Chapter 428: planting thoughts in Tsunade

Chapter 428: planting thoughts in Tsunade

But Orochimaru came along and is hiding nearby right now.

Shizuka did not immediately do anything as she wanted Orochimaru to witness the entire scene before making a move.

Shizuka is already wearing special lenses that would help her hide her Sharingan.

So even if Orochimaru found that Tsunade acted strange he would not be able to tell that Shizuka has awakened Sharingan.

After stopping Tsunade looked at Shizuka for some answers,

"Shizuka tell me the truth, 

Did you hear something from third Hokage or Danzo about targeting my clan or something like that?"

Tsunade asked Shizuka with anxiousness written all over her face.

Shizuka looked at Tsunade and said.

"Sensei, all of these was my thoughts or future prediction of what is going to happen under the current circumstances.

The chance of this happening is very high.

Even if you go there and tried to convince, all it would change is to delay the destruction of the Senju clan.

You can try but it would be of no use.

The Senju clan people are on the same level of arrogance as that of Uchiha clan people.

Also they are even more blinded by their arrogance because their people became the first and second Hokage.

It was their blind arrogance that led to the death of your brother Nawaki.

They failed to notice the trap laid by the people they trusted.

You should have already investigated this matter right.

You at least have vague idea on who cause the incident and for what purpose right.

This is the very base of my prediction before...…"

Shizuka spoke all of this at the same time used his Sharingan to plant few thoughts into the mind of Tsunade.

With the power of Mangekyō Sharingan and strong spirit power the thoughts planted would not be noticed by Tsunade during her life time.

These thought at not big.

It was a simple magnification of her fears that her people would not be convinced even if she warned them.

Similarly third Hokage and Danzo would not confess what they did to her brother before.

Also she did not have any proof of this matter pointing towards Danzo or third Hokage.

With Shizuka's words and the implemented thought she slowly thought about this and became depressed.

But she would not give up.

She would definitely speak to her people to convince them.

But Shizuka warned her that there might be some people from the roots or Anbu that are loyal to third Hokage.

They can always warn third Hokage or Danzo in advance to cover up the things and postpone them for later.

Listening to Shizuka's words she thought about this and wanted to speak to her father later.

Shizuka can easily tell her thoughts as her capabilities to plan and think are very simple.

Shizuka then planted a Mangekyō Sharingan command in her mind that would trigger when she sees her father.

This would activate so quickly that the people below super Kage level would not be able to notice or remember about this much.

The thoughts planted in the Mangekyō Sharingan are also simply like Tsunade's father not trusting her and acting like the prideful person that Shizuka spoke off.

With that the first problem would be solved.

There is another command in her mind that is to not to let her go to Danzo or third Hokage about this issue fearing that they would hide the things and do something more darker.

Shizuka did all these through Mangekyō Sharingan at a fast speed that Tsunade could not react.

Even though she is a villain, she doesn't want to get the women through mind control tactics.

She wanted her women to not to betray her for that she has to act a little strict but she want her women to love her instead of being with her with mind control nonsense.

Even though she is a bitch she doesn't want to be stabbed by her own bitches in the back.


After talking to Shizuka Tsunade left back to their camping place while Shizuka said that she would return shortly after a little practice of her Jutsu.

Tsunade did not mind as Shizuka usually does this.

Also in her mind there are many things about how to convince her father or other people in the Senju clan.

She returned to the camp where Jiraiya was able to convince the trio of Nagato's group to teach them.

Orochimaru's close was here as his main body was where Shizuka is located right now.

He is like a snake that came to Shizuka and waited to attack his prey.

Shizuka has already noticed him but she did not act immediately because Shizuka needs to make a surprise attack to use the soul servant Mark.

Shizuka drawn this Mark on her hand with her blood and already started the initial preparations of the soul servant Mark.

Then she started to act like she was practicing hard.

After some time she looked exhausted.

Well Orochimaru knows that Shizuka is a Jonin level ninja right now.

That is her official information of Shizuka.

He has already checked with his senses during this time and found that Shizuka is really at Jonin level.

So after the continuous exercise that Shizuka just did she should be exhausted to some extent.

But he don't know that compared to the chakra reserves Shizuka has she is not exhausted at all.

The entire Jonin level chakra is not even a hundredth of the chakra she possesses right now.

Right then Orochimaru used a special Jutsu to extend his head like a snake to bit at Shizuka and poison her with his sneak attack.

Even if Shizuka is faking she would not be able to recover from his poison so quickly and easily.

Within this time he can easily kill Shizuka.

This is his plan when he started his sneak attack.

Unfortunately he did not expect for Shizuka to suddenly turned around and put her hand with…


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