Chapter 368: a deal with the siren and mermaids

Chapter 368: a deal with the siren and mermaids

This is the difference between the leaders of mermaid and siren and the normal people of their races.

Mohini asked the system if those mermaid leader and siren leader know about the real world.

That is if she can speak to them about the real world.

But the system said that they don't know and telling about that would still drop penalty bombs on her.

So she chose the other route for this problem.

That is to use the help of calypso.

"We can speak inside"

The siren leader said and walked into the cave like structure.

The three mermaid leader also followed along with her and Mohini was behind them.

Well they are wearing some lose ancient Greek dresses.

When they walk their curves appear from time to time.

But Mohini still controlled her mind from falling into any traps.

Before they completely become her women, she should not even think about them.

The leader of siren wanted to introduce about her, but Mohini directly named her.

"You are the leader of siren called Peisinoe.

These three are the leaders of mermaids and their names are Morveren, Aquala and Aquila.

Calypso has already told to me about you people and the trident of Poseidon."

As soon as Mohini said that the walking people stopped and looked at Mohini strangely.

Then Peisinoe spoke to Mohini.

"You know too many things.

We will speak inside, so that other people would not listen to our conversation."

After saying these words they quickened their pace into the caves.

The internal cave structure is complicated and after walking for 20 minutes they finally arrived at a room that has stone table and seats for people to sit.

It looked more like an ancient stone room.

The throne was occupied by Peisinoe while the three chairs on the side were occupied by the three mermaid leaders.

Mohini did not sit on those seats but she sat down on the chair she placed on table that she dragged over to the front of the beauties.

Well they widened their eyes because of Mohini's boldness.

But this was the current change came from the upgrade of her skill.

In case of deals like this Mohini cannot back down even a little.

She has to show her dominance so that she can gain their acceptance.

The people that have beast race blood line in them would be deterred by strong deterrence.

That is they worship the strong and despise the weak.

Even the people they love needed to be strong enough to be on the same level as them.

So Mohini has to show her level to never back down.

With the table as the base and sitting on the chair she is on the same level as Peisinoe sitting on the throne.

Under their scornful gazes Mohini spoke.

"Calypso and I made an agreement.

I have to free calypso from this world and take the trident of Poseidon.

If I did that the Flying Dutchman, this locker...and everything will be gone and return to their natural order.

Your species that has lost the race of survival in this world and are in hiding will lose your last shelter.

Even if I did not do that there is another designated person for the task by the will of the world.

So whatever the path it might be you are all doomed.

But I don't want such a beautiful species to die.

So I came here to give you an offer.

Join me and come back to my place with me.

That place is same as the place that calypso wanted to go.

There your species can still gain some chance to survive but there are few conditions.


Mohini said looking at the siren and mermaid leaders.

They widened their eyes for a moment and are still doubtful.

To prove his point Mohini took out her contract with calypso and showed the signed area without showing the contract.

As soon as this appeared they immediately recognized the special symbol seal of calypso.

They are the species of the sea and they are of the highest ranks.

So they can recognize the sign and seal of calypso.

Immediately they understand why she has the pride to sit on the same level as them.

She is dealing with the higher existence than them.

So they no longer doubted her.

Then Mohini and the four started to discuss about the things.

Mohini cannot speak about the things unless they trusted her.

Showing the contract with calypso and the future of those people that is the coming doom of their species has made them trust Mohini.

This is a special exception where they did not need to have high favorability to go through with the question of trust.

Immediately the bond of trust is formed between then.

The system notified her that she can now speak about the real world to them.

Well she has to form a contract with them to get them, their people including Isla Sirena to integrate into her ark island.

With the help of system Mohini asked the question of trust now and the four people immediately had the light screen along with the question of trust.

They were skeptical at first,

But after the warning from Mohini and also the rule that they cannot feast on human flesh of their own people that is her people on Ark Island unless they are threatened.

After listening to the warning they finally understood the situation and accepted it.

With that Mohini explained the things like she is explaining to the partners but not lovers.

Well Mohini really wanted them to be her women but not right now.

After her explanation the 4 people decided among themselves in a different language of the beasts.

Mohini waited for the result and finally they decided to form a cooperative relationship with Mohini.

But still in the real world if Mohini dies they would die along.

They formed a contract of trust...


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