Chapter 348: jack and Mohini make love on the way

Chapter 348: jack and Mohini make love on the way

Jack got locked up as usual.

That night is the restless one and Mohini was silently waiting for the cursed black pearl to arrive.

Elizabeth is sleeping peacefully while the pirates from the black pearl under the leadership of Hector Barbossa arrived.

Mohini is not going to interfere with the plot.

Mohini's clone waiting on the HMS dauntless saw the arrival of the black pearl and immediately told her men on her original ship to get ready to set sail.

They will be tailing the black pearl while her clone would go along with jack sparrow and will turner.

Well during the raid even if Mohini went to help them with her men they would not be grateful instead they would try to capture Mohini and hang her instead.

So Mohini is not going to be stupid and help those hypocritical fools.

Well Elizabeth is an intelligent woman to like about her surname and use the chance to gain more time.

She is a perfect pirate material in beauty, intelligence and actions.

Mohini really liked this side of her very much.

Will go to bargain with jack, while Mohini moved on tailing black pearl in secret just in case of other players want to play.

Well her clone is still waiting for jack and will.

There are many ships here and Mohini doesn't know on which ship they would board.

HMS dauntless is a big ship and 2 people cannot sail it.

On the other hand Mohini sent all her men back to her boat only leaving her clone on board.

Letting her men staying on dauntless is useless.

Her clone is enough to complete the things that are required to move along the plot.

Finally after waiting for a long time jack sparrow and will turner appeared on HMS dauntless.

Well the crew on the ship did not seem to see Mohini all the time as she was in hiding.

After the crew of the ship is gone Mohini came out.

"OH! If it isn't my old friends will and jack.

What are you doing on this ship?"

Jack and will were immediately startled at this point.

Jack pointed his gun at Mohini but Mohini told him their plan to steal the interceptor.

Then she spoke about the plan of Will to save Elizabeth.

So they immediately stopped pointing gun and sword at Mohini.

"I can be your navigator if you want.

Even though jack knows that location of the Isla de Muerta, I can still be of use since you did not have a crew to maintain the things.

Also I can do more than helping steering the ship."

"Do you also like Elizabeth, Miss Mohini?" 

In this world for some reason the love of girls is accepted.

Jack asked the question with his weird smile.

Mohini only smiled at jack without answering his question.

On the side will turner is having different and complicated thoughts.

After the smile Mohini spoke.

"Jack, I do know about your love you have for your ship and the crew that kicked you out.

Also I know about the bootstrap and the secret of the cursed gold.

I might not be legendary pirate like you but you see I have my channels to know the secrets…

If you want the black pearl then you should form a team with me…"

Well those people don't know that even without Mohini they can still win.

But now there are variables called players and anything can happen.

So having Mohini is much better than not having her with them.

Any way after the words of Mohini, they simply formed a three person team and followed up with the plan.

Soon the interceptor arrived and the people started to board on the HMS dauntless.

They jumped ships and the ship started to move.

As they moved on will asked jack about knowing his father.

So jack can only speak about will's father that is bootstrap.

Will simply denied that his father is a pirate.

Mohini told the story of bootstrap making will back off for a moment to listen.

Well the story include jack being kicked out of his own ship.

Well even with what Mohini said will did not back off so he got to stay hanging for a little while before making his decision.

Their destination is Tortuga port.

During their journey, will become the errand boy while jack started to flirt with Mohini.

Mohini did not back away from the tactics of jack and pulled down her top showing her tits for the jack to feast.

Will saw this and had a hard on but he was more into Elizabeth than towards Mohini.

So he controlled himself.

On the other hand jack would not let go of any opportunity so he started to squeeze the tits of Mohini and even suck on her nipples.

The moans of Mohini spread through the ship in the silent waters.

Soon her little bikini was pulled making her moan even more.

Jack got down on his knees and started to suck on the pussy of Mohini as he played with her ass hole and spanking her ass.

Will was so hard on that he took out his dick and started to jerk off looking at the erotic scene of jack and Mohini.

After squirting from the pleasure, Mohini gave a blowjob to jack getting a load off him.

Will on the side also shot out his first load.

Well he is still a virgin.

Jack is still hard and he put his dick inside Mohini's pussy and started fuck her straight.

While they are fucking each other they journey moved on with the directions of jack.

It took some time and the ark ship of Mohini is on the trail of the black pearl at a long distance where they cannot see Mohini.

Mohini with the help of Tian Meng dream brother was able to keep an eye on them.

Even though she cannot see for a long distance because of the restriction of the world….


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