Chapter 349: flashing at Tortuga port

Chapter 349: flashing at Tortuga port

Mohini with the help of Tian Meng dream brother was able to keep an eye on them.

Even though she cannot see for a long distance because of the restriction of the world, Mohini can enhance her sight to look at the location of the black pearl.

That is just in case for saving Elizabeth.

On the other hand Mohini, jack and will arrived at the Tortuga port that is rowdy everywhere.

There are guns, rum, bitches, pirates singing and all kinds of nonsense were here.

As soon as they arrived a woman in red came over to jack and he got a slap on his face.

Then a blond woman appeared and slapped jack again.

Mohini on the side giggled happily looking at the situation of jack.

She is still wearing that mini dress.

Many drunkards would come to her and grope her from time to time.

Mohini don't want to do anything with those drunken and smelly people.

She would let jack fuck her because it was a quest from the system and give her some good gains.

But she still let them grope her as she liked the touches.

They came here to get Gibbs and form a little crew to sail the ship.

The location of Isla de Muerta is covered with reefs and rocks.

Travelling through them is not a task that 2 people can do.

They need a crew to move the sails quickly so that they ship would not sink hitting the rocks and reefs.

Gibbs looked at Mohini and jack.

Well he did not remember will.

Gibbs knows Mohini because he saw Mohini when he served governor Swann for a little while.

Then will splash another bucket of water on Gibbs for the smell.

Then they moved to a bar to speak.

The bar was so noise that you might not understand what the other person is talking that is standing right beside you.

Well Mohini did not have a problem with hearing.

Also she did not drink the ale here.

It was of cheap quality and this place is filled with all kinds of things.

Even though Mohini has lived in this kind of life before she did not fall to the depts.

She is like a stubborn rock that stays at zero while expanding her range on all sides.

She can go down and act like the worst scum in the world at the same time she can move up and act like a noble person and a hero.


The reason why Mohini did not save Elizabeth before is because of the two reasons.

First is that she cannot put her fingers in the main plot that will create unknown consequences.

Second is that she wanted her to become strong and brave to understand all the things rather than a sheltered lady.

So the play went on as she kept her eyes on the black pearl.

As for her clone it was in Tortuga with jack and will forming their new crew.

Anamaria gave a slap to jack for stealing her ship that was sunk at the very beginning when jack sailed it to Port Royal.

She is the reason why Mohini sent her clone here.

She wanted her to be a part of her crew.

Jack has already noticed that he lost his compass.

He is thinking that Mohini took it from him.

But there is no proof and he cannot just jump and fight Mohini.

So he is waiting for Mohini to slip up to steal the compass back.

Now the interceptor became Anamaria ship with the help of will behind jack.

On the other hand Mohini is speaking with Anamaria with a gentle tone and magnetic voice like a noble woman speaking to a young lady.

Since she is going to get a ship she is in a good mood.

Will was happy on the side looking at Mohini that was distracted.

After finding out that Mohini came here for Elizabeth, her heart sank.

For the starter's he cannot even compete with commodore Norrington.

If Mohini was also involved then the entire thing is over for him.

He is just a lowly blacksmith and he just found out that his father is a pirate.

So he really had no chance in this situation.

Since it is like that he was seriously thinking on what advantage that he can get.

Finally he decided to risk it to fight with his life on the line to save Elizabeth and to get her love.

Unfortunately for him, Mohini came at the right time and she is already waiting on the ship that they want to use to follow the black pearl.

Now that Mohini is flirting with Anamaria this made him happy and even wants to help them settle as a couple.

Unfortunately he doesn't know that Mohini is not easy to fool.

At the same Mohini would love more than one woman.

Well Mohini is happily flirting with Anamaria while the crew is trying their best to set sail.

Since jack did not have the compass he cannot see the direction if there is a storm or something.

But Mohini can still feel the general direction of the main body so it was fine.

Even though she flirts with Anamaria, she has to see if Anamaria is into women or not.

If she is then Mohini would take her.

If not she would not pester Anamaria much.


Well the ship did not stop and Mohini did not let it stop as they made their way Isla de Muerta.

Because of the navigational capabilities without even using a compass really made jack doubt of Mohini's directions.

At the same time the other members of the crew also doubted her.

But their lust has blinded them as Mohini sometimes remove her tits binding cloth and ties it for her hair to air her bountiful tits.

When she walks around her tits would juggle making those people have a boner.


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