Chapter 359: threatening Davy Jones

Chapter 359: threatening Davy Jones 

Everyone got on the long boat to escape.

Will stayed on the ship and gave a hug to jack to tie the jack's hands to the mast.

Well they are men and did not have a kiss.

Will tied him to the mast to get the compass that jack had.

He still did not forget the promise he made with Lord Beckett to get Elizabeth back.

So he took the compass from jack without knowing that this compass is actually a fake one.

Jack only smiled at the naivety of will and did not say that the compass he got is a fake one.

Well this resulted back to the main story where the captain sinks along with the ship.

After the black pearl sank, Mohini and her group heard another heart wrecking cry from the flying Dutchmen's ship.

It was from Davy Jones that thought that his heart also gone along with jack.

Norrington drifted off and came to Lord Beckett after a few days with the fake letters and dead heart.

What Mohini wants to do now is to hunt down the kraken before moving on to the Singapore to get the map for the end of the world.

Well they still have to meet Tai Dalma.

Mohini doesn't want to fight the kraken in the water as it was very dangerous.

Instead she wanted the kraken to come ashore like it appeared later in the plot after killed by lord Beckett's men.

The strength of kraken being a mythical grade beast has 400 stat points in one of more specific stats.

But before that she has to get Davy Jones to work for her.

So Mohini got to work immediately.

She and her ship are already on the shore of a back waters area that leads to the wooden shack of Tai Dalma.

On the other hand one of her clones went to the ship of the flying Dutch men to negotiate.

"Mister Davy Jones, it is nice to meet you."

Mohini said standing on the ship of Davy Jones.

"Who are you and what do you want."

Davy Jones asked feeling his heart tightened, he can make some guesses.

"Actually Mister Davy Jones, I got your heart.

Not figuratively instead physically.

So I came here to give you some commands.

Well if you don't obey then I have to kill you leaving the flying Dutch men without a captain.

Oh, my bad.

The person that kills you would become the next captain right.

Then I can control your things.

Well I don't know if a woman can become the captain of the flying Dutch men.

But hey we have to try and find the solution for this kind of problems right mister Davy Jones"

Immediately Davy Jones moved his crab arm to grab the neck of Mohini's clone.

"Who do you think you are to threaten me?"

But immediately his hands loosened because he felt that his heart was being squeezed just an inch away from life and death.

At the same time it would not kill him.

A half dead suffering has made him give up his attack on Mohini's clone.

Mohini's clone smiled and said.

"Mister Davy Jones, 

I told you that I will kill you but not immediately but slowly and painfully.

So you have to make your choice.

Well I did not have many requests.

First of all I want all the treasures and artifacts on your ship.

Second I want you kraken to go off shore to a certain back waters river and stay there without fighting back.

That is all I wanted from you.

Well I would not return the heart back to you but at least I will not kill you.

You can make your choice and tell me.

I will wait here for your decision."

In the next moment Davy Jones took out his gun to shoot at Mohini's clone.

But immediately he felt a strong suffocation making him stop immediately.

"Don't try anything stupid mister Davy Jones.

It will not work.

Your every move can be seen by the person holding your heart.

Oh, by the way I forgot to introduce myself.

I am Captain Mohini of the ship of fate.

It is nice to meet you.

Also the moment I die is the moment you will face the endless suffering."

With that the Davy Jones fell back on the floor from the strong pain and suffocation.

It took him for a while to return to normal.

He cannot do anything to Mohini so he wanted to make Mohini gamble on their ship to make a different contract from Mohini.

But it did not work either as Mohini did not gamble with them only sat by the side on a rocking chair that came out of nowhere.

Mohini did not fall for the taunts of the crew, curses of the crew or anything.

Instead she stripped of the dress she is wearing and did a belly dance for them to watch making them aroused after so long.

She only watched them calmly without any fluctuations on her lewd face.

Their ridicule did not any damage either instead they are damaged from her dancing.

Mohini is not a pushover.


After an entire hour they could do nothing to Mohini.

A day passed by and still Mohini is fine without any problem.

They wanted to sink into the waters but immediately Mohini told them not to with a severe pain for Davy Jones.

Finally there is no other choice and the clone of Mohini stayed there looking calmly at the sea.

Davy Jones led Mohini to his vault to let Mohini take his treasures and artifacts.

Mohini did not take them directly instead Mohini prepared a system contract.

This is the best way to take things without getting a loss.

The contract fee is over 100,000 chaos points.

Immediately after the payment a contract appeared out of nowhere in a parchment form.

Mohini got the signature of Davy Jones.


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