Chapter 376: the map is in the stars

Chapter 376: the map is in the stars

"…So he broke the seal at the devil's triangle to set free captain Salazar and the silent Mary.

Now it is time for the search for the trident to solve things.

We came to you so that I can talk to you about few things.

But before that…"

Mohini looked at Barbossa and said.

"Barbossa, can you go out for a moment giving us privacy to speak about some things."

Barbossa left the place unwillingly.

Then Mohini spoke to Shansa.

"What I wanted to ask is.

Do you want to follow me?

You know after the trident is taken the magic in this world will be gone completely.

So it is useless for the people on the magic side to stay here any longer.

You are good at magic and dark arts.

So why not follow me.

As for where I cannot tell but mermaids and siren of Isla Sirena are willing to follow me to the place I am going after getting the trident.

I like to have capable people on my side."

Mohini said with a smile.

Well she is in the dark arts side and she knows some of the secrets of the world.

So she was thinking about what to answer Mohini.

It was not hard to choose.

So she decided to join Mohini.

It was a directly proposal and deal.

As for the trust, a person that can make mermaids and siren trust her to follow along, 

Can she not be trust worthy?"

But her condition is the same as that of the mermaids.

As long as Mohini gets the trident of Poseidon then she would follow her.

Immediately she got a blue screen of contract in front of her face that made her shocked.

But reading the contents of the contract she accepted them with a happy face.

She thought that is some sort of advanced magic.

With their deal done Mohini left with Barbossa.


Back at Saint Martin, Mohini and carina are standing at the high tower looking at the execution of jack.

Well Mohini doesn't have to do anything other than lighting some fire works for diversion.

Then the crew of jack would do all the work.

As soon as he lit the fireworks the rockets flew into the sky making a colorful blast attracting the attention of the people.

On the other hand the crew of jack shot a cannon ball making jack go round and round between the life and death with a blade right at his neck.

Well actually jack's crew came back because Mohini gave them some money and cannon to do that work.

Well Jack looked like an old shield warrior with a big board in the front.

He started to escape during the commotion.

After that they wanted to launch jack's ship.

This time Mohini and carina are not prisoners unlike in the plot.


In a different place Mohini's clone standing beside Barbossa saw the silent marry coming their way.

Carina did not believe that Mohini spoke to mermaids or Mohini spoke to the cursed dead men.

But she continued to ask more about her father.

Mohini did not tell her about her father instead she told her that they would meet soon.

She did not know if she should believe Mohini but she liked the cool way of doing things that Mohini does during their time together.

It is like she knows everything.

Mohini and carina are drinking tea while chatting like a happy couple on a pirate ship without a care in the world.

Well they are ladies but still they looked like a happy couple.

On the other hand jack and the crew are having a hard time.

Candy did not take her ship to sail into the sea instead she actually boarded the broken ship of jack.

So she is also sitting by their side drinking tea while chatting in the middle and flirting with jack.

After some nonsense jack came back to Mohini and carina to ask for directions.

It is almost like a traveler on the road asking for directions.

Mohini was amused looking at jack's expression.

Carina did not want to tell jack.

But jack cannot use Mohini as bait because Mohini is strong and magical and even had guns.

So he started to sulk and look for Mohini to help.

Mohini finally told him.

"The map is star chart and it is in the sky.

She will read the sky at night, since we did not have any telescope.

So we have to wait till the night to look for the chart.

After knowing that jack went to talk to his crew.

On the other hand Shansa was captured by British soldiers just like Mohini told her.

So she gave them the direction that Mohini gave her before.

With that her safety is secured.

She was really shocked that Mohini can predict so far.

But she doesn't know that Mohini saw all of though a movie.

If she knew she would really be shocked and angry till her bald head became red.


On the other hand Mohini's clone that is with Barbossa would look at the compass to point out the directions.

Right now Mohini's clone and Barbossa are coming to the same direction as the original body.

By the time it was sun rise jack and his ship would be in the vision of silent Mary and Captain Salazar.


On the next day the crew of jack started to clamor about the authenticity of the map that carina spoke off.

Right around that time they saw the ship with gloomy clouds on the top of it.

Immediately jack came to Mohini with his Humorous language.

But in the middle candy pulled her close to her and stood on the side.

Mohini on the other hand looked at carina and said.

"Little lady, you did not believe the magic and ghosts right.

Now you will believe that.

Also you will meet your father soon."


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