Chapter 377: father and daughter met

Chapter 377: father and daughter met

Jack immediately asked a question with hope.

"Don't tell me she is the daughter of Captain Salazar?"

Mohini directly smashed the hopes of jack and said.

"No, she is the daughter of the man that took pearl from you.

Now you have to saw his name."

Jack immediately looked gloomy and did not speak.

Carina could not take it any longer and looked at the remaining crew for answers.

Finally it was Gibbs under her glaring gaze spoke.


Everyone in the sea knows who Barbossa is.

He has a fleet of 10 ships 2 days ago.

But now there is nothing left.

Carina was so shocked that she was barely able to stand.

She did not believe that but some things could not be faked.

She was trying to digest the information, while Mohini suggested that they should go ashore so that they would not die easily.

The crew of Salazar will not be able to come ashore.

So they will be safe.

They took the row boat with 4 members.

Jack, Mohini, carina and candy

All of them rowed the boat to the island nearby.

Carina wanted to jump into the waters and swim away from jack so that they would not chase her.

She started to take off her clothes.

On the other hand candy came close to Mohini and asked.

"Mohini she seems to have exhibitionist tendencies.

You sure got a good woman around you?"

Mohini waited till she removed her clothes and even helped her remove the remaining clothes too.

This made carina stunned and stand there with bright red face.

Mohini took all her clothes and the clothes of carina and put them in the space.

Mohini calmed down and immediately took the hand carina to stop and then took out an anchor.

She doesn't know what Mohini is going to do so she waited believing in Mohini.

Right at that time the dead sharks appeared circling around them.

Mohini first threw a grappling hook when the shark jumped up into the air.

Then Mohini threw some meat pieces she stored in her personal space towards the island.

Immediately the sharks are attracted to that and the ship moved like a speed boat on the ocean.

Mohini held the rope of the grappling hook to control the direction with one hand and threw more meat towards the island so that the sharks take them towards the island.

Finally with a big curve and a drift they were thrown on the shore of the island.

Mohini took the hand of carina and did not let her get big impact.

Mohini hugged her and landed safely on the land of the island.

On the other hand candy jumped on her back while holding jack with one hand.

Well it was too much burden.

But Mohini can bear that much with her strong body.

Her movements and timing are precise with her spirit vision with the help of Tian Meng.

Well carina was really moved by the heroism of Mohini but when she saw the real ghosts the fear took her thoughts over.

She started to run like a lunatic.

Mohini followed her first and jack and candy behind him.

Well Mohini knows that there are traps but still followed and finally they were captured.

Since carina strip off she was given a dirndl and everything is ready for the marriage of jack to pay of his debt.

Jack was tricked into saying "I Do" for marriage agreement by carina and Mohini.

Candy on the other hand pouted for Mohini playing the tricks.

But she cannot stop laughing when seeing the sad expression of jack when they say.

"You may kiss the bride"

Right around that time jack was saved by a gun fire from Barbossa.

Mohini then looked them and told carina pointing at the man in the captain dress.

"Look over there, the person with the big gun and captain dress.

He is your father hector Barbossa."

Carina looked Barbossa with complicated eyes.

In the mean time jack was saved as the brother of the bride pig Kelly was killed by Barbossa.

Behind Barbossa there is Mohini's clone that was wearing a cloak.

Well if there are two Mohini's suddenly then they would become frightened.

The other Mohini can be used as a life saving straw when the timing is right.

So Mohini did not let her clone reveal itself right now.

But Barbossa that saw the face of her clone and Mohini right in front of them were shocked.

Well the crew of Barbossa is not intelligent enough to know about that.

On the other hand Barbossa would not speak even if he understands.

His eyes are on the woman that is standing by the side of Mohini looking at him with complicated eyes.

Mohini already told Barbossa about how his daughter was mistaken as a witch and was about to be hanged before.

If it was not for Mohini then she would have already died right now.

Mohini would not trust jack to bring her back to the real world.

But Mohini definitely wanted bring Barbossa to the really world.

Well neither Barbossa nor carina spoke about this matter.

Barbossa went to release the black pearl to set off to get the trident.

During that time he observed that carina was close to Mohini and Barbossa has complicated thoughts related to Mohini.

Mohini was always shrouded in mist and nothing about her is actually known.

Even about her ship and the crew that would come out and go away like wind.

Mohini's clone did not follow them and stayed on the island.

Later interceptor would come and pick her up.

Interceptor was still on the move silently moving around with another one of Mohini's clones.

Well she cannot wait here so she moved to the other side of the island with her fastest speed.

The clones and the original body can sense each other so it is not a problem to for the interceptor to come and hide first…..


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