Chapter 344: all rounder, jack of all trades ship

Chapter 344: all rounder, jack of all trades ship

Mohini doesn't have to fear about her men betraying her as all of them are her subordinates.

If they liked something from the collected items then they can have it after telling Mohini.

Mohini is not a stingy person and let them have what they wanted.

So no one would betray her.

Her men are not lowly thugs and thieves; 

Instead they are trained soldiers and loyal partners.

Mohini left Titia at the warehouse and went to collect all the ship materials.

After the ship upgrading materials arrived Titia took them and left with that batch.

She was sitting on the top of the dick without any clothes.

The driver is one of Mohini's men that have a big dick.

In order to not to let Titia fall from the carriage while moving, they anchored her with a dick in her pussy.

The driver let the horse drawn cart move as the movements would rock his dick inside her pussy.

She moaned looking at Mohini with red face as they left.

Mohini smiled at Titia that is usually shy doing something so dirty.

She has other thoughts of this matter and she would think of the things later.

Then Mohini started to take the next batch of materials as the carts moved one after the other.

Imhotep would use his power to unload the goods into the warehouse with his powers and help carry them secretly to the ark ship during the night.

With the materials Titia got into work on the haul of the ship first.

They need to store more materials on the ship so they got on to work.

Titia got help from others as she worked and let the people work with her.

All of them got some proficiency in ship building during the past when they helped dismantling the ships on Ark Island.

That night is a sleepless night for the entire crew.

When the last batch of goods are delivered Mohini wrote a letter in Spanish indicating that it was all done by some Spanish pirates or the Spanish crown.

Mohini returned to another warehouse at the docks to collect the materials and move them into the ship that was upgraded.

The ship sank by a large margin after loading all the things.

The gemstones, gold and silver were moved to an underground warehouse that Mohini had under her mansion near the docks.

This place is unknown to many as it was built by Titia and her men during the past 2 years.

Mohini is not going to carry all of this with her.

The things she has on her hands are food materials and ship upgrading materials.

She is not going to use them right away instead she would sell her things in the surrounding ports and gain more materials to slowly upgrade her ship.

Painting and changing small things is easy for Titia.

Even if there is checking all over London no one can find the things in the underground warehouse of her secret mansion.

In the morning next day there are many security patrols and search all over London.

There are so many materials missing that it is not possible to take them all from here in just one ship during the night.

Also they checked the carts that moved the things last night, along with the warehouses that are likely to be used.

But there are no clues as the people that asked for those warehouses were wearing masks and tits out for the show.

Also some of the horse drawn carts have cum on their driver seats as if someone had fun on them last night.

When the people explained about the big tits beauties that came to lease the horse drawn carts and the cum on the seats the patrolling soldiers had a hard on.

The final result is that even after a week of search they found nothing.

Mohini's mansion was searched as well for formality.

This is because Mohini is a trader and she cannot be left separately so that they would not have discord among their own people.

Mohini cooperated with the search which is just a formality.

Also she and her girls sat in the room completely naked for the soldiers to search both inside and outside their bodies.

Mohini went to meet with king George 1 and Prince George 2 to talk about the situation with her innocent face.

She was even commissioned to find the missing materials.

The reward is 800 gold coins from the British currency.

Unfortunately it might look big but the amount is very low in comparison.

After taking the task Mohini left with her crew to the surrounding nations.

She specifically visited Spain that is good at producing ship's haul that has large space and also fit more number of cannons.

Mohini's target is stealing in the next 5 years and improves her ark ship to the highest possible level.

She cannot make her ship reach the same level of the legendary ships in a single aspect but she can try the route of jack of all traders.

It is like 90 percent speed of the black pearl, 90 percent fire power HMS Endeavor...

Just like this when she cannot reach the 100 percent then she can at least reach 90 or 80 percent of the legendary ships and combine them.

This will make her ark ship into a new legendary ship that she wanted.

This is Mohini's plan.

For this she started to visit various countries in the name of trade with the goods stolen from the other countries and then upgrade her Ship.

All the upgrades were hidden completely.

That is not the only thing Mohini contacted the black magic of this world and the location of the legendary treasures that she wanted to get her hands on.

It is especially so for the compass in the hands of jack sparrow.

Unfortunately jack sparrow is as slippery as an eel to capture him.

Also stealing the compass from him is useless.


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