Chapter 427: threatening Orochimaru

Chapter 427: threatening Orochimaru

"…I know you can lie easily with a promise on others.

I want you to promise on the toad elders Fukasaku and Shima of Mount Myōboku.

They should be your teachers and you feel them as close as your parents."

Shizuka said.

The complexion of Jiraiya changed because not many people know the names of the toad elders.

He immediately looked towards Tsunade and asked.

"Tsunade, did you teach her summoning Jutsu and signed the contract with immortal Katsuya."

Tsunade subconsciously nodded as her mind was in turmoil because of the Shizuka's words.

Orochimaru was amused and finally became a little interested in Shizuka.

With the nod from Tsunade, Jiraiya though that Shizuka got the information from the immortal slug Katsuya.

Then he took the oath right in front of them.

Shizuka smiled happily and by the time Jiraiya returns to the hidden leaf village everything would be upside down.

At that time he would not have a choice but to become the loyal follower of Shizuka even if he did not want to.

Shizuka knows that the Senju clan only lost her main bloodline and many strong men making them unable to maintain their current position.

In order to save them from being hunted Tsunade did not have a choice but to disband the clan completely let them merge into the common citizens of the village.

Even then there are many cases of missing children and women that are from the descendents of Senju clan.

This was done by Danzo and Orochimaru.

Third Hokage know about this but he did not intervene as he held grudge against the Senju clan.

With that the Senju clan would be over.

Shizuka doesn't want Orochimaru to spoil her plan and cause the history to change.

Second ninja world war caused the severe destruction of Senju clan, while the third has severely destroyed Uchiha clan.

But Uchiha clan did not disband like Senju clan did.

Also they are easily identified because of the Sharingan.

So even if they disband there is no use.

Shizuka immediately chose the first option.

Then she looked at Orochimaru and said.

"Orochimaru san, I don't want the current bet or information between me and Jiraiya san to be leaked to Danzo or third Hokage or anyone else.

If it was leaked then I would be forced to leak all the information related those experiments, missing people, secret labs within the village and outside too.

Hope you would not make me your enemy."

Shizuka said with a smile as if she was talking friendly with Orochimaru.

The expression on the face of Orochimaru changed for a moment but he immediately controlled his expression.

Orochimaru smiled and accepted what Shizuka said.

But inside he thought that Shizuka was dangerous.

Not many people in the village know about his secret facilities and bases.

Also things related to his experiments too.

This made him cautious of Shizuka and he wanted to eliminate Shizuka if possible.

He wanted to find the opportunity when Tsunade is not with Shizuka to kill her.

While he is thinking Shizuka also has his preparations as he got some things specifically prepared for Orochimaru.

It was the soul servant Mark that would let Orochimaru become Shizuka's servant.

Orochimaru is a mad scientist that really found a way to reanimate the dead people completely.

Also he invented many useful things well they are used for wrong things.

But as long as they are controlled properly he really completed many useful things.

Shizuka wanted this mad genius to be under her control.

For that she wanted use the soul servant mark

It is costly and Shizuka wanted to use this because Orochimaru is very useful in the real world because of his scientific brain and intelligence.

Also he can fight and he is very adaptable.

Finding a good woman or a man for him would solve the problems.

Most probably rock would match perfectly for Orochimaru.

Shizuka has some wild ideas in her head.

She doesn't believe that she can convince Orochimaru to become loyal to her with her strength.

But with the soul servant seal Mark it would be easy.

Shizuka was really happy about this.

She will wait till Orochimaru attacks her and then put the soul servant Mark on him.

But before that there is another person that Shizuka has to take care off.

It was Tsunade.

She has the tendency to act first before thinking just like Naruto and Anko.

Shizuka doesn't want that to happen.

For that she has to think of a way to stop her.

Well she did not have to try hard as the solution for this is already in her possession.

That is the use of Sharingan and Yamanaka clan technique to remove the part of the thought related to current bet.

She would remember that there is a bet between Shizuka and Jiraiya but she would not remember what that was.

She would subconsciously avoid that thought.

This way Shizuka don't have worry something bad happening.

But he cannot do that immediately he has to take her away from here to do that.

Well Shizuka doesn't have to worry about that either, as Tsunade immediately pulled Shizuka and dragged her away from this place.

Jiraiya went to the trio of Nagato's group to convince to make them his disciples.

As for Orochimaru, he actually separated a clone to put on the appearances here and his main body followed Tsunade and Shizuka away from here.

Tsunade took Shizuka far away and Shizuka was actually paying attention to white Zetsu that is following them.

Shizuka used strong Genjutsu while they are moving to make the white Zetsu stop and make sure that other white Zetsu would not come close to them.

Finally they stopped after going for a little while when Tsunade though that there is no one nearby.

But Orochimaru came along and is hiding nearby right now.

Shizuka did not immediately do anything as she wanted Orochimaru to witness the entire scene before making a move.


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