Chapter 355: a deal with Tai Dalma that simulation cannot show

Chapter 355: a deal with Tai Dalma that simulation cannot show

Well the ark ship is far away in hiding and only the interceptor is on the horizon that was painted black to hide well in the dark.

There are few strong crew members on this ship and there is another clone here to give out the orders.

When Will appeared on this island Mohini and her men saw that and they prepared to go into the island right behind will.

When will turner was captured Mohini and her men can follow along silently to go to jack.

This time they have to act extra careful because the cannibals are very strong hunters and silent hunting is their specialty.

If necessary, Mohini doesn't mind ending the lives of these cannibals.

Unfortunately they would not fuck other woman.

They would enjoy eating beautiful woman rather than fucking them.

So she came prepared.

There are sets of guns in the hands of every man that came along.

These cannibals have killed many people over the years so they can be killed with clear consciousness.

Mohini and her people followed behind the cannibals.

They arrived at the small village of the cannibals.

There Mohini and her men started to kill the cannibals through sneak attacks.

They are not killing the people in the group that is carrying will as if they caught a wild boar.

Instead the other cannibals outside the village as outposts were killed using sneak attacks and throwing knives.

Well everyone in Mohini's group is a professional and experienced fighter.

Mohini came all the way to the village but did not enter.

Instead they hid in the corner waiting for the people of the village to go away to catch the escaping crew of the black pearl.

Any way half of them are already dead. 

This was caused because of some unfortunately incident of catching a snake while climbing the mountain wall.

As the people in the village left to catch them, while Mohini and his men came to watch the show of jack.

It was funny to watch the show of jack trying to escape.

After watching the show Mohini and her men left the place and returned back to the shore quickly.

Watching the struggle of jack in a movie is completely different than watching jack struggling in real life.

After getting back to the shore, Mohini and her people went to help the crew of the black pearl set sail.

Mohini did not forget to loot all the valuables that these cannibals accumulated over time.

Tia Dalma is the current target of Mohini.

Mohini wants to make a trade with her to learn her voodoo and also get the many artifacts that she had under her possession.

Well Mohini wants to pay for the artifacts with the gold and get them from her.

In the simulation Mohini was able to make a deal with her but unfortunately the simulation is unwilling to let her know about the deal's contents.

There is a strong interference no matter how many times Mohini tried to check.

So even she doesn't know what she would offer and what she would get.

In order to clear the confusion Mohini is willing to go and take a look at the situation.

At the same time Mohini also did her research on her and found that she is the daughter of Atlas and her current appearance is not her true appearance.

At that time the pirate lords along with Davy Jones tricked her into the body of a mortal woman they found and sealed her using her mortal blood.

As long as she was sealed inside she will not be able to remember her past memories and life.

She can sometimes get insight through some things and solving them.

But she can never remember her past completely.

Mohini doesn't know what she wanted and what her true appearance is like.

But she was sure that she definitely formed a deal with her.

It has happened in all of the simulations without a doubt.

So she can only face it.

When they arrived to her wooden shack Mohini was mesmerized by the eerie but magical environment of the surrounding area.

They followed jack and went into the wooden house by the swampy waters.

Inside there is a women with black teeth.

She looked like a witch from all those old movies.

This is the mortal body that imprisoned the goddess calypso.

She did not get directly to Mohini but first spoke to jack sparrow.

"You seem to have lost the compass that you bartered from me."

Will on the side suddenly shouted.

"What, you lost the compass.

Then how are you going to give me the compass…."

Then she moved to will and pulled him to sit.

"The one that asked you for the compass might not be looking for the compass.

Instead he is looking for the same thing as jack.

So don't worry."

Will immediately took out the drawing of the key and said.

"You mean this key…"

She looked at the key deeply and sighed before speaking.

"Not this key but the final thing that this key can get."

Then she started to speak about the story of Davy Jones just like that in the plot.

Mohini on the other hand waited for her to finish while he went around looking at the things in the room.

Finally she was done telling the story.

She gave a jar of dirt to jack and divined the location flying Dutch men to will.

After they are done she looked at Mohini that was waiting patiently for so long.

"Thank you for your patience Miss Mohini.

Your hands are too slippery.

Everyone you can go out, I have something to discuss with Miss Mohini here…."

Mohini smiled at her and then looked at the men.

"Well, Miss Tia Dalma asks so I will discuss things with her and come back in a little while.

So wait for me outside silently."

The men had weird looks at Mohini…..


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