Chapter 367: passing an ancient test by a hair’s gap

Chapter 367: passing an ancient test by a hair's gap

Well she is a woman the affect is already low, with the help of her innate skill the affect is completely nonexistent.

In particular it did not work on Mohini.

Even with the experienced mermaids and sirens sing it did not work on the iron will of Mohini.

Instead the speed at which the experience points received for improving her innate skill increased like pouring rain.

Mohini saw the mermaids with various colored fins and there are part human, part bird and part fish appearance sirens.

All of them are females and there is not even a single male in them.

Mohini has many doubts.

While rowing forward Mohini looked at the three beauties with blue fins which should be the leader of the mermaids.

Then on the other side there is only one lady that has colorful hair and feathers with graceful body with a blue fin tail.

She should be the head of the sirens or to be more precise she should be the head of Isla Sirena.

Mohini looked at them with a smile but it receded when these three mermaids started to sing together to move the heart of Mohini.

As long as Mohini can withstand them she can earn their respect and get the chance to speak.

Only jack was able to withstand singling of the three mermaids.

If Mohini can withstand the combined singing of the three mermaid leaders and siren leader then she will be able to make a deal with them on equal terms.

Mohini was still on the water and they did not physically attack her.

They know that Mohini has the capabilities to come here alive, means that Mohini is not ordinary person.

So they decided to test her by the rules of the Isla Sirena set by the old leaders in the ancient times when they came here for protection.

Mohini closed her eyes and listened to their song but her resistance did not reduce.

Instead her skill reached the break through point reaching tier 10.

Her will skill will break into the higher level which is based on her capabilities.

As soon as she reached the breaking point of her skill the effect of the combined singing of the three mermaid leaders did not affect her.

So the siren leader took a step forward to combine her singing with the three mermaid leaders.

Even the hearts of the dead crew of Flying Dutchman started to shake violently while William did not have a heart that can be moved.

So he was not moved but looked at Mohini with shock.

If Mohini were to jump into the water from her boat then she loses the test and might die in the hands of mermaids.

But if she won then she can get some good benefits.

At that time when the leader of the siren also took part Mohini started to move as she stood up.

William and other ship crew of the Flying Dutchman thought that Mohini is going to jump into the water.

Mohini was also in the trance state with her eyes looking dull and there is a stupid smile on her face.

Her Will skill was at a critical juncture of breaking through.

As long as she resists with her strong will the skill would broke through and upgrade.

She took a step forward and came to the edge of the boat.

But she did not jump and stood there like a stone statue.

The singing of the three mermaid leaders and the siren was intensified and the voice is so sweet that some of the crew of the Flying Dutchman jumped into the waters.

Mohini stood still as her mind is having an intense war with herself to control her body and actions.

Finally after 5 minutes of struggle Mohini appeared to take a step forward but instead he stopped mid air.

William was excited.

Because as long as Mohini dies Elizabeth would return back to him and he don't have to pay off the big debt from the previous captain of the Flying Dutchman.

Unfortunately, Mohini did not lose her senses completely.

Mohini's eyes became clear and a pleasant smile appeared on her face.

She went back to sit on the boat and slowly rowed her boat to the shore of Isla Sirena.

The test will be over as long as Mohini lets her small boat touch the shore of the Isla Sirena.

That should be break point for her to upgrade her innate skill will.

The movement is slow and the time seems to have stopped when Mohini's boat finally touched the shore of the Isla Sirena.

As soon as she stopped he stepped on the shore of Isla Sirena, she received a notification.


The innate skill 'will' has upgraded to the innate skill "King's will"

King's will: tier 0 (320/ 100,000)



The innate skill 'Insight' has upgraded to the innate skill "Scholar's insight"

Scholar's insight: tier 0 (12/ 100,000)


Mohini looked at the number and her eyes flashed.

The kings will is very hard to upgrade.

At the same time the insight skill that is upgraded to Scholar's insight.

Mohini sighted and moved to the leaders of the Isla Sirena.

"Based on the rules of this island I have the right to make a deal with you people right."

Mohini looked at the beauties in front of her and smiled.

Even thought the mermaids and siren are not completely human and has beast features as long as they want to they can transform into normal humans.

That is the benefit that those leaders have.

It is not just illusion but they can change to become normal humans.

As for the other mermaids or siren they have to meet some requirements to appear like humans.

This is the difference between the leaders of mermaid and siren and the normal people of their races.

Mohini asked the system if those mermaid leader and siren leader know about the real world.


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