1 million years ago

somewhere in a white space, a young man with white hair walked. he had a very handsome face, that made him very beautiful, and otherworldly. he had a nice definite shape, crafted from the most skilled god.

he wore a special type of white armour, that had different symbols, of different runes on it. on his back was a long, white sycthe. with the tip, reaching a bit over his head. while he dragged the bottom, across the floor.

if anyone, was to see this young man's appearance, they would surely fall for him. but the most striking feature, in his appearance. was the six beautiful, but powerful white feathered wings, on his back.

"ahh." he released a soft sign. as he flew across the white space, at a fast rate.

"this is the 18,000 assignment, I've carried out for him." he said, as he patted the sycthe, on his back. it glowed brightly for a while, responding to his touch.

"i don't know why he cares so much about those mortals." he looked down at planet earth, with envious eyes.

"he treats us like we're lesser than them. when we can crush them, with a single breath." he angrily said, as he approached a very huge, and lovely gate.

the gate wasn't by any means normal, as it floated on the clouds. reaching about 24 feets high, and 12 width. the enourmous gate was adorned, with beautiful rubies, sapphire, and many precious jewels and stones.

this beautiful man, landed softly on the cloud. as he walked forward to beautiful gate, which was closed together.

"who is it that seeketh the kingdom." a soft melodious voice spoke. but each word, packed enough power, to blow a three story building to bits.

"are you serious." he rolled his eyes, fluttering his wings slightly. "zena i don't have time, open the gates..."

"hmm.. if you don't have a name, then the gates will remain closed." the voice spoke again, this type more coldly.

"ha.. fine it is i athos, can you please open the gates now?"

the gates then made a click sound. as the huge gates, were slowly opening, until they reached their limit. as a soft footstep approached, from inside the gates.

"you came back late athos..." the figure slowly said, revealing herself in full. if this man called Athos, was handsome man. then this woman, was the goddess of beauty.

her looks were made, to cause the hearts of all, who looked at her to melt. even her presence alone, brought peace into the minds, of all close to her. her body was crafted beautifully, not that busty, but curvy in the right areas.

she had a smile on her face, that would make many men, want to rush her. but there was also this domineering aura, that showed she wasn't defenseless. as she also had six wings, on her back.

"what do you mean late? do you know how much work, i had to do for those mortals..."

"i know, but he's been waiting for you for a while now.." she calmly spoke, as she looked at him.

'it's a shame he derives pleasure from those things he created..' Athos expressed his disdain, for mortals. without any regrets, or fear at all.

"hey.. i know how you feel.. and trust me we all do, but we can't challenge him, he has his reasons." she calmly spoke, as she held athos's shoulders, in comfort.

Athos had his head faced down, thinking about something. while muttering some words.

"w-what if we can challenge him..."

"huh! did you say something?" zena asked. pretending not to have heard, what athos said.

"n-no nothing at all... we should be going right, he's waiting for us.." Zena nodded her head. as Athos spread his six beautiful wings, and took to the air. into the gates, vanishing into white light.

"i don't know what your planning Athos, but please be careful.." she spread her own wings too. as they flew into the gates. transported to a different place entirely.

"i-it's good to be home." Athos said. looking at the wondrous sight, in his eyes.

in his front, was a wide wall. that reached a width, that no architecture could ever achieve. and the length, was by no means small.

around the walls, were twelve gates. each adorned with twelve beautiful stones. and were placed, on each sides of the walls.

"haha.." Zena Chuckled, flying behind Athos. as both their silky snowy white hairs, swayed in the cool breeze.

"it's been a while Athos, everyone miss you.."

"y-eah..." he said with a fake smile.

'am not so sure about everyone.' he thought inwardly. as they landed in the middle, of the twelve gates. he then placed his hands, on the gate. as white energy, was being transferred to it.

then the lion symbol on the gate, emitted red flames. as it parted into two, paving way for Athos and Zena.

"well come on, don't be shy Athos." Zena gave him a nudge.

"a-am not it's just..."

"no buts, come on i'll race you." immediately she shot upwards. reaching large amount of feats, in the blink of an eye.

"this.." Athos was reluctant at first. but it seems Zena, wouldn't take no for an answer.

"am coming for you.." he shouted, as he took after her. the race was on.

"ha! you've gotten slow Athos." Zena shouted, picking up more pace. as she flapped her strong, wings in the air.

"are you sure.. well think again Zena.." suddenly Athos did something weird. he covered his body with his six wings. as his body, received a burst of energy. he shot out fast, passing the speed of light, and knocking Zena off balance.

"w-why you.. cheater!!" she yelled. as she too, did the same thing as Athos.

in about a minute, Athos had stopped at a huge golden palace. where everywhere and thing, was made of gold, even the steps. then a kind of narrow river, flowed in two directions. from inside the palace, down to the beautiful, vast garden below.

"ha.. and she said i wasn't fast." Athos said, looking behind for Zena. he had reached here faster than her. because, he used a special method, to shot his body forward.

