Chapter 362: Mohini was mistaken as calypso

Chapter 362: Mohini was mistaken as calypso

This is her target for coming here anyway.

When they reached the waterfall at the end of the world Mohini held the fixed part of the ship hard and also held on to the Mao Kun map.

While jack is having his hallucinations Mohini and the group arrived at the Davy Jones locker.

There is nothing here other than the parts of their wreaked ship.

Jack was having a fit with the people after finding that he is not hallucinating.

Well the Mao Kun Map was taken by the little monkey jack from Mohini's hands after the big fall just now.

Mohini did not mind as they still have to get out of this place before doing anything.

She will take the map when they ship is about to return back to the normal world.

So for now she waited for jack to select his crew and other things.

When he is choosing people he came in front of Mohini and said.

"A partner you are that came to help me back aye."

They were back on the ship where jack and Barbossa started to fight for the captain position on the ship.

Mohini on the other hand is enjoying under the sun as usual.

She put on a bikini and asked the other pirates to rub some oil on her body from time to time.

She was like a queen instead of a pirate that came to this god forsaken place.

The day time passed by quickly and during the night the sea is filled with all kinds of souls.

Fortunately Mohini made plans for governor Swann.

If not he would be one of the souls of the dead people in this place.

Looking at many people that dies and there are so many beauties among them Mohini sighed.

"Sadly this world is cruel to everyone.

May their souls be at peace and never born in the ugly world?

Even if they are born, they should be blessed to find a strong man to protect them.

Well if they were born in a world of bitches then it would be better as they can have the pleasure their entire life."

Mohini said looking at the dead.

Mohini was always keeping an eye on the map just waiting for the time to come to steal it perfectly.

On the other hand the sun started to set where water and rum on the ship are almost empty.

Jack came up with the idea to rock the ship and let it be upside down.

After they returned to the real world Mohini set her words to her clone that is waiting at the island where the kraken should originally die.

That is where they went to resupply their fresh water resource.

During that time Mohini stole the Mao Kun map and transferred it to her clone.

The map cannot be put in space but that doesn't mean that it cannot be stolen.

As long as it was in Mohini's possession till the end of the fantasy world she can directly become its owner.

Well this is what you can expect from the world of pirates and thieves.

Mohini returned to the ship and Captain Sao Feng and his crew appeared at the right moment.

Well will has his plans for this.

The story followed the plot but there is one small difference as that in place of Elizabeth, Mohini is present.

She was mistaken as calypso.

Well Mohini don't mind and acted high and mighty.

So the captain Sao Feng asked them to hand her over to him.

Mohini happily went to the other ship without saying a word and she gave some signal to Tai Dalma about their plan.

At the same time Barbossa did not have any thoughts of stopping Mohini as they had a deal of their own.

Well Mohini accepted to go along to the ship the empress but she was a prisoner.

But can prisons really hold back Mohini.

She was invite by Sao Feng for the dinner.

She was given a new dress to wear.

But Mohini cut the dress short at specified places making it as bitchy as she possibly can.

She came to have some fun with Sao Feng.

She did not waste time and directly got into business.

Unfortunately right when he was about to cum in her pussy, a cannon ball came over out of nowhere and took him away.

As they expected the Flying Dutchman ship appeared and started to fire.

The shot fatally injured Sao Feng and Mohini was the only one present at the right time to receive the nine pieces of 8 and the captaincy of the ship the empress.

Mohini has already planned that when Sao Feng dies the position of the pirate lord and the captaincy of this ship would belong to her.

She got the position quickly and easily.

When Tai Huang appeared and asked Mohini of what are the dying words of his captain Sao Feng.

She told him that they should follow Mohini and this ship comes under his ship.

The position of the pirate lord was given to Mohini.

Tai Huang did not like it so left the room silently after removing his hat.

The pirates of the ship empress are not rejecting her because of her beauty.

Immediately Mohini got the notification that she got the authority of the ship but it was only temporary.

But when Davy Jones asked them who their captain is, they all pointed at Mohini directly because of fear.

Mohini immediately decided that this crew is useless to her and did not want to take any of them with her.

Unfortunately Davy Jones or his crew cannot harm Mohini as the part of their last agreement.

Because of that Davy Jones held his hands back.

There is still Tai Dalma also know as calypso to deter Davy Jones with his heart currently on the black pearl nearby ship.

Davy Jones cannot stop his love for calypso.


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