Chapter 312: leave, love, prediction letter

Chapter 312: leave, love, prediction letter

With the help of Tian Meng dream worm's spirit vision and curving the bullets Malka killed those players quickly.

The fight on the other side also started at the same time.

Malka did not stay there instead she ran to the other side of the plane and helped others take care of those soldiers.

Fortunately there is no harm done.

Malka was always vigilant looking for enemies on all directions.

If Malka was not here then Koko's group should have a hard time.

At least half of the people would have been killed by the players.

Malka was there when the leader of the other military started to take action and shot his hand in place of Mao.

Koko let their leader take the leader of the doctors and stopped Jonah from firing.

Malka did not want to disrupt the plot so it was fine.

On the other hand Malka went to collect the drop boxes from some of the plotline characters and the players that are dead in the woods.

After collecting them Malka came back quickly.

It was only a run of few hundred meters.

Even though those players have long distance sniper rifles they seem to have not trained well.

They are just a kilometer away.

With Malka's full speed she was able to cover that distance in less than a minute.

She got the things and returned.

Since the fight back there is already over it is not a problem for Malka to take a look.

Koko already noticed that there are others in ambush that Malka disrupted before.

So she did not ask about that.

Well Koko praised Jonah that he did not understand so Malka has to help him understand some things.

She knows what will happen next so she was peaceful.

There are no other players in the area as they were sure that they cannot survive the hail of steal darts from the sky.

So only this small sniper team was stupid enough to come here to die.

Well when they are speaking Malka gave the metal dart idea that Mao should give and they improved it with the artillery cannons on the side.

Soon the plane is in the air and Mao was ready with his big gun to fire at the people below.

There is a hard turbulence and Malka's pervert luck activated right at that moment.

She was on Velmet and the lady doctor was on her back.

She was sandwiched between them.

Well the people below have another opinion as they were all pinned by metal darts sending them all the way down to hell.

Koko on the other hand called scarecrow to leak in the information on the leader of the aggressive military group.

Well he is a wanted criminal that escaped using connections over the years.

They started to make a deal about dividing of the 5 million dollars reward.

Well scarecrow did not accept it but Schokolade accepted it directly closing the deal.

It is not a complete deal as there is no written agreement so they have to wait till the end to finish the deal.

Malka did not have any action to play in this matter.

So she was sitting under the starry night enjoying the view while listening to the conversation of the people.

Quickly the team of Lehm and others completed the task and the leader of the aggressive military was caught.

The leader of the doctors was rescued safely.

"Malka, how does the dragon roar sound?"

Koko asked Malka while they are in the cockpit of the airplane.

Koko started to shout like the sounds that Malka made in place of Jonah and Jonah looked at her weirdly.


Next will be the mafia delivery event.

If possible Malka doesn't want to go by airplane as it was the place where the death can be possible without a chance to retaliate.

So this is dangerous.

Well this time Velmet is going to go on a vendetta to clear off her vengeance.

Malka wants to follow her when the time is right.

Getting her is very important and she is very good when it comes to fighting.

Malka noticed that Velmet is leaving that night and she told Jonah to guard Koko carefully and she wrote a letter to Koko about the situation and gave it to Jonah to deliver to Koko.

Originally Jonah did not want Malka to follow Velmet.

It was only after persuasion that he accepted Malka going out.

After telling Jonah, Malka left silently and followed Velmet silently.

She did not startle her like Jonah did in the main plot.

Koko asked where Malka is and found that he left with Velmet has hit her hard.

When Koko is having a fit of anger Jonah went to her and gave her the letter that Malka gave to him last night.

Koko appeared like her panties are twisted inside.

"Is it a leave letter from Malka, Jonah?"

Jonah nodded his head.

Well Malka really did write the words leave letter on the top of it.

After reading the letter she understood what is happening.

It even mentioned that a small team of assassins that would come after her after she deals with mafia that would want to give their goods in place of money.

Everything was clearly written on the letter shocking Koko.

At the end of the letter there are it even said 

"I love you Koko"

Her anger calmed down and looked at the contents clearly.

This letter looks more like a prediction than a leave letter.

After reading the letter she gave it to Lehm to see through the contents and he directly burnt the letter.


Back in Africa Malka followed Velmet silently without alarming her.

She made a little reconnaissance and knows what route that Velmet would take.

On the other hand Koko is dealing with mafia and they were all killed because they really did give some nasty shit in place of money...…..


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