Chapter 426: do you dare to make a bet

Chapter 426: do you dare to make a bet

"…He would definitely use one way or the other to cause severe or irreparable damage to the Senju clan.

I am sure that he would not even leave the children of the Senju clan."

Jiraiya could not take it anymore and shouted.

"You are lying.

Third Hokage is not like that.

You all Uchiha clan people are the same."


Shizuka laughed out loud again.

"You are telling me that Uchiha clansman is bad.

The let me ask you.

In the disciples of second Hokage there is an Uchiha clansman called Kagami.

When the second Hokage is dying Kagami stood there to buy time for the other four disciples namely, Hiruzen, Danzo, Koharu and Homura to save second Hokage.

He died on the line but was second Hokage saved.

He died mysteriously and I even doubt if his body was properly brought back.

Now tell me.

If the third Hokage you speak of is so righteous he should have gone there to save second Hokage properly.

At least he should have saved his fellow disciple of second Hokage.

Or he should have stood in to protect the retreat of others.

Instead he is actually the first one to return back to the village when running.

Do you think that it was a noble behavior?

At least the evil Uchiha you spoke off stood there to help his fellow disciples with his life on the line.

Those are just ungrateful bastards.

This includes the second Hokage…"

Shizuka stopped for a moment and looked at Tsunade and said.

"I am sorry sensei, but this is the truth."

Then Shizuka looked back at Jiraiya and continued.

"Do you know why the village police station is formed by the second Hokage?

You will say that it was so that the Uchiha people would help keep maintain peace.

It is bullshit.

When solving the internal problems there are always times when one of the parties would resent the Uchiha clan for their impartiality.

This will slowly tarnish the name of the Uchiha clan and isolate them from the common people of the hidden leaf village.

Even after killing his brother Madara Uchiha spared the life of the second Hokage Tobirama Senju just because Senju Hashirama asked him.

Such a person suddenly came to fight Senju Hashirama, don't you think that there is fundamentally wrong.

Even after the incident Senju Hashirama did not show prejudice toward the Uchiha clan because he felt that something was wrong.

On the other hand right after his death, his brother Tobirama did not fulfill his brother's promise of giving the Hokage seat to the Uchiha clan.

Instead of that he even established something like a police station in the name of Uchiha clan.

Can't I call him ungrateful bastard?

As his disciple's disciple with great stupidity you inherited their stupid prejudice.

As for the Uchiha clan there is no immediately danger but we are also in the target list of third Hokage and Danzo.

But there are others before us like the Senju clan."

Shizuka said with a calm expression.

"No, you are lying.

There is no proof to what you said.

Third Hokage would not let something like that happen…."

Jiraiya started to rant and Shizuka wanted this to happen for his next move.

Right then she received a choice.


Choice 1: make a bet with Jiraiya and put a condition to keep him mouth shut.

Host will be rewarded with Rinnegan trigger point with 50 percent probability of awakening Rinnegan.

Choice 2: let the things move on as Jiraiya would report this to third Hokage.

Host would lose the support of third Hokage and host will be pestered with assassins and conspiracies against him.


Well Shizuka has already planned the things so she directly chose the first choice.

 Then she said to Jiraiya.

"You don't believe my words right.

Then do you dare to bet on what you believe in."

Jiraiya immediately agreed in a fit of rage.

He has some similarities to Naruto.

Shizuka doesn't know how he got them but there are similarities still.

Then Shizuka spoke again.

"The bet is simple, 

I bet that if something happens to Mito san then the Senju clan would lose its standing and its name within 3 years of time.

The circumstances are very similar to someone provoking to participate in war or something similar to provoking their strength.

The person provoking them would do it through behind the scenes under the command of Danzo or third Hokage.

You simply deny me as your bet right.

If I win then you will support me unconditionally and if I lose, you can kill me if you can.

But there is one restriction, 

You cannot speak about our conversation or about the bet to anyone till the bet time is fulfilled.

I promise that I would not speak about this with anyone in the name of my mother….

Now tell me do you dare."

The eyes of Tsunade and Orochimaru have widened.

Even the trio of Nagato's group widened their eyes.

Jiraiya was silent for a moment as he sobered up after thinking about the words Shizuka spoke.

He is stupid but not to the point of blindly jumping.

But the current situation is very complicated.

If he did not dare to show trust in his own words then he will not be qualified to become the teacher of the future peace bringer.

He looked at the group of Nagato for a moment and steeled his heart with his beliefs.

Shizuka has already calculated all of this.

This is a dead lock situation where Jiraiya cannot refuse.

With a sigh Jiraiya accepted this but the next words of Shizuka made a chill run down his back.

"I don't want a simple acceptance.

Just like me make your promise but not on the people of the village.

I know you can lie easily with a promise on others.

I want you to promise on the toad elders Fukasaku and Shima of Mount Myōboku…."


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