Chapter 311: Why does my monolog sounded like a perverted villain?

Chapter 311: Why does my monolog sounded like a perverted villain?

Well she did not show her lust in her eyes except for admiration.

For now they are out of her reach.

She cannot disrupt the plot.

At the end of the conversation Koko got close to Schokolade like she was about to kiss her.

Malka looked at it with desire but she controlled herself.

When Koko gave a diamond to Schokolade and said that they can get along quite well has made Malka nod her head.

They can really get along well.

Well which women would not like a diamond?

So she accepted the deal with Koko.

In the next few days Koko started to visit many potential buyers and army officers.

But she was one step too late.

Well Koko has her own game plan in this matter.

Finally she is standing at the lake at the park facing the setting sun and Jonah is taking care of ducks on the side.

Malka is with Lutz and Ugo looking at the situation.


Next the counter attack of Koko started that looked like she has given up.

Well Malka did not have anything to do here so she was silently observing the situation and does her own work.

Malka not only put on with the books but also other things in the online market.

Every product in the market has its praise raised by 0.1 percent.

The site owner thought it was arranged by the sell and the sell thought that it was the extra price for transfer of things arrange by the site owner.

The amount is very small for them to think about.

But all these 0.1 percents of money would be transferred to Malka through the software of the marketing company and the amount would be sent to Malka's international account.

It is a smooth process…

While Malka is playing the plot moved on.

She or Jonah has a role in this plot for the time being so she is having his fun.

With the deal with the euro group done they moved to a ship again towards Africa.

The images of Koko and Velmet in swimsuits are so great that Malka is having a feast with her eyes in real time.

She is also wearing a swim suit showing off her curves.

Jonah was unable to take his eyes of her.

He even blushed few times.

Jonah doesn't know that Malka was a bitch.

She has thoughts of separating Malka and reviving her for Jonah and she takes him along to the real world.

It is possible as long as she urges the system and takes the revived Malka as the extra option at the final settlement.

On the other hand Jonah is having his own fun.

Originally Jonah should have closed off his heart if Malka died.

Since she is alive and well has changed things for the better.

He is not as hard as he should be.

Things have to be improved like this over time.

May be one day Jonah will finally be normal with hi original cheerful personality.

Malka did not bother with this matter as she has other things to do like enjoying the view.

"Sooner or later these beauties belong to me."

Malka thought.

"Why my inner voice does sounded more like that of a villain.

Well these women are villains in this world right I am an evil protagonist.

So it is not wrong to have thoughts like this…"

Malka thought comforting her heart.

R was bold enough to make a move on Velmet and he was literally shot out like a cannon.

Malka caught Jonah that was drifting off and pulled him back to the land.

Then Malka had time to swim with Koko while Jonah was entertained by others.

Back in the ship Jonah is getting science lessons while Malka is playing around.

After dinner in the night Koko talked about the next job about an air delivery.

Well she and airplanes did not cut out.

At the end of the series she even made all the airplanes in the world crash.

Well Malka doesn't care about that and knows what the mission would be.

The job is to transport doctors to a country that restricted their entry.

Malka's knows that the things in this world are messier than the things back on earth.

Jonah met with the female doctor on the plane and they got along well.

Malka is not there right now and she was in the cockpit looking at the word below the plane.

It was an exciting experience.

When they got out Malka called Jonah to take a look too.

Jonah took Malka to meet Doctor Maggie that he just met and to relay Koko's instructions to the doctors.

They were quickly arranged and the plane landed.

As they fill in the order the other military arrived here.

Things quickly moved in the wrong direction.

Malka's hands are always on the gun and she doesn't want any causalities.

Also she sensed that there are players hiding in the dense tree areas around here.

One of them is a sniper.

Malka already took a sniper rifle and was ready to shoot the moment the shit hit the fan.

Malka told Jonah to stay on a spot to protect Koko closely and then moved to the other side of the plane slowly holding the normal rifle.

But suddenly the thing in her hand change.

The moron of the head doctor came out to make things complicated.

As soon as the first gun fire appeared the normal rifle on Malka's hand changed to a sniper rifle and she immediately shot the players that are hiding in the woods.

The sniper has a silencer and the amount of sound she made is not much from the gun fires on the other side.

Also her actions are very fast.

With the help of Tian Meng dream worm's spirit vision and curving the bullets Malka killed those players quickly.

The fight on the other side also started at the same time...…..


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