Chapter 313: saved Velmet, Koko is jealous

Chapter 313: saved Velmet, Koko is jealous

She made a little reconnaissance and knows what route that Velmet would take.

On the other hand Koko is dealing with mafia and they were all killed because they really did give some nasty shit in place of money.

Well it was Koko that told Malka to keep an eye on Velmet from the time they returned back from Africa.

So she is not surprised when Malka and Velmet left.

On the other hand she was a little on the edge that Velmet really left without saying anything.

Because of the task Koko gave to Malka, she was able to meet with Schokolade and even got close to her a little.

Koko has strong bond with Velmet as if Velmet is her own sister.

That is the reason she told Malka to keep a close eyes on her.

The abilities that Malka showed are beyond his age and she was sure that Malka can help Velmet when she needed the most.

Since they are done they returned back to the hotel.

They did not forget to check the man that is looking at them with binoculars.

This is as Malka said and Lehm became completely alert.

While they are going back he told the contents of Malka's letter to the people shocking them.

Malka doesn't want them to kill these assassins if possible and let them open a restaurant as they wished for.

Malka has already transferred an amount to Koko's account before leaving.

This money is for them to give these assassins to open a restaurant.

Well it is like Malka is helping the people from the same origin.

It is like helping the assassins that want to retire from the little world.

It might sound funny but Malka really wanted to do that.

How knows how dangerous the life of the assassins would be like and why some of them turned into assassins.

Since they don't want to be an assassin any more Malka would help her community.


Well they already know that there is going to be assassins that night and they are already prepared.

When they really got attacked they were immediately captured using the tranquilizers.

Unfortunately Lutz still got his ass poked.

It was like his ass is cursed or something.

Jonah is taking care of Koko so there is no problem for her safety.


Malka on the other hand is doing something different.

She followed Velmet for the whole day trying to find some information.

Malka also got the information on where the refinery is.

Since she knows the location she hid away completely hiding her breath following Velmet.

In the morning that day Velmet directly went towards the direction of the refinery.

Malka directly came to the refinery and is hiding at a top area to snipe the people and support Velmet.

Karen low was dismissed so her position of lieutenant was taken over by lee.

He took out a sniper and wants to kill Velmet.

He did not notice Malka that was hiding nearby.

So as he was trying to shoot Malka got him first and shot.

"Velmet you can dance all you want, don't worry about the cover."

Velmet was shocked to see that Malka is right there and is following her.

She thought that the entire crew along with Koko appeared here.

But she doesn't know that it was just Malka.

After killing lee, Malka took the sniper rifle from him and started to pick of the people around the plant.

Karen low, felt that her general's life is in danger so she came immediately to see the situation.

But she is one step too late and the general Chan Guoming of the Tashinhai trading company is already dead.

Velmet and Malka are on the return journey when Velmet asked Malka.

"You are following me all the time right?"

Malka nodded her head.

"I am such a fool.

I was unable to even find the presence of a kid all the time."

Velmet sighed.

Malka smiled and knows that this is the right time to ask the question of trust from her.

Her trust towards Malka has reached 60 points and it is dark green.

"You are blinded by your revenge, Velmet.

Since you have killed that man the knot in your heart should be undone now.

You will be at peace from now on.

Also I like it if you grow your hair longer like Koko....."

Malka wanted to ask the question of trust but her simulation results said that as long as Koko did not accept, none of the people in her guards can be taken.

So she refrained from asking anything.

Right around at that time Karen appeared and shot at Velmet.

Velmet covered Malka and received the bullet.

Malka did not let her bear too many bullets and directly shot back immediately at Karen.

Well none of them are fatally injured so everything is fine.

Malka immediately gave them first aid and contacted Koko.

Right after that they there is an army helicopter and the wounded were shifted to hospital.


Velmet woke up and Karen already left.

Before she left Malka met her and said.

"I do no hate you for your actions for shooting at Velmet,

But she has the same thoughts as you when she met your general.

You can leave now but I will see you again soon.

Not for fighting but to work together…

By the way I would like if you grow your hair longer.

You would look beautiful."

Karen did not understand what Malka meant but she left silently and mixed into the darkness.

After Velmet woke up Koko spoke to Velmet about her thoughts.

At the end she said the same thing as Malka said about her hair.

"You know Koko, Malka said the same thing about growing my hair."

Velmet said to Koko.

"Oh my, Malka said that to you.

It seems like Malka has developed a crush on you Velmet…

Are you going to focus...?"


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