuck there beauties and milk them after returning back to the real world.

They have similar personalities and beauties that can pull the heart string of Malka.

Every woman is unique in everything they had and Malka wanted to have all of these unique women.

Well she did not show her lust in her eyes except for admiration.

For now they are out of her reach...….


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