Chapter 363: Mohini became the king of pirates

Chapter 363: Mohini became the king of pirates

There is still Tai Dalma also know as calypso to deter Davy Jones with his heart currently on the black pearl nearby ship.

Davy Jones cannot stop his love for calypso.

So things are complicated.

Norrington was also here and Mohini went to speak to him.

Mohini still had the letters of Marque on her hand and no one can stop her right now.

As long as Mohini took the letters out and also the letter with the seal of the king on it the other soldiers were stopped from doing anything.

Norrington personally checked the letter and the Mark of the king.

With that Mohini was free to go.

So he sailed away leaving Norrington and Davy Jones with Mohini being the captain.

The deal between Mohini and Davy Jones is that all of her crew and ships are exempted from being hunted by Davy Jones or his ship or his crew.

Any way everything belongs to Mohini based on the previous contract.

So there is nothing they can do to stop Mohini.

The ship the empress sailed away towards the shipwreck cove.

Actually jack used the fake compass to make Will think that it was the special compass.

After that, jack sent Will away to lead Lord Beckett towards the shipwreck cove.

Any way they are already close and their destined fighting place is not at the shipwreck cove.

Just outside it.

Soon the Brethren court was assembled at the shipwreck cove.

The pieces of 8 are gathered which looked like some pirate junk.

Mohini came at the right time with Tai Dalma and jack was shocked to find that Mohini became a pirate lord.

Well Barbossa became even more shocked than him.

With his hands on the 9 pieces of 8 Mohini was rightfully a pirate lord.

Mohini's ark ship along with the interceptor was on the way to shipwreck cove right now.

Since everyone is hear Barbossa started to give out his speech to free calypso.

Also as soon as Mohini arrived with calypso she was imprisoned in the black pearl.

Well her words made the people divided and start to fight between them with different opinions.

It was a complete madness and a mess.

Mohini doesn't have to say anything as Barbossa and jack would do everything they have to do for their own purpose.

Finally after the madness was stopped the father of jack came over with the code.

Well he is the keeper of the code.

He is quite hot and Mohini has her pussy wet looking at him.

She bit her lip and controlled her lust.

After checking the code it is said that only the pirate king has the right to declare war combining all of the pirate forces.

So jack called for a vote.

Everyone voted for themselves but jack has to vote for Mohini based on their agreement before.

Other than his treasures Mohini also said that jack should help her when needed.

So jack has to vote for Mohini giving Mohini the winning ticket to become the pirate king.

Actually Mohini planned it for a long time for one thing that the Brethren court can give her.

That is the title of the King of pirates.

There are only two fantasy worlds that can give the title of the pirate king.

One is the pirates of the Caribbean and the second is the world of one piece.

It was hard to get the title in both the series as there are certain restrictions.

First after gaining the pirate king title, the title holder should not lose even a single battle as a pirate and also she cannot lose her designated flag ship till the end of the fantasy world.

There are few more conditions that would restrict the player.

At the same time the benefits of the title were also great that can be used in reality and even in the fantasy worlds.

With the vote from jack sparrow, Mohini became the pirate king.

Mohini after coming out of there gave the command of the ship the empress to Tai Huang for managing as she went to her own ship the fate.

No pirates that saw her ship has ever lived to tell anything about it.

Now those people were about to see the flag ship of Mohini.

At dawn when the pirate ships are ready for war, from the fogs beyond them a behemoth appeared that is twice as big as their ships.

Followed by a small vessel that is the interceptor.

The ship was big but it is not slow.

It was black and ash in color with a strange pirate symbol hanging at its top for everyone to look at it.

It is like a floating castle and made the people fear subconsciously.

This is the killing intent of Mohini that was released in the form of intimidation from the title the pirate king.

Even lord Beckett was shocked looking at the ship along with Davy Jones looking at Mohini that is standing at the very front of the ship.

Just as they are looking the ships on the opposite side also appeared slowly.

There are so many ships that they excitement of the people died down.

There is a pre war meeting between the two sides.

This time it was Mohini, Barbossa and jack that went to take a look.

On the other side is the same as in the plot.

It was Davy Jones, will and Lord Beckett.

Mohini proposed a contract to will.

The contract is for him to make Mohini 100 sets of excellent swords with all of his efforts and craftsmanship as a blacksmith.

In return she would take will to their side and kick jack to the side of Davy Jones.

Barbossa wants to stop but the title of the pirate king can let Mohini make the choice.

Well this was considered helping jack for his previous help.

They are in a cooperative relationship.

So things can be moved easily.


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