Chapter 357: meeting candy again

Chapter 357: meeting candy again

So he rowed a small boat towards the flying Dutch man's ship.

Mohini was still on the black pearl so she has the opportunity to meet with the flying Dutchmen and their captain Davy Jones in person.

Well they looked as ugly as they could get and their smell is worse than that of the stench of hundreds of dried rotten fish mixed with all kinds of nonsense.

After they left Mohini moved back to her interceptors that is nearby.

Well they sailed to Tortuga port where they met Norrington that was reduced to a lowly broken man.

Mohini really pitied Norrington.

He is a good man and a capable man at that.

But his heart is too good to hunt pirates like jack.

Mohini has thoughts taking him but at that moment someone she expected and unexpected at the same time appeared.

Candy appeared at the Tortuga port and right in the bar.

She already found Mohini and came to say hello to her.

Mohini doesn't know what to say.

Unlike Mohini she has entered the second ring a month ago after they parted in the mummy world.

Even still the difference in the strengths of Mohini and her is there.

Mohini is still stronger.

She was already in the strong range of the second ring.

"Hey Mohini,

You are so cruel.

You did not even tell me you came to the second ring and you entered this world.

Also why don't you contact me?"

She spoke to Mohini in a fan girl voice.

Fortunately the people around are rowdy and they did not care what others spoke.

"I did not expect you to be here.

Well you see I am very busy with some improvements and coming to the second ring I did not have time to contact you…."

Their conversation went on as Elizabeth in the changed appearance of a man appeared beside Mohini and found that commodore Norrington is in bad position.

So she hit him and saved him.

Any way this is the man that loved her for a long time and he is a good man.

So she decided to save him.

Well he was hired on the black pearl.

On the other hand Mohini asked candy.

"Who are you targeting this time?

Don't tell me it was jack or is it will."

Mohini asked looking at her.

Candy smiled knowingly and said.

"Well there are a few I liked but the people in this pirate world are very unstable and it is hard to get them.

Since you already got Elizabeth then I think I would get William and his father then.

Playing with a pair of father and son would be fun.

Also there are few others that I want to play.

Well we can play too when you have the time.

Did you bring your ark ship out into this world?

I brought mine.

I really want to see your ark ship and you are always invited to board mine..."

She continued to speak as Mohini is having a head ache.

There is a spy of lord cutler here that is looking at the people.

Mohini did not bother to do anything to him as she is essential for the plot.

Before leaving Mohini gave him a letter and told him to deliver it to governor Swann.

Of course he can always deliver it to lord cutler instead but Mohini's warning has made him shocked.

Mohini directly spoke about his family and this caused him to be fearful of Mohini.

Mohini smiled and told him that he doesn't have to fear as long as he would take good care of governor Swann.

But if he does anything bad to him then she don't mind playing with him to death.

With the words of Mohini the spy decided to deliver the letter back to governor Swann.


Will on the Flying Dutchman ship is trying his best to get the key.

Actually he is trying to get the key this time to get Elizabeth back but it is a hard thing.

He thought that Elizabeth would love him, if he was able to remove the warrant on her.

Mohini doesn't know how candy would pull him and his father into her side.

But it is something that she can find out later.


Mohini looked at the ship of candy.

It was majestic but for some she painted it with pink.

Well Mohini doesn't care and saw that there are many people on board and some of them are famous heroes and villains.

Rick is there on the ship in pirate model dressing.

Also every one of them is clean.

Mohini boarded the interceptor after her visit to the ark ship of candy and they followed along the black pearl into the waters.

Well jack did not have the compass so he has to seek help from Mohini to know the direction of the things.

Isla Cruces is the place where the dead man's chest is present and Mohini already knows that.

Mohini informed jack about the island location while her clone is already there on the island finding the buried location of the chest.

Then they moved away from there.

This information was found by Mohini as she took out another fake compass to show off in front of jack.

The black spot appeared on the hand of jack the moment Davy Jones found that the key is missing,

He suspected that will was told about the key and the chest by jack.

So he let the kraken take care of jack and the black pot appeared on jack's hand.

With the black spot on his hand jack became crankier and started to move around carrying his dirt jar given to him by Tai Dalma.

As soon as they arrived at Isla Cruces Mohini told them to hide their ships far away from the black pearl because of the kraken.

Candy knows what is going to happen and she did that too.


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