Chapter 356: a deal with calypso

Chapter 356: a deal with calypso 

"Well, Miss Tia Dalma asks so I will discuss things with her and come back in a little while.

So wait for me outside silently."

The men had weird looks at Mohini and Tai Dalma and then they left the wooden shack.

After they left Mohini asked then question.

"Miss Tia Dalma, you should know what I came here right.

Also how should I address you, Tai Dalma or calypso?"

As Mohini spokes she stopped suddenly and then moved again sitting right in front of Mohini and said.

"Well you can call me by any of the two names.

You came here to get all the artifacts that I have here in my possession and to clear off your curiosity of what deal we made that you saw through your special ability of yours."

Mohini's smile receded and looked at her seriously.

But the smile on the face is Tai Dalma was still there and she continued.

"The seal on my body is weakening and it was time for my release.

Unfortunately I can only be released in this fantasy world but not to the real world.

This is the deal I want to talk to you about.

I want you to help me release from this fantasy world into the real world using the trident of Poseidon.

In return I will give you all the artifacts I have collected in this world as Tai Dalma."

Mohini was not that tempted at the moment.

Most of the things here are just some nonsense props and a very few useful ones.

So Mohini would not be tricked like that idiot Davy Jones.

Davy Jones loved calypso but calypso did not love him.

She only wanted to use him to get him to release her.

For that she needed the trident of Poseidon.

Also the trident of Poseidon in this fantasy world is not the real thing but a replica.

Just like a downgraded version of the trident of Poseidon.

Some powerful weapons that are available in the fantasy worlds are not complete and real weapons or artifacts.

But still this replica has a part or piece of the real weapon.

Collecting all these things can let a person get the real weapon or artifact.

Mohini waited for her to increase the bid.

Mohini knows that the goddess should have a hidden stash or something more than that things present in this wooden shack.

Looking at the silence of Mohini and her knowing smile, she spoke again.

"What do you want?

Just say it."

Mohini broke the silence and then said.

"I want to know the locations of all the other pieces of the trident of Poseidon.

Also I want a map that can let me locate all the treasures, changes and other in a large area when it was activated.

The map should be useful in real world and fantasy world.

It should not be permanent and can be used as many times as I want to.

The cost of activating the map should not be very high…."

Mohini spoke a few things.

The eyes of Tai Dalma widened immediately.

She thought that Mohini would ask her to be her women or something related to upgrading the arks ship or other things based on her understanding of players.

But Mohini actually stuck to the most valuable things in the deal.

Actually she was not sure that Tai Dalma has all the things he needed.

But if she asks for 100 percent then she might be able to get at least 10 percent other than all the artifacts here.

In the 10 percent Mohini would get everything she needed.

Also Mohini was sure that calypso did not know about the location of the other pieces of the trident.

If she knows then she would have already collected them before being trapped here.

They started to discuss back and forth on the price.

Finally they came to a conclusion.

Calypso offered Mohini all the artifacts here, along with the locations of few pieces of the trident in other fantasy worlds and 

A map that has all the features Mohini asked but it will only work below ring 5.

From ring 5 things and challenges would change qualitatively and quantitatively.

So, accurate prediction is not possible from ring 5.

Well Mohini was very happy with the deal and immediately calypso initiated a contract between them using the fantasy system.


The contract is initiated from the story line character and goddess calypso.

The terms are as follows.


The terms are listed as they discussed before and Mohini looked at them carefully to see if there are any loop holes.

After finding that everything is okay Mohini added another point.

That is to Mark all the treasures, artifacts and good things that belongs to Tai Dalma and calypso in this wooden shack at the current moment to the time of releasing her should all belongs to him.

With that the things here would belong to him without any problem.

Calypso looked like she ate a fly.

But she still accepted the contract and signed it.

Mohini also signed it and closed the deal.

Mohini added this point so that she was hoping to get her to belong to Mohini too.

She can also come under good thing.

But the results should be found after the end of the fantasy world when the contract between them is complete.

With that Mohini smiled happily and then moved out of the wooden shack.

The total amount of time that Mohini spent on discussing is only a few minutes.

After coming out they sailed back to the black pearl.

Well will turner became a scapegoat for jack sparrow to settle the debt that he owes to Davy Jones.

Will is really stupid and he believed the words of jack sparrow.

So he rowed a small boat towards the flying Dutch man's ship.

Mohini was still on the black pearl so she has the opportunity to meet with the…...


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