Chapter 369: meeting jack’s father

Chapter 369: meeting jack's father

But still in the real world if Mohini dies they would die along.

They formed a contract of trust with the condition that as long as Mohini gets the trident of Poseidon in this world and frees calypso they are willing to follow her.

With that done Mohini asked them about the mermaids at the white cap bay.

They did not know that there are more mermaids there too.

So they decided to have a talk with them.

Peisinoe gave Mohini a conch that has her voice in it to Mohini.

She told her to deliver it to the mermaids at the white cap bay.

Mohini accepted it and concluded the deal.

After that she left.

The 4 sent Mohini away and then they started to talk about Mohini.

"She looks kind of cute."

Aquila said 

Well there are no males here so they can only relieve their lust with other girls.

Peisinoe then said.

"If she can really fulfill her contract of trust, we can become her women.

We feast on humans because they once prosecuted our race and killed many innocent people of our race.

All the men of our race died because of them.

But there are also humans that protected us with their strong support in the past.

There is an ancient prophesy that the person that gets the trident of Poseidon will be able to help us if she did not break the trident destroying the magic of the sea.

Hope it is this person.

If it is really her then our destiny is to become her women."

Mohini did not know all of that and directly went back to the Flying Dutchman Ship in the same row boat.

After going back to the ship she told William that looked disappointed to return back to the real world.

Then Mohini went back to the interceptor and returned back to the Port Royal.

Then they set their sails to London to meet with Veena, jack and candy.

By the time Mohini came back to the Port Royal the ark ships related to other players has already set sail.

Mohini doesn't know if those players wanted to go and capture the mermaids.

So she is in a slump about which direction should she choose.

That is to warn the mermaids or to go to London to go along with the plot.

At that time the system warned her that the players cannot come into contact with the mermaids of the white cap bay till the black beard goes there for hunting them.

Till then they will be safe.

With the words of the system Mohini set their course to London to meet with others and plan some things.

Mohini's flag ship is hidden and goes out to hunt down the Spanish and other ships to gain the big loots from time to time based on the information they obtained.

Her clone on the ship directs the things while Mohini moved to London on interceptor.

In London Mohini is there looking at the court proceedings of convicting Gibbs.

She is not wearing any revealing clothes here.

The people here and their thoughts are not good and she has to maintain her situation well.

Well her bounty image is actually her with a bikini with her tits out.

Many soldiers and bounty hunters usually masturbate looking at her poster.

Mohini saw jack appeared in the form of the chief judge in disguise.

After looking at them leave by carriage, Mohini knows that they are going to meet with the king of England George 2.

Mohini did not go there instead she went the captain's daughter pub.

Here Mohini is waiting for jack, while she looked at captain Teague, jack's father that saved him just now and angelica that is acting as him to recruit a crew.

Angelica is a very cunning woman and she is jack's woman.

Also she might even be pregnant with jack.

Mohini doesn't want to interfere with these people.

Even though she is a beauty she is not Mohini's beauty.

So Mohini did not bother to think about her.

In the pub Mohini met with candy that is also waiting for the plot to move on.

So as soon as Mohini appeared she stuck to Mohini like a fan girl attracting a little extra attention towards her.

But it did not last long as there are other people here.

As for Veena, Mohini has met with her when she arrived to London.

She went straight to the scholar's community here.

Mohini did not appear like a pirate; 

Instead she appears like a high end noble woman with hot figure.

Along with her beautiful appearance no one would doubt or stop her.

Mohini already spoke to Veena and found that she is not going to participate in the expedition of the fountain of youth.

Mohini told her to investigate about the trident and also the daughter of Barbossa.

That is her target.

Also Mohini added Veena to her group to let her share a little extra benefit from her.

Veena was much moved and they shared a passionate kiss right then and there.

They did not have time right now.

If they had then most probably they would be rolling in the bed right now.

After that Mohini started to do her work.

Mohini is currently drinking some rum sitting in front of captain Teague while waiting for jack.

They chatted about things.....

Finally the commotion happened outside and he went to save jack.

After jack arrived inside he looked at Mohini with widened eyes and his father with even more confused mind.

He even thought that his father is going to take Mohini as his step mother.

Well it was just a thought that made his head buzz.

The father and son spoke while Mohini listened.

Only for jack to feel embarrassed that he was cheated by Mohini twice with both compass and even the map.

So he is searching around like a blind fly all over the waters.


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