Chapter 358: the heart of Davy Jones

Chapter 358: the heart of Davy Jones 

As soon as they arrived at Isla Cruces Mohini told them to hide their ships far away from the black pearl because of the kraken.

Candy knows what is going to happen and she did that too.

Also she was curious on why Mohini is travelling on the interceptor instead of her ark ship.

Other than that she noticed that the people on her ship are all strong people with long military experience.

Compared to the heroes and villains on her ship the crew on the interceptor is more or less on the same level with their experience.

They soon pulled out the buried chest and right at that time will arrived here.

Well he was really tenacious as he travelled latching on to the front end of the Flying Dutchman ship coming all the way here just like that.

He truly loved Elizabeth, unfortunately Mohini was in the way and the heart of Elizabeth belongs to her.

His eyes are clearly on Elizabeth.

Mohini did not leave her on the ship.

Well it is going to be a three way fight.

Killing Davy Jones with her hands would give Mohini some great rewards but it will also cause her to be cursed.

Mohini doesn't want that to happen.

Now jack, will and Norrington started to fight over the chest and the keys for their own reasons.

Even if Mohini and Elizabeth stripped off naked and do a belly dance they would not look at them right now.

Will want to save his father by killing Davy Jones,

Jack wants to use the heart of Davy Jones to be free from the kraken.

Norrington want to have the redemption on his life by delivering this chest to lord Beckett.

Mohini also has something that she wanted.

That is the artifacts that were collected by Davy Jones using his heart in the chest.

But she doesn't have to rush right now.

She can take care of the things slowly.

Without Elizabeth on the play the entire thing became more complicated.

But everything is for Mohini to watch.

Also there is one more problem here.

That is lord Beckett may try to command Davy Jones with his heart into attacking Mohini's ark ship.

Mohini cannot let that happen.

Also the kraken is a mythical grade monster and there are unexpected benefits killing it.

The benefits are far more than killing Davy Jones.

So Mohini was hoping to do something like that.

She waited on the side with her people to watch the comedy show while the others are fighting.

Mohini doesn't have to wait long for jack to bring back the heart of Davy Jones and hide it in his dirt jar.

Mohini is going to steal it later.

While jack is fighting with a crew member of the flying Dutch man Mohini sneaked behind the row boat.

Then she replaced the beating heart with a dead heart that she collected before and also replaced the letters of Marque with the fake one.

The replaced heart actually belongs to one of the flying Dutch men that did not rot away.

After that she left silently to the side of another row boat that she prepared for herself and for her crew that came along.

Soon Norrington came over and saw the dirt outside the jar.

He took the letters of Marque then the heart from the jar.

No one has ever seen the heart of Davy Jones so he thought that the fish heart is the heart of Davy Jones.

Mohini was on the side looking at the show from the row boat.

Finally after Norrington left in the name of diverting the crew of the flying Dutchmen the commotion is over.

Jack has hit the head of will making him lose consciousness.

They returned back to the black pearl.

Mohini did not go there instead she went to the interceptor and stayed very far from the position of the pearl.

The crew of the black pearl did not understand why Mohini and her crew are so far away from them.

Only when the ship of the flying Dutchmen appeared by their side did they understood that it was because of this.

Mohini took the heart and placed it in a sack to store it safely.

The interceptor did not do anything other than watching the action sea battle show

Because of their passive stance they were not targeted by the firing of the flying Dutchmen.

They have other headache to take care of before they look at Mohini's ship.

Still Mohini and her people did not leave and followed the fight.

Mohini is going to show the kraken to her crew.

Even her ark ship is here.

Candy on the other hand is not here as she fears that her ship would be implicated by the kraken during the fight so she did not come along and parted ways half way.

Well she did not have a simulation like Mohini had so she don't know that only black pearl and jack would be attacked.

No other player came to this location.

Instead they are playing their hands in business and influence.

Even Veena is working her way up using her business opportunities on land rather than on water.

Elizabeth wanted to help will as they are former acquaintance.

But Mohini stopped her and told her that it was only jack that would be attacked while the other would escape.

She doesn't have to worry about that.

Well jack wanted to escape silently, but he returned back as he was sure that he cannot row back to the islands before the kraken would get to him.

Gibbs was given the gun by will to shoot at the right moment.

But unfortunately he did not get the chance to shoot as there is always a tentacle and there are also the problems with his accuracy.

Jack returned and made the shot.

The kraken backed away from the ship.

 But it was also angry right now.


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