Chapter 343: looted the British national treasure reserves overnight

Chapter 343: looted the British national treasure reserves overnight

Mohini moved them and picked the locks quickly.

Those guards would not wake up till early in the morning tomorrow even if the elephants running by their side.

The doors made some big metal sound but it was okay.

Mohini did not enter stupidly as there are traps set here.

Mohini already saw through the traps from the simulation.

Originally she did not intend to bring Titia along as she already knows what to bring from the simulation.

But Titia rarely had the chance to go out so Mohini took her to loot the house of the king of Britain.

Stepping slowly without touching any traps, Mohini and Titia entered a tunnel that is dark without any light.

Mohini lit a lantern and carried it along.

After going inside they came to door along the passage way that is locked with many sets of locks.

Mohini opened them and entered the room that was very big like a hall.

The entire room was filled with big boxes.

Mohini already knows what is inside these boxes but she still wanted to look.

All these boxes are filled with silver ingots.

The entire room is filled with them.

On conservative estimate there is at least few tons of silver.

Mohini opened the box a box to look and found the silver ingots neatly placed in orderly manner.

Mohini did not take them right now.

After looking around in the room she went to the passage way and after walking for a little while there is another room on the opposite side of the wall.

Mohini picked the locks and found that the room was filled with boxes of different sizes.

Some of them are filled with gold ingots of the highest purity unlike their coins of their country.

In comparison the Spanish coins have much purity than the British coins which are full of impurities.

Some of the boxes here are filled with gold and silver coin and most of them are filled with gold ingots.

Also to the side there are long cases.

When opened revealed long swords with extraordinary craftsmanship.

The sharpness is perfect.

Then few other boxes have some strong cold weapons filled in them.

Then they came out of the passage to check another room that was filled with high quality gun powder, cannon, cannon balls, mortars, round lead bullets and guns.

All of them are made with high quality materials for the current time line.

Then they moved to the next passage way and went to the next room that has sails, blueprints, highest quality wood for ship making, figure heads...….

All of these things are highest quality materials to improve a ship.

With these materials even a low level ship can be upgrade to a high grade naval vessel that can compete with the legendary ships.

These materials are important to Mohini.

Even in the real world these materials are the same and they are considered epic, legendary and mythical grade materials.

Mohini looked around the room and there is no hidden safe here either.

So they moved on and reached stairs.

The slowly climbed over reaching the top and the lock was picked slowly from the inside.

This door leads to the bedroom of the king George 1.

The doors to the secret escape route usually open without making any sound.

It was made like this to allow the people to escape silently.

When they arrived into the room king George 1 and his wife are sleeping soundly.

Mohini sprinkled some sleeping powder like fog to make them fell into deep sleep.

Then she looked for the safe in the room.

With the help of Tian Meng dream brother finding the safe is as easy as picking up a random pebble on the road.

Then she picked the lock of the safe which is as big as a small room.

There are many valuables here including the crown of the king, gemstones, artifacts, blueprints, secret information....

The things are not that big to use a storage card so Mohini directly took them all into her personal storage space.

After that she opened the door slightly to spread the sleeping powder into the corridor.

Then she sneaked into the other rooms where there are secret safes hiding the treasure and valuables.

She visited the study room, kitchen, Prince George 2's room and many other places to collect the valuables.

All of this was taken into her personal storage.

Mohini is going to make a few more trips collecting all these things using her personal storage, rather than using the storage cards that are very valuable.

The dock area is farther away from here to go back to her ship.

So Mohini has made her men to prepare a big warehouse close to this place.

First she would hide these things into this warehouse and Mohini would move things in batches.

Also the things in the boxes would be moved by the horse drawn carts and wagons to another warehouse that is close to the docks during the night.

This way Mohini can save more time.

All the carts were taken for lease and there are no drivers.

The person that rented the warehouse was Shenhua and Titia wearing a mask but show her tits to get discount, so it cannot find the culprit that did this or where the materials have gone.

After looking at all of that Mohini took Titia back to deliver the things to the warehouse nearby.

Mohini's movements are very agile.

Titia has already checked the materials for the ship that are important.

These will be among the first batch of goods that will be taken, followed by weapons, gold, silver, spices, salt, food materials….

Finally the food materials like high grade meat and alcohol for the group to enjoy.

Mohini doesn't have to fear about her men betraying her as all of them are her subordinates.

If they liked something from the collected items then they can have it after telling Mohini.


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