"he's gotten stronger, i can feel his power from here." he said, looking at the top of the palace. as there was a bright ball, of flaming energy. that served as the sun, covering each place, in this place.

he shook his head, as he used four of his wings. to cover his body, head to toe. while he used the other two, to softly fly into the palace.

on his way in, he flew past many beings, like him. all having six white feathery wings. with different shapes and sizes.

"hey Athos! how have you being." a lady said, as she greeted Athos in the air.

"am fine helen thanks.." Athos warmly replied, as he passed by.

"welcome back Athos.."

"it's been a while.."

"what's up."

different beings like him, exchanged pleasantries with him. as he drew nearer, to the center of the palace. he was struggling to fly, as the pressure, being released. was too much, for him to handle.

"how does he expect us to fly like this." he rolled his eyes, as he flew down. and continued walking, through the palace.

"t-this place is our home.. and he expects, those mischievous mor-tals to inherit i-t?..."

"such a shame." he shook his head. everywhere he looked was gold, priceless artifacts, weapons, tasty fruits, name it. everything that is here, was only limited to your imagination.

he walked a few steps, as he reached a certain door, with a strange symbol of four beasts. one had the head of a lion, and the body of an eagle.

the other an eagle head, and the body of a lion. the third a goat head, and two calved feets. while the last, had the head of what athos, disliked the most.

"mortals..." he shook his head. as he just said a word, to the door.

"open!" he spoke with command. as the door slowly opened, revealing the brightest light. one could ever imagine.

"ahh.." Athos covered his eyes, at the sight of this great light. even his knees, immediately gave out, at this presence. as he fell down, bowing his head, to the bright light.

"athos! come forward..." the voice spoke, in a loud tone. that caused the walls, of the vast room, to shake violently.

Athos then put some strength into his legs. as he struggled to walk, to the presence of the light.

"i-i have finished the task, you gave to me, your majesty..." Athos mellowed his voice in obedience, not daring to look at the light.

"haha!" the light laughed with authority. "you may look up my son..."

Athos then slowly lifted his head. as he felt that dominant pressure, had been subsided a bit. then in front of him, was the four beasts. that were drawn, in the entrance of the door. each stood at four edges, but there was something else, in the centre.

it was a flaming throne, that burned very fiercely, and brightly. the flames, wasn't by any means like, the hottest furnace on earth. no, it was a billion times hotter. that if a normal person, were to stand where Athos stood. then the individual's ashes, wouldn't be spared.

"so you have delivered my people, out of the hands of the pharoes..." the voice asked. "but why the delay?."

"a-as i was leading them to the place you showed me, they rebelled against you, and called you many names..."

"s-some even wished, to be in the hands of the pharoes, i saved them from. "

"hmm." there was a frown on the light's face. "i saw all of it, but they have begged for forgiveness, and i have forgiven them.

"b-but how can you forgive them that easily.. t-they're ungrateful mortals... t-they should be killed." Athos stuttered angrily. he felt this almighty presence, was being weak, to a bunch of humans.

"i know you dislike them athos, and i understand you, but you should know they are naive.."

"t-they aren't.. f-or the past years I've been with t-hem. they've murdered themselves, in cold blood, spilling the blood of their own kind."

"d-do you call that naive!" Athos shouted, at the top of his lungs. which made the beast's eyes, fall on him.

"how dare you question him, who do you think you are Athos." a voice spoke with anger. as a round ball, with eyes all round it. appeared in front of athos, flames surrounded it. if anyone would've seen this creature. then they would've either died, or be in a coma.

"a-arc angel Michael, h-he didn't mean any of what he said, please forgive him..." Zena appeared. as she pulled Athos down, they both knelt down.

"he should know his place here Zena.. next time he speaks like that, i'll make sure he's punished severely." the ball of eyes spoke. calmly darting it's multiple eyes at Athos.

"Michael.. it's alright, Athos just seems to care for me." the light spoke again.

"and don't worry Athos, i'll make sure to remind my people, who it was that created them..." it said. as a scroll, appeared out of thin air. and floated towards Athos, landing softly in his arms.

"that is your reward for completing the task Athos, you may leave now..." immediately, the strong pressure burst out again, pushing Athos and Zena back. he quickly held Zena, as he used his sycthe for support. only the ball with eyes, wasn't affected much, by this pressure.

"thank you your majesty..." Athos bowed, as he flew away with Zena. with the door closing shut. leaving only Michael, the bright light, and the four beasts.

"t-that old man has grown stronger just the past few days I've been away?" Athos said, shocked by what he just witnessed.

"of course! he feeds on the prayers of those mortals. that's why he created them in the first place..." Zena replied. cleaning her pearl like, long sharp sword, with white energy.

"i don't believe it.. it's just been a few years since i left heaven right?"

Zena looked at him, with a complicated expression, as her face went ugly.

"i-it seems you've been with the humans for too long. which made you forget how long you were away."

"well then how long was i gone.."

"it's been a million years now Athos."