Chapter 366: visiting Isla Sirena

Chapter 366: visiting Isla Sirena 

Now the Davy Jones locker belongs to will turner and with the command she had on will Mohini can enter that place to have a chat with the mermaid leaders.

This will be her first target for the time being.

After forming a deal with them Mohini is going to take the next step in her plan to slowly get the things she wanted.

As for the sword of black beard and his ship Mohini can get them in the next part when the daughter of Barbossa would come into play.

With the basic planning Mohini started to make her move.

She first went to the interceptor and set sail.

Port Royal is managed by governor Swann so Mohini doesn't have to worry about sudden problems.

Also after the last part because of his title as the king of the pirates Mohini got an extra benefit.

That is she can integrate the shipwreck cove into her ark island.

Also the Port Royal was under her command so it can also be taken with her to integrate into her ark island.

But there is one small problem that is she has to stay alive with the pirate lord title to the end and control over the Port Royal till the end.

Only this way can she get those two islands to integrate into her ark island.

With the integration the resources of these islands would also be integrated into her ark island.

Also she would get a natural port and station her ark ship and other ships in the port of her ark island.

There are so many benefits of getting these things that Mohini is literally dancing.


After going into the waters Mohini took out the heart of William and made the call.

Few seconds later the Flying Dutchman ship appeared out of the waters.

Looking at Mohini, Will has a complicated expression.

Mohini remembers that some time has passed from the time they separated before.

But neither Mohini nor William has any change in their appearance.

William asked Mohini how Elizabeth is doing.

Mohini said that she is fine and enjoying the princess like treatment at Port Royal.

Then William asked Mohini why she called him over.

Mohini called him to get the swords that he promised before.

Will did not complete them all as they take time to make the highest quality swords that Mohini asked him.

So Mohini gave more time.

At the same time Mohini told him that she wanted to go to Isla Sirena that should be present in the Davy Jones locker.

Now it became William turner's locker.

Mohini has prepared few chips for him to get the approval of the mermaid leaders.

One of the chips is the help from calypso.

That is right Mohini can call in the calypso when she speaks to let the mermaid people trust her.

This is one of the conditions of the agreement with calypso that Mohini made for her release from this fantasy world.

Mohini is not going to take her crew along to the other side instead she is the only one going there to talk to mermaids.

There are three mermaid princesses or leaders and they are called Morveren, Aquala and Aquila.

Well they are still under the control of sirens.

Sirens are like harpies but have the capabilities to swim in the water like some birds.

They have wings but they can fly into the air but they also have fins for them to stay in the water.

They all comes from the beast men races and a cross breed between male harpies and female mermaids or vice versa.

Because of their superiority in both water and air they got the dominance over mermaids but they did not get the chance to dominate harpies.

Anyway harpies are already extinct at this time in this world.

Only a few mermaids and siren were able to survive under the protection of calypso using Isla Sirena as their safe heavens from the greedy humans.

Even though they feast on humans, they consider humans are extremely dangerous species for their races.


But with the help of calypso it would be easier to get the deal.

Will don't know why Mohini wants to go there.

He doesn't know about them at the beginning.

Only later did he find out that there are mer-people in the locker.

But Mohini seems to know everything as he directly named the place and wanted to go.

William took Mohini to that place with his sinking Flying Dutchman ship.

After they arrived in to the locker area they sailed to an island.

The entire locker looked lifeless except for this island that still has vegetation.

There are beauties everywhere on the island.

Unfortunately the crew people Flying Dutchman are all half dead people that can only die after their service and reincarnate.

 So they cannot enjoy the beauties in front of them.

It was literally hell to these people.

No wonder they became hideous monsters under the rule of Davy Jones.

Those people did not go to the land and lowered a life boat for Mohini.

Then Mohini rowed the boat to the island.

The mermaids on the side are looking at Mohini with wide open eyes.

They can feel that Mohini is still alive so they wanted to have a feast.

Mohini smiled and rowed forward.

The mermaids started to sing with two purposes.

First pull Mohini into trance and the second is to alert their superiors.

Mohini dressed up as a man and thought of him as a man.

Also Mohini is into woman so she can still be affected by the singing voice of the mermaids just like other men.

The innate skills called will start to take effect and severely suppressed the effect of their singing on Mohini.

Well she is a woman the affect is already low, with the help of her innate skill the affect is completely nonexistent.

In particular it did not work on Mohini.


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